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zoe_codez Zoe Codez

DIY projects, gardening, cooking, crochet, home automation, and writing code

Posts 9
Comments 26
Switching to Intramuscular Injections
  • Right from the site! It's a bit of a maze there, direct link:

    The syringe / needle options don't super matter, it includes the attachments for all the syringe sizes in the package.

  • Switching to Intramuscular Injections
  • For sure!

    Picked one of them up for myself, along with a giant box of 1ml syringes, when I started injections. Totally recommend, works great

  • Switching to Intramuscular Injections
  • Looks like that one is for subcutaneous only, but Union Medico makes a similar product for IM

  • What's some really unpopular opinion you have?
  • Have yard with dog door, it's good for a bored sniff, and occasionally howling at an ambulance. Doesn't come close to the stimulation he gets from the park or some active interaction. It made housebreaking easy, but that's it

  • People who keep journals or diaries, do you hand write or type?
  • It's more of a "thought catcher" for me. I have a private chat set up that I just jot things down in the moment. I'll occasionally go through and react with emoji to form a few storylines running through the week. It's pretty much a 1 sided text message conversation

  • Voyager 1.1.0 update breaks images in Fennec/Firefox for Android
  • Pulled it in, confirmed working again for me

  • Voyager 1.1.0 update breaks images in Fennec/Firefox for Android
  • I am not able to replicate on Android FF either, but Chrome does have this issue. Maybe your setup is the same that way?

  • test post
  • admin comment reply

  • My double sided pride blanket is finally complete
  • Basically a weighted blanket! Almost 20 lbs 😁

    Ended up going faster than you'd expect, started in March. Hid all the WIP stuff in another room, so it felt like I was starting a fresh project every couple of days for most of it

  • My double sided pride blanket is finally complete
  • Worked as 2 blankets using the same pattern, then ran a final border around the edge to join them. They aren't super securely attached right now.

    Thinking about going back to add an extra line of something along the border of each square to join the sheets extra strong

  • My double sided pride blanket is finally complete
  • 48 balls of the pride yarn (2 per square), and another 18ish for the borders and joins

  • Crochet Zoe Codez

    My double sided pride blanket is finally complete

    [Bug/Feature?] Use SELECT TEXT on a deleted comment
  • Was more thinking the api should sanitize those for normal people. Makes sense that they'd continue to exist in the database for restoration

    Agree with the editing. Mods get a purge button also, which makes a bit more sense now

  • [Bug/Feature?] Use SELECT TEXT on a deleted comment
  • Interesting the API returns the text for people that shouldn't have access. That's a bug with Lemmy I'd say. A ticket should probably be filed there

    Put up a PR to fix this with voyager tho, quick change. Keeps the button around for mods & the author, but hides it for everyone else when the comment is removed

  • Why isn't the Voyager app mentioned on Lemmy's official website?
  • Nobody thought to add it probably. Did a quick search on github, looks like it can be added here if someone is interested:

  • Help with backup solution
  • Borg Backup works great for that, exactly it's use case. It's a command line thing, but you can use Vorta as a UI if you want that. If you have a NAS, it can back up directly to that.

    I have a second cronjob in my setup that syncs the encrypted archive to B2 nightly. Works great

  • What is the long-term storage plan for Lemmy instances?
  • My local instance that I run for myself is about a week old. Has 2.5G in pictrs, 609M in postgres. One of those things that'll vary for every setup

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • Makita for anything that takes a battery, anything goes for the rest

  • What are your must-have packages?
    • htop
    • docker
    • zsh
    • tmux
    • ssh
    • git
    • rsync
    • curl
    • dnsutils
    • jq
    • nodejs (managed via fnm)
  • Crochet Zoe Codez

    I found a pattern for a convertible egg, and HAD to modify an owl


    @digital-alchemy/pi-matrix v3 - Home Assistant, calendar, and todo list integrated with custom rgb matrix

    Hey everyone!

    I wanted to share a working demo of @digital-alchemy/pi-matrix with you all. It is currently running on this raspberry pi setup, with my automation system posting layout and content updates to it.

    Most of the data being rendered on the display is directly sourced from Home Assistant, including the calendar lines. The todo list is completely custom and gets merged into the calendar lines to form a priority-sorted list of upcoming tasks. The lines on the left subtly distinguish the type of each line item with color. Additionally, the display can show various alerts and real-time stats when they are relevant.

    The hardware setup consists of an old power supply, Raspberry Pi, USB speaker, and an array of Adafruit RGB matrix panels attached to extruded aluminum using magnets. The hardware has undergone significant improvements since the original prototypes, with each panel now having its own dedicated power and ground lines from the supply, a chonky heat sink, and an additional speaker added in the most recent revision.

    The Pi is connected to a UPS, and the panels/power supply itself is connected to a smart plug, seamlessly integrated into my room scenes. The entire setup fits seamlessly into my room and automation setup. The combination of readily available hardware and open-source software has been a perfect match for me. Initially, I designed this project to help me stay on top of my chores despite having ADHD. The "red text silently judging me from above my screen" effect has been incredibly effective in helping me act like a properly functioning adult.

    I hope you find this project as fascinating as I do! Let me know if you have any questions or feedback.

    Updates Zoe Codez

    Changelog - V23.28.1

    Bugfix: local_only webhooks for Home Assistant entities

    Quick change to resolve warnings being emitted from the Lovelace UI:

    Updated the webhook yaml generation to include the local_only flag. This appears to be a feature added in the last month or two for Home Assistant, which the library is now properly compatible with

    > Note: this flag is hard coded on, and requires an yaml package rebuild to properly add the flag in to all webhooks

    Button to return to the top of feed?
  • This doesn't happen for me either, same version. It'll kinda try sometimes, partly scrolling into view. It doesn't properly interact with scrolling until the top

  • Looking happy after a deep watering


    @digital-alchemy/home-assistant - A Typescript first library for building automation applications

    Hey all! Wanted to put my project out for people to check out, have a dedicated Lemmy community ([email protected]) that I'll be more active in for posting updates and answering more library specific questions.

    What is this project?

    @digital-alchemy is a set of extensions that take advantage of the NestJS direction injection framework to provide custom bootstrapping logic and provider logic. It contains libraries to cover terminal apps, home automation, and more.

    Current Module State

    I've been personally using / developing the proxy api bindings for almost 2 years now. The basic proxy api type generation and bindings are stable, with only add minor features and type enhancements are really expected in the future. I appreciate my waking up to working automation setups, so this library has a lot of attention given to stability and anti foot-gun features.

    Entity generation is still on the experimental side. The most useful to me domains are implemented, but the rest are planned, along with some potential internal architectural updates.

    Basic Concept

    The best comparison for the niche this library fills is against Node Red. It will expose a combination of rest api & websocket endpoints in a way that enables application logic to be written. The @digital-alchemy/automation-logic

    This library will pull from the active running configuration in your Home Assistant install, and set up a bunch of type definitions to match it. All entities will be present, and all services will be explicitly listed with all their parameters and filters for valid entities. It then will emit events through a series of eventemitter bindings, and make available services through a javascript proxy api.

    Module Goals / Scope

    The @digital-alchemy/home-assistant library is part of a larger repo which contains additional, more opinionated, Home Automation related modules. This library aims to be a lower level library, doing more basic transformations and convenience tooling

    Rest API

    A basic typescript friendly wrapper is provided for the Home Assistant. It covers most of the common interactions and information requests that can be performed from the Lovelace UI. Retrieving logs, searching calendars, configuration interactions, etc.

    Not super exciting, but it covers some of the oddball interactions not available within the websocket

    Websocket API

    If you really really want to, the raw socket is available for interactions. That method of interaction is discouraged in favor of using the higher level proxy api tooling. These sit on top of the connection, maintaining a local copy of entity states, formatting valid commands, and passing through events to trigger logic through more readable bindings.

    Push Entity Generation

    The library also has the ability to generate new permanent entities within Home Assistant. This gives them unique ids, which allows them to be persisted through reboots and properly track history. Currently, this is accomplished by generating template entities and including them as a YAML package in your Home Assistant configuration. This feature requires a http receiver to be available in your app for rest calls to talk back to.

    Support is currently limited to these domains, but the rest will be added as time permits:

    • switch
    • binary_sensor
    • sensor
    • button

    Example Code

    Hass CLI


    This application is based off @digital-alchemy/tty, and provides a spot to test stuff in an easy to debug spot for myself. It isn't intended to be extremely functional, but some features may be added in the future as the need / requests arise

    Home Automation


    A standalone repo, suitable for forking and messing around with. It runs as a standalone NodeJS application, and utilizes @digital-alchemy/automation-logic to arrange logic into rooms, create scenes, and manage concepts as higher level elements.

    Much of the code here is lazily copied from my running setup earlier in the year, and slightly tweaked to fit into a single application repo instead of a second monorepo. It contains a lot of examples of small automations, scene creation, device trigger based eventing, and a few other things


    @digital-alchemy GitHub GitHub - zoe-codez/digital-alchemy: Customized Typescript definitions for your Home Assistant setup; Library collection for NestJS including bootstrapping, logging, configuration management, terminal utilities, and more.

    Customized Typescript definitions for your Home Assistant setup; Library collection for NestJS including bootstrapping, logging, configuration management, terminal utilities, and more. - GitHub - z...

    GitHub - zoe-codez/digital-alchemy: Customized Typescript definitions for your Home Assistant setup; Library collection for NestJS including bootstrapping, logging, configuration management, terminal utilities, and more.
    Updates Zoe Codez

    Changelog - v23.27.1

    New Feature: dynamic_config

    The ApplicationModuleMetadata interface has been updated with a new configuration parameter: dynamic_config.

    This parameter takes the format of a ValueProvider | FactoryProvider, which can pull in other providers in order to generate configuration data.

    The value merge priorities have been updated to the following:

    1. values provided via module definitions
    2. values provided via bootstrap
    3. values loaded via dynamic config
    4. values loaded from configuration files
    5. values loaded from environment variables
    6. values loaded from command line switches

    Use Case: Centralized configuration provider

    At the beginning of the bootstrapping sequence, the application perform a http request to a central configuration provider in order to retrieve additional auth keys. These keys could then be injected / refined via the normal @InjectConfig mechanisms


    This value is resolved at the extreme start of bootstrapping. Care needs to be taken to not create chicken-and-egg situations. It is best for loaders to be extremely lean in their dependences



    ``` import { AbstractConfig, AutoLogService, FetchService } from "@digital-alchemy/boilerplate"; import { is, SECOND, sleep, START } from "@digital-alchemy/utilities"; import { hostname, userInfo } from "os"; import { exit } from "process";

    type SystemInitResponse = { config: AbstractConfig }; const { username } = userInfo(); const name = hostname();

    const ATTEMPTS = 10;

    export const CONFIG_LOADER = (app: string) => ({ inject: [FetchService, AutoLogService], async useFactory(fetch: FetchService, logger: AutoLogService) { for (let i = START; i <= ATTEMPTS; i++) { const configuration = await fetch.fetch<SystemInitResponse>({ rawUrl: true, url: http://central.control/init/identify/${username}/${name}/${app}, }); if (is.object(configuration)) { return configuration.config; } logger.warn(Failed to load configuration. Attempt [%s]/[%s], i, ATTEMPTS); await sleep(SECOND); } logger.fatal(FAILED TO LOAD CONFIGURATION); exit(); }, }); ```


    ``` import { ApplicationModule } from "@digital-alchemy/boilerplate";

    import { CONFIG_LOADER } from "./loader"

    @ApplicationModule({ dynamic_config: CONFIG_LOADER("special-app"), }) export class MyApplication {} ```
