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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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Maine’s Health Department Rarely Investigates When Residents Wander Away From Their Care Facilities
  • It’s fine. I got my answer: you have no idea why you want to live, no value commitments of any kind, and apparently zero interest in anyone or anything but yourself.

    Thanks for the answer. I hoped for something less cynical, but the truth is what it is.

  • Maine’s Health Department Rarely Investigates When Residents Wander Away From Their Care Facilities
  • A small amount you can be saving for your kids, or for actual worthy causes.

    People like you are why this world is ending. You’re a selfish nihilist who loves no one and cares about nothing and can’t even articulate why he’s alive. Grotesque.

  • Maine’s Health Department Rarely Investigates When Residents Wander Away From Their Care Facilities
  • Keeping your mindless body alive helps the economy just fine. Money gets spent either way. What you aren’t helping is your loved ones or hungry children or the rainforest or whatever it is that you care about — which I’m rapidly realizing is nothing at all. You care about nothing but your own self.

  • Maine’s Health Department Rarely Investigates When Residents Wander Away From Their Care Facilities
  • It sounds like you haven’t heard of insurance. It’s not free or magical. Someone has to pay for it, and afterwards that money has to be wasted doing exactly what I described. Money and manpower that could have been spent doing literally anything else, such as feeding hungry children or saving the rainforest.

    You’re essentially setting aside cash NOT for your loved ones or in service to some worthy cause, but to keep your mindless body alive.

  • Maine’s Health Department Rarely Investigates When Residents Wander Away From Their Care Facilities
  • Here’s how your answer sounds to me:

    “I would rather pay hundreds of thousands of dollars to waste people’s time wiping my ass long after I’ve lost my mind than help future generations and my loved ones by passing away at a moment of my choosing.”

  • Maine’s Health Department Rarely Investigates When Residents Wander Away From Their Care Facilities
  • Who is paying for your nursing home?? Do you imagine the people are there wiping your ass because they enjoy it?

    Did it seriously never occur to you that if you get to that stage everyone would be wasting resources keeping your mindless body alive instead of, say, feeding hungry children and investing in their future?

  • Maine’s Health Department Rarely Investigates When Residents Wander Away From Their Care Facilities
  • This is circular. If you had dementia, you wouldn’t like living, because you’d be a zombie, and even if you did still like living (doubtful), you’d be an enormous burden on those you love, which would presumably undercut your “joy” at being a mindless husk. So why the fuck would you want to keep living in that case? Is it to give the middle finger to the world? To force people to wipe your ass for you?

  • Maine’s Health Department Rarely Investigates When Residents Wander Away From Their Care Facilities
  • And I gave you my answer- I don't believe in an afterlife, so I don't want to end my life unless it has to end.

    WHY? That’s what I’m asking you. You haven’t even attempted to answer this question.

    You don’t like the answer

    You haven’t given an answer, and my guess is you don’t have one. Perhaps the reason you would want to live, even with dementia, is a mystery to you. That’s fine, but just say so.

  • Maine’s Health Department Rarely Investigates When Residents Wander Away From Their Care Facilities
  • Dementia is a spectrum of neuropathology, so you’ve effectively ignored my question. But ok, let’s go with your specific example. Why would you keep your father alive in such an undignified state? You’re describing him as playing with “child-level jigsaw puzzles,” meaning he's barely sentient and someone has to wipe his ass, which is a horrifying indignity. Literally my idea of hell. Are you punishing him? Are you punishing yourself?

    Humans are supposed to transcend the mortal realm, so why this obsession with remaining alive even at the expense of everyone around you? I guess I’ll never get an answer.

  • Maine’s Health Department Rarely Investigates When Residents Wander Away From Their Care Facilities
  • I defer to you on whether your particular life was worth living. The question is why you would want to live if your mind, your character and memories were gone — if you were a burden on those around you and could no longer engage in self-reflection or abstract reasoning. What would be the point?

  • Maine’s Health Department Rarely Investigates When Residents Wander Away From Their Care Facilities
  • I want to be alive as long as possible.

    Yes, but why? I understand that you want your body to remain alive even after your mind has gone and you’ve become a burden on those around you, but I’m asking you why.

    I do not believe in an afterlife, so I want every single second of life on this planet I can possibly get

    So unless there were an afterlife, you’d want to live a life that wasn’t worth living? Why?

  • Maine’s Health Department Rarely Investigates When Residents Wander Away From Their Care Facilities
  • Honest question, why are people so obsessed with living? I’d want to be euthanized at the first sign of dementia. Just give me like a week to get my affairs in order. It’s bizarre that people would rather exist as mindless husks than die peacefully at a time of their choosing.

    Maybe it’s fear. Most humans live and think like animals whose impulse to survive overrides rationality. Or is there another explanation?

    I genuinely want to understand.