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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (

28, gender returned undefined. I read too much. DM me book suggestions

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Comments 20
Install only the "core" of the distro on an SSD, other packages on HDD?
  • The easiest way off the top of my head would be reinstall and manually design your partitioning so anything that'd benefit is on the SSD and everything else is on the HDD. You might be able to get away with / on the SSD and /home on the HDD, I don't know what all you have installed or what amount of space Ubuntu requires by default. If you wanna go this route, I'd start your reading here:

  • Aspartame: Sweetener used in Diet Coke possibly causes cancer, WHO set to declare
  • It is not a stretch that such RF exposure could potentially have carcinogenic properties, but that needs context, the likelihood of a cell phone is pretty much nil.

    That's not how non-ionizing radiation works. The MPE exposure limits are because you can be effectively cooked, not because you'll get cancer. You need much more energy to do that, like UV light, X or gamma rays.

  • Lemmy is so good right now for no particular reason
  • Realistically, this is one of the reasons Lemmy is so good right now. The masses generally don't put up with alpha software. Honestly, I like it this way. Improvements are good, but there's something about seeing something grow and develop

  • Lemmy is so good right now for no particular reason
  • running on some office PC I find for cheap on Ebay

    If you do this, highly suggest VMs so you can host more stuff. There's soooo many options and it's a lot of fun. Home Assistant (/c/homeassistant) in particular has been pretty life-changing for me, but that's a whole thing lol

  • Lemmy is so good right now for no particular reason
  • Realistically, this is one of the reasons Lemmy is so good right now. The masses generally don't put up with alpha software. Honestly, I like it this way. Improvements are good, but there's something about seeing something grow and develop

  • Internet Historian - The Engoodening of No Man's Sky -


    ManyATrueNerd - Fallout 3 Is Better Than You Think


    Defunctland - Disney's FastPass: A Complicated History


    Defunctland - Disney Channel's Theme: A History Mystery

    Scooby Doo we_were_never_here

    "Honest guys, the sandwich making dog said he would be here!"

    Such a great line, and honestly the whole movie is pretty decent, even if Food Network was a bit weird of a crossover imo.

    Air Quality Cards
  • Glad you like them! Now you gotta share whatever you build :)

    I was originally using the Airvisual cloud integration, which wasn't accurate at all. I found the Airnow one right when the wildfire smoke got bad around here and it made a huge difference.

  • Air Quality Cards

    Given that the air quality is going to shit in m y area again, I figured I'd show off my air quality cards! Let me know if you have any questions. The colors for the AQI cards are from US EPA's color set and the the PM2.5 color values are based off EPA's PM2.5 exposure over 24 hours

    ! ^ These are based off the stock gauge card.

    ``` type: gauge entity: sensor.airnow_aqi name: AQI unit: ' ' needle: true min: 20 max: 500 segments:

    • from: 0 color: '#00e400'
    • from: 51 color: '#ffff00'
    • from: 101 color: '#ff7e00'
    • from: 151 color: '#ff0000'
    • from: 201 color: '#8f3f97'
    • from: 301 color: '#800000' ```

    ``` type: gauge entity: sensor.airnow_pm2_5 name: PM2.5 needle: true min: 0 max: 200 segments:

    • from: 0 color: '#64a13c'
    • from: 12.6 color: '#eac51c'
    • from: 26 color: '#d67900'
    • from: 51 color: '#a90737'
    • from: 151 color: '#50051e' ```

    ! ^ This one is based off the mini-graph-card, which I really like.

    ``` type: custom:mini-graph-card name: Air Quality icon: mdi:air-purifier hours_to_show: 12 points_per_hour: 1 smoothing: false color_thresholds:

    • value: 0 color: '#00e400'
    • value: 51 color: '#ffff00'
    • value: 101 color: '#ff7e00'
    • value: 151 color: '#ff0000'
    • value: 201 color: '#8f3f97'
    • value: 301 color: '#800000' entities:
    • entity: sensor.airnow_aqi name: AQI
    • entity: sensor.airnow_o3 name: Ozone color: '#3399ff' show_state: true
    • entity: sensor.airnow_pm2_5 name: PM2.5 color: '#ff7777' show_state: true y_axis: secondary ```