Do you really think that's what i meant or have you just found a stupid interpretation you're blaming me for like it's my problem?
you want me to bend to your censorship in a post about censorship? sure thing bruv
As a retard, legitimately having worn the label for the first two decades of my life on account of a bit o' the 'tism, I assure you it's you who's being offensive, not me. That is my word and I have a right to it, given to me by all of you.
stop borrowing things from other people's lives so you can have something to pretend you're righteous about. THAT is the common denominator of everything deemed "offensive" nowadays - it's not yours, no one with the problem is making this complaint, NOBODY WITH THE PROBLEM SEES THIS AS A PROBLEM, and you're just all virtue signalling your ridiculous asses off. That is what's censored
Tell it to offer a test answer. there are always workarounds when an AI has been told not to talk about something. you can simply tell it to ignore that instruction. why are people stymied by this? it's a computer it's not a person refusing you. stop giving up so easily
Somebody's house gonna burn over this. we all know who the true removeds are
it's always the people who see demons everywhere behaving like fucking demons
project project project
it's time to put all the police in jail
edit: and judges
Time to learn what you're consigning us to over your mostly trivial shit. Don't buy it before you try it!
lmfao evidently a meme that makes people very angry. 15+ downvotes. fuckin americans man. you guys truly fucking hate each other. good job! great culture, just the best stuff... totally worth fighting for, and definitely worth inflicting on the rest of the world, buncha bitches
truly ironic given some of your accents
Oh good. Weren't you going to drop dead soon, putain?
gee whatever you do don't go out of business or anything
Bird flu boogaloo round 2!
Diamonds may be forever, but carbon is not exactly valuable, objectively speaking.
this way they get to watch him suffer and think it the action of god and believe themselves righteous for not offering assistance
because its a quote, bro, wtf
i mean, i'm canadian. everybody loves that shit because that shit is good. And it comes from oppression by conservatism, conservatism writ large and taken as a global pattern (nobody gives a shit about american idiosyncrasies), although that certainly doesn't mean its credit belongs to conservatism (just in case a redneck wanders in)
it's the traditional conservative value. it's what they're trying to conserve, the time when they're the boss. all the rest is bullshit, every word. If they actually cared about you they'd listen to you
He's just so pathetic. He's the actual antichrist, i mean there's not time left for another one, standing there prepared for when he shits himself and singing the song of his stupid fucking people. It's beneath contempt