I currently have a HP laptop with decent hardware with void linux. The problem is i cannot repair or upgrade that laptop apart of ram and HDD. I want to upgrade or repair on my own.
Low level programming C, rust and Machine Learning programming with Python. No need of huge graphics card.
How Sudoku like problems can be represented in Exact Cover Problems ?
I understand that Exact Cover is a problem where you want to select a subset of rows from a binary matrix such that each column contains exactly one '1'. What specific constraints need to be included in the matrix to ensure that the solution adheres to the rules of Sudoku (e.g., unique numbers in rows, columns, and subgrids)? provide a simple example of a Sudoku puzzle and its corresponding Exact Cover representation may be 3x3 sudoku puzzle for example ? I tried reading the Wikipedia article and various links, but I couldn't understand Exact Cover, even though I am familiar with the DLX structure.
Looking for advice on PC build for programming
I’m planning to build a computer primarily for programming and want to ensure it’s upgradeable for the future. and Hardware with opensource drivers support.