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tomve_cz tomve_cz
Posts 1
Comments 27
5 days on kbin and I have enough ... the force of dislikes for personal view is beyond me ... so good luck here guys ... I already requested to delete account
  • @tikitaki


    It was for @szczur about stalking - we had exchange in one thread.

    Left ideals never were my cup of coffee.
    I'm freelancer, working more hours than ordinary employee. I'm solving my personal problems by myself etc. I'm solving clients problems.

    On the another hand leftists are just complaining on everything how it's not fair They want everything for free etc.

    I thought kbin is about having fun etc but it looks to me like house of leftists / communists.

    Obviously kbin is not for me and I'm fine with it. I can live without it.

  • Rich Lives matter
  • You just showed that you have no fucking idea about living.

    You are more likely bored person who never had to work or your parents are / were too busy so they didn't spend a lot of time with you and you ended up in some naive reality.

  • Infamous Reddit powermod, Awkwardtheturtle is permanently banned
  • Honestly, I didn't realized that this place is full of leftists or communists.

    I wouldn't never be here if I knew earlier that communists are here.

    Anyway I requested to delete my account.

  • Rich Lives matter
  • btw are you american or european? I saw that you wrote about serving in US CG

  • Rich Lives matter
  • Do you want to make europe one big islamic continent? Do I understand correctly? thx

  • Infamous Reddit powermod, Awkwardtheturtle is permanently banned
  • what ageism? it's all about experiences, experiences

    what happened with accepting another view? ehm

  • I moved to Germany and regret it. I've felt unwelcome by the people, and not even the great healthcare can convince me to stay.
  • lol, thumbs down for link on crime ranking ... hilarious how reality denying mode is working

  • I moved to Germany and regret it. I've felt unwelcome by the people, and not even the great healthcare can convince me to stay.
  • Germany is lost because of Muti Merkel and her migrants ... eastern europe is still fine

  • Rich Lives matter
  • Muti Merkel and her 'Wir schafen das' promised them free money.

    They came here for free money. Not for european culture and values.

    Germans / French women and girls are raped every week by migrants.
    Knife attacks are common business in Germany / France.
    Sweden is admitting that they can't handle gang wars made by migrants.

    Europe is getting to destroy by migrants because they don't give fuck about europe.

    Peace, love for everyone is one big fairy tale. World / nature / universe doesn't work like it.

    Move out of europe if you hate europe.

  • Rich Lives matter
  • That's reality

  • Infamous Reddit powermod, Awkwardtheturtle is permanently banned
  • Reddit is going same path like Bud Light

    It seems that most of young managers are just kiddos without reality check.

  • Rich Lives matter
  • Migrants shouldn't go to europe in first place.

    I'm thanking god (like ateist) every day that I'm not living in that part of europe where is raping, murdering, gang wars daily business.

  • Fighting Back: PoliticalHumor Breaks Down Barriers by making ALL subscribers Moderators
  • Never fight with community ... internet has no border and your website is one of infinity

    Also Reddit IPO will be nuked pretty hard

  • The rich pressuring the poor to donate money
  • It's still fine.

    Some big international store in europe is asking to buy food from them for full price and donate it to food bank. Fuckin hilarious for making profit on charity.