I hope it never becomes Cisco.
I agree with those that say it really depends on what you want atm. If it's something you're actually wanting and think you can manage that with the other things you have going on, then as a 30 year old loner myself, I would say go for it—but maybe that's just me projecting. I've been bitching about getting into a relationship and make excuses nonstop but I ain't necessarily getting any younger. They'll probably make the movie 60 year old virgin about me, so look forward to that (the movie). 😉
Just bring back actual flip phones... jfc.
I legit don't get how so many people do so much over the weekend. I don't do shit when I get back from work 'cause it never ends.
Seriously though, the human obsession with playing god is truly dumbfounding to the point where I almost wish an asteroid did finally come and wipe us all out. People really believe they can justify anything...
It's a new era, indeed.
I'll probably die a virgin. They won't be able to come up with a movie about that. Lame.
Why not just stop being reliant on cars... you know... put down more rail.... use.. trains...
I can't even afford a dingy studio where I'm at... tf
They suck and also the higher capacity batteries take up too much space now.
I just want to lose my virginity... lmao. And then next best thing would be to have an actual relationship with someone instead of the abusive one I have with my alone time hand.
Mission failed successfully?
I don't know if Librewolf counts as obscure enough but Mozilla's decisions on things as of late have been very questionable. It's probably not enough to just use Librewolf but it's a start...
Idk that's sounds like what a Nazi would say.
Imagine how big the ruler they used to measure that was.
Anyone remember Flash Player? Me neither...
You're worth it though, right? Not being sarcastic....