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stephfinitely stephfinitely
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What are you playing? (Week of July 30th through the August 5th)

Weekly thread

Judge blocks Arkansas law allowing librarians to be criminally charged over ‘harmful’ materials
  • Of course they tried to do this. GOP the party of cancel culture.

  • Lauren Boebert rages at Pete Buttigieg for problem House Republicans aren’t solving (Pilot Shortage)
  • GOP when is the government suppose to step in and regulate businesses? Your message seems to be all over the place.

  • The Legend of Zelda Seasons and Ages are now available on the Switch.

    Texas charges prisoners 50% more for water as heat wave continues
  • I wasn't defending the prison system I was trying to say it worse then just having them pay for water. They are make the "free" water they can have is so bad that the prisoners have to buy water. Which should be very illegal.

  • Texas charges prisoners 50% more for water as heat wave continues
  • They charge of portable water, they have access to free tap water but apparently the tap water is so bad they are forced to buy water bottles. So effectively the prison know they can't charge just for water so they make sure the water from the taps isn't good enough to drink but passes whatever low bar Texas has in it regulations and then charges them for bottle water.

  • What are you playing? (Week of July 23th through the July 29th)
  • My daughter has really gotten me back into Minecraft. I'm now play Create Astral.

  • What are you playing? (Week of July 23th through the July 29th)

    Weekly Thread

    DeSantis doubles down on claim that some Blacks benefited from slavery
  • What personal benefits do these people think slaves had/have?

  • 💄👄🖕
  • And than if you don't wear make up you are told you would look better if you tried a little make make up. Damed if you do, damed if you don't.

  • Republicans Are at War With College Towns. And They’re Losing.
  • While I agree those that vote are getting older. The reason young people don't vote has nothing to do with not wanting to vote, it's the GOP constantly change the rules and places of voting.

  • Netflix says people just kind of rolled over and accepted the password sharing crackdown
  • How can we honestly know yet? How many people just got a free trial and might stop right after or a month or so later after they decide they don't want to pay.

  • Netflix password crackdown fuels jump in subscribers
  • I hate these head lines. It is too early to know if this has an actual impact of subs. Since some might still have a free trial and might cancel after or after a few months of paying.

  • Miyamoto wonders why Pikmin hasn't sold more and why people think the games are difficult
  • This isn't an indicator of anything for Nintendo. They have many exclusive games and all are around $60, even one released 10 years ago and many of those games sold tons and still sell tons.

  • What are you playing? (Week of July 16th through the July 22nd)
  • Fine....everyone keeps posting how they are playing Disco Elysium I'll try to get into it again. Lol

  • What are you playing? (Week of July 16th through the July 22nd)
  • Sadly for me this week has been busy and I really haven't played anything.

  • What are you playing? (Week of July 16th through the July 22nd)

    Weekly Thread

    GOP lawmakers predict ‘fistfight’ between Marjorie Taylor Greene and Lauren Boebert
  • I mean YouTubers are boxing each other so why not politicians.

  • Italy begins stripping lesbian mothers of their parental rights
  • Wow that was haunting to read. How much they hurt these people that just want a family is sickening.

  • Community of women gamers where you can discuss anything gaming.

    Forge has been forked
  • I've been out of the Minecraft modding community for............. ever and I honestly have no idea where to start, especially now with forge controversy. I want to play the create mod. Does anyone have tips, tricks or tutorials?

  • What are you playing? (Week of July 9th through the July 15th)

    Weekly Thread


    What are you playing? (Week of July 2nd through the July 8th)

    For myself I spent the last few days playing Minecraft with my daughter.


    How many of us also fall into the LGBTQA+ gaming category?



    What are you playing? (Week of June 25th through the July 1st)

    I've haven't been feeling well and weirdly that when I just lay in bed and watch LP of horror games. So I haven't really played anything this week but have watched full play throughs of Silent Hill 1 & 2.


    If you could have any game what would it be?

    This can be a remake, sequel or completely original game. For myself I wish we could have gotten a Star Gate game.


    What are you playing? (Week of June 18th through the 24th)

    Weekly post


    I wish progressive had been adapted into a Anime instead of movies.

    As the tiles says I wish the progressive light novels had been adapted into a long running anime.


    We have 62 subscribers, ladies feel free to create some articles.

    This community is still very young so for now we are open to pretty much any type of post as long as they are related to gaming and/or being a women gamer. So please feel free to create some articles.


    Don't forget to pick up the free games on Epic Games. This week they are Guacamelee! 2 and Guacamelee! Super Turbo Championship Edition.


    Atlus game have a big problem with homophobic and transphobia.

    This comes to no surprise to anyone who has played their Persona series or Catherine. I'm just bringing it up again because I went back to play Persona 3 Portable because of all the remake news and while P3P might have the least overall issues it does still have a transwomen being portrayed as a predator. They also having the character have stubble as their not so subtle way of point out this character is trans.

    Like I said there are way worse examples in their games. Persona 4 has a FTM character where the main character can active force to basically detransition.

    Then there is Erica from Catherine. I love Erica and they way the character make back handed comments and even make fun of a character for dating her really irritates me.

    Anyways rant over. What are your thoughts on this?


    What are you playing? (Weekly Thread)

    Starting today every Wednesday I'll be posting a "what are you playing?" thread.

    I'll start, with all the news of the Persona 3 remake I have gone back and started playing Persona 3 Portable again.


    Welcome to Girl Gamer!!

    I will be working on this magazine over the next comple day to really flush it out but in the mean time feel free to discuss anything related to being a girl gamer.


    YSK, Anyone can see what Magazines (Subreddits) you are subscribe to by default.

    This can be turned off in the setting. So if you are worried about anyone giving you issues for a magazine you are subscribe, I recommend turn this feature off.
