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By the 2020s, the American government – reacting to serious problems of homelessness and unemployment – created special Sanctuary Districts in most major cities.
  • Most homeless shelters in San Francisco dont allow people to take their belongings in with them.

    Attitudes towards the homeless are highly backwards - demanding sobriety as a condition for aid, when in reality drugs are used as a way to escape the pain of trauma and homelessness. SF residents voted and passed Proposition F, cementing the idea that feeling smugness over the homeless is more important than actually trying to help them escape poverty.

  • Young women are the most progressive group in American history. Young men are checked out
  • The illusion of power is not the same as actually having it. I wish more men understood this. There is no republican policy that actually empowers working class men to do better in their lives. The sports of dunking on liberals is a distraction from the fact that republicans have no plan to help their constituents.

    Also, like whiny crybabies like the former president are not masculine and definitely not role models for such. If he was, then republican men would find dates a lot easier. This faked version of masculinity is not fooling women, who see the whiny, fragile intolerance for what it is: a cowardly fear of everyone different than themselves. Incels under republican rule will still never get dates, and they never have in whatever rose glasses version of the past theyre idealizing. Hateful cowards simply aren't attractive. The "return" to power isn't there. Its a lie.

    edit: my bad i thought i was in c/politics

  • What's the oldest technology you continue using?
  • For a computer, I recently learned there are mod kits for the game boy, so i installed a backlit screen on mine. I use rechargeable batteries with it.

  • ‘What are the odds?’ California family lost one home to wildfire in 2018 — and a second in 2024
  • Yeah im sure they could just use their spare 2 million dollars they had sitting around after the Camp fire to buy a home in a safer area in northern California. Easy peasy.

  • Code Reuse (8 May 2018)
  • Its still accurate if you delete the second panel.

  • The moviegoer experience these days
  • Cushioned, motorized reclining seats with footrests. Thick armrests so that you have a little personal space from your neighbors. And, they still got the drink holders. Quite different than the cheaper plastic seats from two decades ago.

  • Caw.
  • thank you!

  • Caw.
  • cool! who's the artist i wanna see more of their stuff!

  • First time?
  • Its so surreal seeing like DEI being blamed for company failures. I've been to DEI trainings. It's like 3 or 4 meetings in an entire year lmao. Many people have like 6 meetings in a day. It didn't make upper management stop being assholes either. Like how big of a baby do you have to be to think that the DEI trainings made a difference, let alone actually affect company operations?

  • More parents are taking on debt to pay for Disney vacations as prices soar
  • I feel bad for the parents because I bet so many of them are unaware of the totally greedy changes Disney has put in these last 5 years. Their parents took them to Disneyland so they just do the same for their own kids.

    Anyway, they monetized their "fast pass" system in a way that they have an economic incentive to keep lines long. - despite everyone having smartphones, and despite Disney already having a park app for people to use. I won't be visiting while that's in effect, that's for sure.

  • It's totally fine.
  • Ah, so that's what the pro gamers are doing.

  • Ah, a Generative Untrained Transformer
  • It's one of those pads you put on top to keep dirt from getting in between the keys

  • Those poor jeans had it rough
  • As someone with stubby, short legs, I'm always partying like it's 1999.

  • Biden calls U.S. ally Japan 'xenophobic,' along with China and Russia
  • How on earth did you grow up believing that people that look similar at all think similar? Did you grow up in a safety bubble? A padded room? Have you ever been outside once in your entire life? Did you climb out of a time machine from the 1600s? Lmfao.

    edit: poster edited comment to sound sarcastic.

  • Game devs praise Steam as a 'democratic platform' that 'continues to be transformative' for PC gaming today
  • Apple and Google's 30% not only hits the base price, but every single transaction that happens inside apps as well. Imagine a toll bridge in front of your nearest supermarket where the people working the toll booth inspect every bag of grocery you bought and then charged you toll based on what you bought there.

    Apps arent entirely like video games. If you wanted to open a non-subscription based music store or book store or whatever, you'd find it economically impossible to pay the publishers their cut, apple their cut, your server host their cut, and have anything left over for yourself without charging your customers their arms and legs. This is why all those kinds of apps are subscription based. You can cleverly batch and bundle stuff in a monthly subscription fee which gives you room to dance around google and apples high fees and have enough money to keep your lights on.

  • I just ask my problem bro...chill....
  • Stack Overflow isn't a tutor site. It's a wiki. Its usefulness would plummet if duplicate questions are allowed, since that would scatter all the answers.

  • The reason everyone thinks Americans have no culture is because their culture is prevalent everywhere.
  • I bet it's more to do with how little Americans own their own culture. Copyrights in the USA used to expire after 30 years, after which it became public domain. Or in other words, culture was returned to the people as a whole.

    Nowdays the copyrights last beyond a lifetime, and Americans grow up in a world where they almost never experience relevant pop culture outside of being owned or controlled by someone. When you find American content, you don't think of "American culture" you think of "This is owned by Disney" or "This is owned by Paramount" and so on and so forth. You have original authors and content creators, being the gods of the world they created, and everyone else are "fan artists" or "fanfic writers," being implied to be lesser. Those fan artists will be fan artists their entire lives, and their works will never be 'canon' in the eyes of the Owners. If you like Harry Potter but not Rowling, too bad. The public cant reclaim it.

    That's not how culture works though. Culture remixes, reinspires, deconstructs, rebuilds, and memes on. That's how everyone did stuff before the advent of recorded media. The good stuff is repeated and boosted. In a way, the Internet culture that emerged in the 90s sought out to rebuild what was lost after the 1890s.

  • What exactly is the process of traveling by plane from US (where I am) to Japan for a few weeks?
  • Oh, I just got back from there.

    For a vacation less than 90 days, you only need a passport from your home country, and proof of your return flight in less than 90 days. Drugs were covered in another comment, but dont bring veggies or meat products into Japan, even if its like a Slim Jim thing you got at the airport, they'll give you a hard time over it. The trip can be long, so its worth planning it out to give your future tired self less things to think about. Expect to be sleep deprived your first 2 days.

    Travel agencies are good for booking hotels in advance, which i highly reccomend to do 1 month before. I stayed 2 weeks and that I think was a great amount of time. I booked the hotels and plane in advance, then had $2000 in savings to convert to cash yen for the actual trip. Use cash, Japan is very cash heavy. That was way more than enough spending money actually, i probably could have done it with half that amount. Fall time has great weather, and I avoided the more expensive spring season / cherry blossom bloom. That sounds nice, but tickets are more expensive that time of year.

    Travelling in Japan, there's the fast way and there's the cheap way. For trains, they have the shinkansen and the regular regional trains, and for roads theres the side streets and the expressway. Beware expressway tolls. Getting out of Osaka wasnt too bad but getting back in beaned my wallet for ~$90 USD. Theres toll gates less than 5 minutes apart there. If you have 4 or more people in a car the expressway might be cheaper than the shinkansen, which you need individual tickets for each person. Using the expressway isn't required, you can take side streets the whole way.

    I had local friends who knew the language and could drive. They made my trip amazing. I tried to study some japanese language but when it really came time to interact with people i could not cut it. I really needed my friends to do anything more than sightsee and shop outside of tourist traps. My appearance and dress alone indicated me as an Obvious Foreigner and so people were quick to help and give me menus to point at. Even if your speaking skills were terrible, manners make up for it. Learn the local customs and formal etiquette, and people should forgive awful broken sentences and be patient with you. If you remember only one phrase: sumimasen. It's excuse me / sorry / can i have your attention all rolled into one phrase.

  • What did you like the most about old minecraft?
  • Beds really changed the whole game.

    Building a base didn't just mean a place to put your chests, it also had to be a place worth spending the whole night in. I cared a lot about making the interior a nice place to be. And the exterior of the base had to be a good fort too because you couldnt skip all the monster spawns at night.

    Back then I took minecraft to be like a fort building game. Explore by day and craft by night. The first night I spent huddled in a small dark grave i dug for myself in a wall. It taught me that a good base was important.

    I think beds were added in the halloween update if i remember right. I was blown away how they skipped monster spawning. That's when I felt the game changed direction the hardest, because you no longer needed a base to survive.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • You asked

    How should tags be integrated into Lemmy?

    Which is a generic question that goes beyond the scope of one change, so I assume you also wanted to shore up probable future changes, all of which built on top of the first change. Forseeing problems in advance can prevent problems from propagating down the chain like this, so my contribution here is to reiterate the mistakes Ive seen other failed social networks make. That is, if spam bots have a way to output sludge faster than genuine content can be created, people will leave. I dont know lemmys specifics and its not my job to learn that, and this is not a code review. I do expect defederation to add some unknown complexity, so literally all i am asking is to just have a strategy for the final implementation and not handwave stuff as someone elses problem or take moderators for granted like reddit did.