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sokil sokil

english + українська | he/him

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Links to donations that write your message on shells?
  • If you're referring to Sign My Rocket, it's legit. I've been in the guy's Telegram channel, Combat Footage; the pinned messages have more information, including when the actual website was launched (iirc, it all used to be done via Telegram messages). I believe the older pins explain how he's working with a charity helping the army in Cherkasy. A friend of mine recently bought a signed shell as a birthday gift to himself. Most people will go for the shells since they're smaller and cheaper.

    Obvious content warning for the channel itself - as the name says, there's tons of footage from the battlefield that is posted.

  • Victoria Amelina: Ukraine and the meaning of home

    The long read: Before she was killed by a Russian missile strike, the acclaimed novelist and war crimes researcher wrote about growing up in Moscow’s shadow, and how she came to understand what being Ukrainian really meant

    0 Russian Cultural Special Operation | Offensive - EUvsDisinfo

    Culture has long been used as an imperialistic tool to impose the supposed supremacy of Russia over the nations and ethnicities it occupied.

    0 ‘We want to live near the sea’ Russians are buying real estate in occupied Mariupol, where invading forces destroyed nearly everything last year — Meduza

    After launching its full-scale invasion of Ukraine, the Russian army effectively leveled the city of Mariupol before capturing it and starting to replace the buildings it destroyed. While the pro-Kremlin media regularly reports on how the occupied city is “coming back to life,” the Russian Internet ...

    Microsoft wants to move Windows fully to the cloud
  • Yep, I had the same thought. I run Win10 on my desktop and PopOS on my laptop; I plan to keep running Win10 for as long as possible, but if this cloud-based nonsense is the future, I'm not hesitating to also switch my desktop to Linux. This stuff is so ridiculous.

  • Wagner has declared war on Russian MOD
  • Heartwarming: the worst people you know are all fighting!

    I hope they shred each other.

  • Others debate whether Putin’s attack on Ukraine is genocide. As bombs rain down on us, I have no doubt | Oleksandr Mykhed

    It is now clear that Russian forces have no real strategy, only brutal tactics to wipe out a people and a culture, says Ukrainian writer Oleksandr Mykhed

    Intelligence chief: Russia additionally mined Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant
  • Yep, just wonderful stuff. And, just like the dam, everyone is going to sit back and let it happen because "there's nothing we can do, I don't want to be nuked!" Then it happens, and it's suddenly, "well, we're not REALLY sure who caused this. I mean, we just CAN'T know!"

    So many self-proclaimed environmentalists who won't say a word about how this is going to be a far worse disaster than Chornobyl (same as how they said nothing about the ecocide caused by the Kakhova dam being blown up), or the numerous "concerned citizens" who were so deathly afraid of nuclear war (really, they just hate Ukraine and Ukrainians; they don't actually care beyond that) that will now say nothing about a major nuclear blackmail threat.

    Many will just cry that Ukrainians are being hysterical about this as they were the dam, even after it happens; people don't realize that this isn't alarmism for the sake of alarmism - Russia means business and they will eventually unleash a new wave of terror. I don't know about others, but I'm terrified of living in a world where nuclear blackmail is a tactic that works.

  • Why Russian studies in the West failed to provide a clue about Russia and Ukraine
  • This is a very insightful thread, thank you for sharing!

    This part alone is a fantastic summary of it all:

    Eastern Europe has long been cast as a form of malleable buffer zone and space of competition between the West and Russia. Eastern European interests have been defined only or primarily in reference to Western and Russian interests, and Eastern European lived experience has been seen as no more than a form of peripheral discourse that is either serving or reacting against the two centres that are pulling it in opposite directions.

  • Why Russian studies in the West failed to provide a clue about Russia and Ukraine

    The full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine in 2022 has brought a sobering realization that, even 30 years after the fall...

    0 Why Russian studies in the West failed to provide a clue about Russia and Ukraine

    The full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine in 2022 has brought a sobering realization that, even 30 years after the fall...

    Hackers threaten to leak 80GB of confidential data stolen from Reddit
  • I hope they have the new Spiderverse :p

  • Intelligence chief: Russia additionally mined Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant
  • Yeah, I wish :/ Unfortunately, our international institutions (and even some world leaders) are still refusing to hold Russia accountable for mining and destroying the Kakhovka dam. Russian mining in Ukraine is extremely bad; I honestly fear it's going to be as bad as what the Khmer Rouge did to Cambodia.

    Something neat that I've been reading about, though, is that Cambodians are helping Ukrainians with the de-mining by training more mine-sniffing rats. It's been pretty successful in Cambodia because the rats are small enough that they can detect the mines without setting them off.

  • Intelligence chief: Russia additionally mined Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant

    According to Military Intelligence Chief Kyrylo Budanov, there is a threat of an explosion or accident at the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant, as the Russian forces have additionally mined the plant's cooler.

    2 Intelligence chief: Russia additionally mined Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant

    According to Military Intelligence Chief Kyrylo Budanov, there is a threat of an explosion or accident at the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant, as the Russian forces have additionally mined the plant's cooler.

    Joe Biden and Narendra Modi are drawing their countries closer
  • Yeah, I feel the same; I also really dislike their special relationship with Russia. It doesn't seem to be faltering much even with Russia's war. They actually just strengthened their trade ties a few months ago. Though, while not the most ideal situation, Russia continuing to crawl to China for support could help push India away from them.

  • California restaurant had fake priest hear workers’ confessions, Labor Department says

    According to an employee at the restaurant, the supposed priest urged employees to “get the sins out.”

    Posting slowness issue seems solved!
  • Thank you for the fix!

  • BlackCat claims they hacked Reddit and will leak the data
  • It's like a fire that just keeps burning

  • Sweden signed a deal with Ukraine today on the training of Ukrainian pilots on Swedish JAS-39 Gripen fighter Jets to start. 🇺🇦🇸🇪
  • I don't remember hearing anything about the Brits training Ukrainian pilots (would be really cool if they are, though!), but I've heard multiple times that the French are training them on the Mirage 2000.

  • Ukraine: Drowning in despair

    The destruction of the Nova Kakhovka dam has amplified Ukrainians’ realization of injustice and the fragile nature of their allyship with the West.

    Poland Hit With EU Legal Action Over ‘Russian Influence’ Law
  • In a bid, perhaps, to quell some concerns Andrzej Duda, the president, has submitted amendments to the law, removing or diluting some of its more contentious points such as the commission's power to exclude people from public office.

    Perhaps they've realized that completely going through with the anti-Tusk campaign would actually sink them (I still have my doubts that PiS are capable of realizing this entirely, but eh). Though if the law were remotely serious about "combating Russian influence," you would see them go after Konfederacja goons...which will probably only happen when pigs fly.

  • Poland Hit With EU Legal Action Over ‘Russian Influence’ Law

    The new law allows authorities to ban politicians from public office for alleged pro-Russian activities, a move detractors say could let the government persecute opposition officials ahead of parliamentary elections later this year.

  • Greetings my fellow libs