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shanie Shanie

I'm a "VTuber" that specializes in VRChat tutorials. Cyborg, not android; I got a brain case.

What if the car and a place to park was meant for leaving society instead of joining it?

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Comments 15
3.24 Mastermodes Survey - Please participate
  • Thanks for this, I added my input. Large ships are chew-toy jokes in the interceptor meta.

  • A repost, for true and honest discussion
  • I haven't played the game in like...6+ months, and I gotta say it's great to get away.

    There's plenty of good, polished games, and Star Citizen will get worse before it gets better due to "all the stuff" in the wings waiting for 4.0.

    The game will not get better as long as the universe is run on one server. 4.0 is a requirement for a good game, and even that won't be good out the box.

    So I agree with osprior – don't worry about it. Do other things.

  • Inside Star Citizen: Alpha 4.0 - What We Do In Space
  • They're telling me very quickly that if I want to have a good gameplay experience, jet set and forget 'colonized space' and find a secluded valley (or better, asteroid cluster) in the middle of nowhere to base operations out of. Zero interest in the Tarkov, or worse, Rust crowd.

  • Inside Star Citizen: Mission Statement 3.24
  • They discussed Quanta for a short time on SC:LIVE last week. It's still being worked on says Jared. Of course, no news is never good news at CIG.

  • Jon Stewart’s ‘told you so’ about Biden was the scolding we needed
  • You watched the whole debate and your internal alarm wasn't BLARING @EleventhHour?

    Are you that disillusioned or dulled from politics that whatever *that* was on stage was okay and acceptable to you?

    I will vote for Biden because I don't want to vote for literally Hitler but holy shit.

  • Star Citizen Live Q&A: Invictus Vehicle Gameplay
  • @Essence_of_Meh "Devs are still investigating problems with gravlev vehicles, aren’t sure what happened yet."

    Since they made it so they couldn't fly, there's always have been problems. I don't know what these guys are smoking.

  • Server Meshing Testing will open up to Wave 1+ over the weekend
  • Kind of misunderstanding the point of the test. The point of the test is a distributed server architecture with less entities per server, not one server that can single-handedly power an entire star system.

  • Star Citizen Developer Cloud Imperium Games Hit with Layoffs
  • Decided to leave instead of uproot their entire family, get visas, and move halfway around the world for a video game.

    Yeah Roberts is a "visionary", but there'd have to be a nice fat line of cash in my bank account to go through with something like that.

  • Plant Milk Is Better For Us and the Climate. So Why Do We Subsidize Dairy?
  • I had this fantastic plant-based milk product on my store shelves called "Not Milk". I really enjoyed it. Had this mild coconut flavor which might turn off some (not me) but anyway, it's gone now because it was too expensive for the market I'm in.

    Meanwhile gallons of milk flow for the same purpose, only subsidized for under half the cost per ounce.

    As we do, we stifle innovation ourselves based on our past.

  • OpenAI warns users over GPT-4 Vision's limits and flaws
  • Yeah yeah, warn me all you want OpenAI, until it's in my hands you're just crying wolf on how dangerous it is.

    I need to experience the danger for myself. It's the only way I feel anymore.

  • Tesla misses estimates for quarterly deliveries; shares fall
  • If people are watching what is going on within Tesla right now, they are releasing a majorly redesigned Model 3, both interior and exterior, which is now getting the attention of potential buyers. Slows down manufacturing with the retooling.

    Bad call as far as numbers/estimates goes, but hopefully this will improve the "cheap car feel" meme that the Model 3 currently has.

  • Ukraine aid is dropped from government funding bill. That raises questions about future US support
  • Yeah bro just roll over when you're getting taken over and if you ask for help you should think of the thousands you're going to kill.

    Way to victim blame.

  • Ukraine aid is dropped from government funding bill. That raises questions about future US support
  • (Accidentally deleted my previous post, sorry for the confusion!)

  • Ukraine aid is dropped from government funding bill. That raises questions about future US support
  • Everyone looking at the price tag vs the results knows a proxy war with a well-trained army, the side of the US and Ukraine, against formerly your biggest adversary is the least costly way to cripple your foe while hardly lifting a finger.

    ~$125 billion TOTAL, including humanitarian, in a sea of $800B+/yr is play money in war, and throwing Russia back with dollars is the largest blow to a man who thinks he’s militarily strong.

    It even makes China hesitate. I’d pay a lot more just for that.

  • Ukraine aid is dropped from government funding bill. That raises questions about future US support
  • Everyone looking at the price tag vs the results knows a proxy war with a well-trained army, the side of the US and Ukraine, against formerly your biggest adversary is the least costly way to cripple your foe while hardly lifting a finger.

    ~$125 billion TOTAL, including humanitarian, in a sea of $800B+/yr is play money in war, and throwing Russia back with dollars is the largest blow to a man who thinks he’s militarily strong.

    It even makes China hesitate. I’d pay a lot more just for that.