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sga sga
Posts 1
Comments 9
5 years of experience, yet still not clue what "Underfull \hbox" means
  • I recently wrote my thesis in typst, best choice i could make

  • No going back
  • Have considered recrystallisation therapy

  • Launcher for Everything*
  • I am sorry, I dont know how to do syntax highlighting in html, if it helps, can you please check it on codeberg (link in table of content and also mid text), there you can choose your preferred highlighting.

    Yes, it is similar to aliases, I covered that bit in executing stuff, my problem from the times i had aliases was that sometimes i could not remember the aliases i had set (i had greater than 50 at some time), and for such reasons, there are programs like navi and cheats, I used to use navi, but then i had a different binding to call navi (ctrl+g by default) and this way I have only 1 binding, and that helps develop a great muscle memory. also aliases can only mimic the behaviour of Type or Exec sections, for others, you would need something else

    and yes, the result is indeed graphical, I will add screenshots

  • Launcher for Everything*

    This is an article I wrote. Sorry mods if it is not allowed I checked the sidebar rules, and closest was no ads, and I do not know if this qualifies for that (I do not have ads or analytics on the page)

    Edit - Thanks to @[email protected] for recommendations. I have now Included an image and a video demo of using the script, and also got syntax highlighting

    Edit 2 - I have chnaged my keys for password, so dont worry about that, and about low quality and stuttering video playback, that was just network being poor at that time, also i forgot to give a demo of calculator and web searching, forgive me for that, and if you want, instead of term-dmenu, you can use fzf directly, and you would not leave terminal

    I don't have such weakness
  • see when i started viewing youtube (2018-19), i had poor internet connectivity, and naturally started with 1080p, but my stream would stutter, so i started to decrease quality 1080>720>540 and so on), at same time, i started to watch stuff at higher and higher speed (normal is 2.3x for me now), and i realized i was not getting anything more by watching at higher res (i increase it to 360-480 sometimes if there is very small font, but rare), so i naturally grew to watch stuff at 144p, now i have good enough connection to watch maybe smooth 2x 4k (sometimes i get 200 Mbps) all the time, but never feel the need to do it (i have set mpv, yt-dlp, all my other video players, to have default res of 144 (or whatever the lowest they serve))

    until last year, i used to watch youtube with "3gpp", they used to serve at 144x192 (so 4x3) at ~7fps, which at the usual speeds i watched, seemed pretty good (audio bitrate was roughly 15-20kbps), and was legitimately sad when they stopped doing that, i could no longer have a 10 min video under 5 MiB (with audio)

    I used to maintain an archive of content i liked which was almost exclusively self compressed low bitrate x265, and only recently have started to save 720p-1080p (still plan to compress most to 720p AV1 at reasonable bitrates

  • How the hell should I even switch mail providers?
  • and alongside that, include your new mail as the reply to address, hopefully people will click for that while replying, and eventually save/use the new mail

  • If your mind got transported back 10 years right now with no time to prepare, how could you exploit your knowledge for personal gain?
  • Harambe, whatever happens, dont try to play with a child, that does not go well

  • I don't have such weakness
  • I usually do not comment but i was weirded out with the file count (i know it is just a meme, and not serious, but lets assume that), then average file size is

    28.9*1024MiB/14690 = 2.014540504MiB

    (this assumes it is a standard windows install where windows counts in binary system, and represents with decimal units, but even if it actual GBs and GiBs, the error is small)

    lets assume it is 144p (i usually watch yt at that), and lets assume you have it all in great cpu AV1, and lets take a typical yt bitrate at that quality (and lets assume its video only) 100 kbps

    then average duration of a file is

    2.014540504*1024*8kb/100kbps = 165.0311581s

    so that is a little less than 3 mins (assume video bitrate stays constant throughout, which is definitely not true but easy to calculate)

    and just for completeness, lets calculate the amount of total time to "watch'm all"

    165.0311581*14690/(60*60*24) = 28.05911704

    so that is a little over 28 days (i was expecting less, but then again, just a meme)

    Edit: i left out the possibility of images, if that is the case, it is technically 0 time, but at the same time, a good JXL 2 MiB image is pretty good quality

  • Oh tell me again how it loads faster and takes up less resources
  • you may not even have to change to another browser or fork, please have a look at some designs in select a design and follow the page, and you shall find the instructions (usually just downloading/pasting userChrome/Content.css)

    and for scrolling tabs, if your problem is very small tab size, then try changing browser.tabs.tabMinWidth in about:config

  • British people be like
  • chad winnie the poo - tap water*

    *(cleaned if required)