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sciss sciss

Hey. Just testing kbin for now. Find me on Mastodon:

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  • Hi there. Not going to recreate my deleted Reddit account now ;)

  • Nautilus 43 - how to remember list sort order?
  • well, I keep my fingers crossed then that it'll land in Debian stable :-o

  • Nautilus 43 - how to remember list sort order?
  • "This is solved in 45, but will not backported."

  • Some applications show ugly mouse pointer after Debian 11 > 12 update
  • Well, all my troubles go away when I switch from Wayland to X11. So it be. I read somewhere, current Wayland support is kinda broken with Intel integrated graphics.

  • Activities "overview" - huge performance hit since switching from Gnome 3 to 4
  • FWIF, it seems to affect "normal Gnome" on Wayland online. Both Gnome Classic and Gnome on X11 are snappy fast. So I keep running Gnome on X11 for now.

  • Activities "overview" - huge performance hit since switching from Gnome 3 to 4

    Hi there, with the Debian update from 11 to 12 came the switch from Gnome 3 to 4. This causes a huge performance problem in the "Activities" action I need to perform literally all the time, to switch between application windows. In the old system, this was very snappy, in the new system already four or five windows mean the computer practically freezes for a few hundred milliseconds including a frozen mouse pointer. It feels very awful. I would estimate the old version was at least four to eight times faster.

    I'm on an HP laptop with Intel onboard graphics. I didn't change anything with the Debian 11 to 12 update. Any help fixing this issue is appreciated. Ideally the overview would come immediately and the windows would be refreshed asynchronously, because now, if I have like ten PDFs open, it's completely unusable. I would prefer not to switch window manager, just because Gnome 4 assumes everyone got a ten times faster machine than five years ago. I am sure this a bug somewhere.

    Nautilus 43 - how to remember list sort order?
  • It works for some column types here, like Type, or Accessed, but not for Modified or Modified – Time. Which version are you using? Mine is 43.2.

  • Nautilus 43 - how to remember list sort order?

    Hi there. Another Gnome 3x -\> 4x question. While I appreciate that Nautilus finally allows me to sort search results, it seems it now forgets the way I sort the columns, and instead always resorts to alphabetical sorting. So every damn time I open Downloads, which is like a hundred times a day, I have to press twice on 'Modified' and then find the tiny scrollbar to go up to the top again. So annoying. Tell me I'm missing something, and I can make it remember I want a particular sorting order for a particular directory?

    Some applications show ugly mouse pointer after Debian 11 > 12 update
  • the imgur images appear when you click on them. I don't have directories ~/.icons or ~/.local/icons, and I don't remember even "installing" cursors (how would I do that?). Any hints how to install the correct cursors?

  • Some applications show ugly mouse pointer after Debian 11 > 12 update

    Hi there. I've got two types of applications after updating Debian from 11 to 12, and consequently moving from Gnome 3 to Gnome 4. Those that seem fine and show the expected mouse point (system, Firefox, Thunderbird, LibreOffice etc.):


    and others that now show a very ugly "fat penguin" kind of cursor, which also moves quite sluggishly (Mixxx, FreeCAD, OpenSCAD):


    I looked threw "Tweaks" but didn't notice any particular setting that might affect this. Any idea how I can make those applications use a descent mouse cursor?
