Some applications show ugly mouse pointer after Debian 11 > 12 update
Hi there. I've got two types of applications after updating Debian from 11 to 12, and consequently moving from Gnome 3 to Gnome 4. Those that seem fine and show the expected mouse point (system, Firefox, Thunderbird, LibreOffice etc.):
I looked threw "Tweaks" but didn't notice any particular setting that might affect this. Any idea how I can make those applications use a descent mouse cursor?
I don't know why I can't see imgurs images... so I'm not sure if your issue is the same that I encountered but give it a try :
When you install cursors, they are in your home folder /home/user/.icons or /home/user/.local/icons, etc
That tends to make that your desktop end file manager get the "good" cursors when other apps (particularly flatpaks and snaps) don't get the right cursors.
the imgur images appear when you click on them. I don't have directories ~/.icons or ~/.local/icons, and I don't remember even "installing" cursors (how would I do that?). Any hints how to install the correct cursors?