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s3rvant s3rvant

Board game designer & web developer

Posts 3
Comments 38
Dropbox is sharing users' files with OpenAI, here's how to opt out
  • Yep, I have a decently large free dropbox account and just use Cryptomator to continue using it

  • What are you having for dinner tonight?
  • It was decent; we had fried them lightly before adding to our soup but that made the texture different than expected. Was still tasty so we'll be experimenting on how to best perfect it :)

  • What are you having for dinner tonight?
  • Chicken gnocchi soup and sandwiches

    It's my first time making my own gnocchi 🀞

  • Explain bidets for me please.
  • For reference I have this one:

    You use it while still seated so the water drips back into the toilet bowl; no mess there

    I do use paper too to dry or further cleaning if needed

    If you look at the 3rd picture on the link above you'll see that the sprayer lowers down while spraying and then retracts back behind a guard; I've never seen the guard or sprayer themselves get dirty from general toilet use

    No, the water pressure isn't so intense that it would scatter debris everywhere

    I first used one at a friend's house and found it does a far better job cleaning compared to just paper alone and would certainly recommend giving it a try

  • Unofficial Link's Awakening PC port put to sleep by Nintendo
  • How to play on desktop Linux:

    • Add the game as a non-Steam game within Steam
    • Install Glorious Eggroll and set it as the compatibility tool in the game's properties
    • On first launch it will prompt to install .NET 6.0 - go ahead and download it to the same directory
    • Open the game's properties in Steam and change the path to the .NET installer then run and install it
    • Change the path back to the game's EXE and it will play
  • Monthly Recommendations Thread: What are you playing?
  • Just started playing as well and was in time for the recent free week of omega and then topped up with the black Friday sale

  • What's a cozy, preferably non-alcoholic drink to enjoy for cozy wintery nights?
  • Hot camomile tea; can add a spoonful of honey. I buy a pound at a time and lasts a long while.

  • What were your top favorite video games as a kid?
  • NES: Super Mario Bros 1 and 3, TMNT 2, Galaga and Contra (with Konami code)

    SMB1 was my first game ever

    Last 2 I played with my dad while friends played SMB3 and TMNT

  • shower water is preferable to a water bowl
  • Jokes aside cats do prefer running water over stagnant

    I got one of the cat bowl water fountains and placed it a few feet from our cat's normal bowl to see which would run out of water first and from that point the normal bowl water level did not move so water fountain it is

  • How to backup 2FA
  • I use Aegis like several others here and then backup my codes to a Cryptomator vault which I can then sync online for cloud backup

  • Which video game did you bounce off of at first, but then tried again later for it to become one of your favorites of all time?
  • Minecraft / Minetest - I'm used to games with active quests etc. so the openness threw me off but now I host a server for the kiddos and we have all sorts of adventures and random builds

  • Latest prototype arrived for Just in Time βŒ›
  • Hmm... hadn't thought of that before; will be sure to keep in mind for final graphic design

  • what are some of the best purchases you've made ?
  • Multiple computer monitors

    I love being able to have chats / reference materials up on one screen while working on another

  • what are some of the best purchases you've made ?
  • +1 for bidet; got mine after recommendation from a friend and since then my folks and son-in-law have also upgraded

  • Anyone knows a good lightweight self-hosted alternative to GitHub?
  • I've spun up Gitea in my homelab as well as at work and don't recall being difficult so perhaps they fixed whatever was causing your issue

  • What is a product that you won’t accept a generic alternative for?
  • Verners ginger ale puts the rest to shame

  • Should I rethink the encryption method of my backup drives?
  • This is exactly my backup strategy even using cryptomator for a cloud backup. My PC and kiddos laptops are all linux so have no worries about needing a Windows machine for recovery and even if all systems died I could always use a live distro to boot elsewhere and access my files.

  • What MMOs are you all playing?
  • Got that itch again recently too and after looking through what's currently popular decided to give EVE Online and Black Desert (on private server) a try

    I like open world survival crafting games (loved Valheim) and prefer to play with others so am hoping these will work out

    Also played some GW2 few months back for a while and I host a Minetest server for our kiddos where I dabble as well

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • Yep, was going to say that refactoring my own code taught me a lot

  • Board Games s3rvant

    Latest prototype arrived for Just in Time βŒ› David :ubuntu: :android: :php: (@[email protected])

    Attached: 1 image Latest prototype arrived for Just in Time βŒ› Abstract time-travel for 1-4 players using a cyclical timeline making for a tight puzzle to complete Rules (sans illustrations): #gamedesign #prototyp...

    David :ubuntu: :android: :php: (

    Abstract time-travel for 1-4 players using a cyclical timeline making for a tight puzzle to complete

    Rules (sans illustrations):

    Board Games s3rvant

    New pieces and stickers arrived for my prototype of Leap Frog 🐸 David :ubuntu: :android: :php: (@[email protected])

    Attached: 1 image New pieces and stickers arrived for my prototype of Leap Frog 🐸 Entire game is just these and 4 reference cards which double as ramps when flicking the frogs #gamedesign #prototype #boardgames #gaming

    David :ubuntu: :android: :php: (

    Entire game is just these and 4 reference cards which double as ramps when flicking the frogs.


    Board Games s3rvant

    Unchained - the BGG listing for my latest design is live! Unchained

    Spar through deckbuilding to become the next Universal Classic Monster


    Spar through deckbuilding to become the next Universal Classic Monster

    Development thread with some initial pics:
