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rinsler rinsler
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Comments 6
  • That's the whole point. Ukraine ≠ Zelensky.

    Just the facts:

    • Zelensky didn't stop blood fights in LPR and DPR as he promised.
    • Zelensky could prevent war claiming Ukraine won't join NATO.
    • Now during the most intelligent Zelensky ruling he lost hundreds of thousands lives of Ukranian soldiers, one fifth country land, nearly all military infrastructure, most of the lands and resources are sold to foreign companies and the Ukraine holds the huge debt of foreign loans.
    • A few days back he couldn't even manage a simple conversation and lost the critical USA military support exposing Ukraine's wounds even more.
    • Ah, and yes, he is not the legitimate Ukrainian ruler at the moment at all. And moreover he hinders elections at all costs. Doesn't it reminds dictatorship?

    For God's sake Zelensky harmed Ukraine not less than Putin. If tomorow Putin resigned Ukraine would have a chance. If tomorow Zelensky resigned Ukraine would have a chance as well.

  • me🇺🇦irl
  • Ok, then why post is calling 2.24.2022 russian invasion when according to you army was already there? More looks like epic russian pull-ups of reserves then?

    Russia was supporting problematic regions to stand their own rights with arms and mens but nothing more. There were no official manifestation of russian intrusion. Even in the already mentioned here minsk agreements the main Kyiv opposition signs were from the DPR leader Aleksandr Zakharchenko and LPR leader Igor Plotnitskiy. Russian ambassador Mikhail Zurabov was only sideways witness along with Heidi Tagliavini OSCE representative.

  • me🇺🇦irl
  • Claiming everyone with another opinion a bot (a metal with no feelings and rights for its own truth) is so democratic.

    I do not and never had any anger over Ukraine. I left the comment only to this particular post because it is screaming unproofed propaganda for the dictator Zelensky.

  • me🇺🇦irl
  • "wikipedia-which-can-be-edited-by-anyone" is of course iron edidence to be humbled by.

    But even if you take a little bit more time than just 1 minute to evaluate arguments or at least scroll that same page lower, you will see some interesting facts. Unsurprisingly, Ukraine was never planning to fullfill those agreements and Europe was only depicting diplomatic activity, trying to maximally arm Ukraine. None were giving a damn about people on the problem lands. Yes, they were obviously supported by Russia, but it was support, never ordering, in contrast to Ukraine planning to subjugate separatic regions.

    So what again was the diplomatic role of the vaunted give-me-all-your-weapons beggar Zelensky? Arestovych%2C a,its armed forces.

  • me🇺🇦irl
  • Ah yes, good old "Let me post any literal shit because if readers want, they must prove it themself". That's impolite, but understandable. But for God's sake, to post logically malformed statements and wait for readers to indicate it is a whole new level of egoism.

    Not tell me, proud democrat, if Russia invaded with its army Ukraine in 2022, then with whom was Ukraine reaching those mystical 20 cease-fire agreements 8 years before? About what were there agreements when there litreally was no Russian army and Ukraine was fighting its own regions for years?

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    I understand that there are times with critical issues and outages when DBA are to work until all is fixed, which may take up to 20 hours.

    But if things are stable and settled, out of a standard 8-9-hour work day, how many hours are actually needed to finish daily routine work?
