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Would someone #help me configure my #WireGuard server to access my home local network?
  • @mforester @linuxquestions I just opened a ticket on YunoHost community forum.

    What works:
    - connecting to the wg server from diferents clients
    - ping to other clients connected on the wg network (

    What doesn’t work:
    - ping to devices on local YunoHost network (

  • Would someone #help me configure my #WireGuard server to access my home local network?

    Would someone #help me configure my #WireGuard server to access my home local network?

    I've literally been stuck for 6 hours.



    Looking for a #Flameshot-like editing app for Linux, any recommendations?

    Looking for a #Flameshot-like editing app for Linux, any recommendations?



    #Vim #Meme

    Do you know of any online solutions for creating forms (open-source if possible) that have an API for generating unique links to the same form?
  • @testman I mean, I would like to generate, outside CryptPad (a script for example), a unique link to a form.

  • Do you know of any online solutions for creating forms (open-source if possible) that have an API for generating unique links to the same form?

    Do you know of any online solutions for creating forms (open-source if possible) that have an API for generating unique links to the same form? @opensource


    Internet c'est TROP Américain ?!

    Internet c'est TROP Américain ?!



    ( integrated ( referral button on its app, WHY!? 😩 ( [@organicmaps

    \#OrganicMaps integrated #Kayak referral button on its app, WHY!? 😩 @openstreetmap @organicmaps

    Edit: good debate on the PR, read before commenting, do not make the same mistake as me 😥:

    Prendre le train gratuitement? L’Espagne croit être sur la bonne voie
  • @Camus pas grand monde effectivement, +500 utilisateurs mais seulement 5 actifs mdr, et non, je n'ai pas Reddit donc pas essayé de "recruter" sur /r/Catalunya

  • Prendre le train gratuitement? L’Espagne croit être sur la bonne voie
  • @Camus et les retards non indiqués, trains "fantôme", bref, c'est de la merde

    et oui, LE retiolus de 😂

  • Prendre le train gratuitement? L’Espagne croit être sur la bonne voie
  • @Camus faudrait déjà que Rodalies fonctionne, c'est pire que la SNCF

  • So Lemmy just became, in one week, the second software with the most users on the [#Fediverse]( [@lemmy](
  • @lemmy forgot about Diaspora, I don't know why FediDB doesn't list it...

    If you take monthly active users, Lemmy is the third and Kbin the second one. But I have concerns about how each Fediverse software counts its MAU.

  • So Lemmy just became, in one week, the second software with the most users on the ( (

    So Lemmy just became, in one week, the second software with the most users on the #Fediverse? @lemmy

    [\#Meta]( enjoying the fights in the [#Fediverse]( even before [#Project92]( becomes reality.
  • @JustusWingert @fediverse By doing this meme I didn't think to attack either of them (admins or users). The debate is important, yes, but I think the situation is becoming ridiculous.

  • [\#Meta]( enjoying the fights in the [#Fediverse]( even before [#Project92]( becomes reality.
  • @JustusWingert @fediverse As an admin I will always take part of the admins. Except in cases where the server belongs to a non-profit organisation or similar. Users often forget that they're on someone's private property, just like on Reddit, Instagram or Twitter. Except that here it's FOSS software, so if they don't like it, they can become the owner of their own data and choices by setting up their server. Correct me if I'm wrong.

  • ( enjoying the fights in the ( even before ( becomes reality.

    \#Meta enjoying the fights in the #Fediverse even before #Project92 becomes reality.

    Admins killing their reputations and users killing their admins back. @fediverse


    ( + ( have reached over 200,000 users!


    Working on my first wrapper,, a ( wrapper for the ( API. (

    Working on my first wrapper,, a #Python wrapper for the #Lemmy API. @lemmy

    [SOLVED] Communities not visible in search
  • @thirteenthfrog you need to search for the community link, in this case, you should search for ""