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reidrac Juan

FOSS person. #Gamedev for the #ZXSpectrum, #Amstrad CPC, #Commodore64, #MSX and other shiny things (PC and #DOS!).

Also #Scala, #C, #Python and #haskell, and some (retro) gaming.

Not made of actual Lego.

Toots have TTL.

Moved from @reidrac

\#nobot #nobots #noindex

Header: a photo of a Sony Trinitron TV displaying a scene from the game The Dawn of Kernel (Amstrad CPC) in all its CRT beauty.

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Comments 2
Interplay‘s Lord of the Rings was the first big box game I bought from my own money. It was on sale at the local Karstadt mall. I never completed the game, but loved it so much! What was your first
  • @[email protected] the game wasn't fully compatible with the +2A model I had and it run at a 6 FPS or so (didn't say anything in that beautiful box though, this is my putting together 1+1 35 years later).

    Needless to say I was disappointed.