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randulo Randy Resnick

Guitarist for 57 years, recording for 51 years, starting with Pure Food & Drug Act, a band with blues violinist Sugarcane Harris. Toured next with John Mayall's Bluesbreakers. Recently, lots of music online.

Posts 13
Comments 14

A & R

Released from captivity today, a collaboration with New Zealand saxophonist Alex Nyman, 7 tracks of different interpretations of jazz, fusion, funk, hip-hop

Opt-in Mastodon Directory
  • Great! Spread the news, once there are hundreds, it'll be pretty useful.

  • How do you guys use the "Private notes about this account" feature on other mastodon profiles?
  • I haven't yet but it's another great feature. I wish I had a field like this in my brain for people in real life. ("Recently divorced, don't mention Candice")

  • Opt-in Mastodon Directory Fediverse Fans

    This is a public, opt-in list of fediverse accounts. You can use it to follow accounts or add your own.

    Fediverse Fans

    The list can be searched by any of the fields. You can add your Mastodon account to the list and declare your interests.

    A Place To Share Your Music Randy Resnick

    Soul for Rent

    "Soul for Rent" is the Bandcamp edition of the album of the same name on all platforms. The title track is a dialogue between saxophone and guitar. Music tries to tell a story. This one is a lament. Our loneliness in the universe?

    #music #OriginalMusic


    Wine Drones

    A drone show over the Garonne river last night for the wine festival

    Language Learning Randy Resnick

    How I learned French in a Hotel Bar

    I awoke to hundreds of honking car horns the next day and the smell, not of croissants and espresso coffees as I dreamed, but diesel fumes, I was still really excited. You know what’s great? Being really excited in a strange and beautiful city, with all expenses paid! And when I say all, it will taken on additional significance shortly.

    Interview: Richard Stallman & Free Software Foundation
  • That irony had not occurred to me until two of you mentioned it!

  • Interview: Richard Stallman & Free Software Foundation
  • No, and we (the VUC) had nothing to do with putting there. It just got sucked up in the podcatchers.

  • Interview: Richard Stallman & Free Software Foundation Richard Stallman & Free Software Foundation

    Listen to this episode from Visions Under Construction on Spotify. After about 37 emails back and forth, the formidable reputation of Dr. Richard Stallman did not scare us off. What resulted in this episode was a very interesting and enjoyable discussion about everything he's known for.   You can wa...

    Richard Stallman & Free Software Foundation

    We interviewed Dr. Stallman 6 years ago for our VUC podcast (2007-2019). Unfortunately, the video isn't available as he refused to use YouTube. I know the episode is on Spotify, but it may be available on other podcatchers.

    Over 100 tracks on Bandcamp
  • Thanks for listening!

  • Sneezing and Sexual Ideation
  • Actually, I come from a time when anything related to sex needed that warning (for kids, too). For years, I think the kids thing is superfluous, since they learn all about sex much younger. As for work, like I said, depends on who can see your screen. As a conversation starter, "I sneeze every time I come" might work well in some situations.

  • Sneezing and Sexual Ideation
  • Depends on where you work and who's next to you.

  • Sneezing and Sexual Ideation
  • It's just an odd thing and it can start any time in life. It can be one sneeze or a few. Ideation is one thing, but after orgasm, with a new partner, awkward!

  • Over 100 tracks on Bandcamp Randy Resnick

    Guitarist with Pure Food and Drug Act, Canned Heat, John Mayall, Freddy King, John Lee Hooker.

    Randy Resnick

    I haven't found an ideal federated app for sharing my music, but while it's on all platforms (Spotify, Apple, YouTube, etc) it's also on Bandcamp for ad-free, unlimited streaming. I am not trying to make money, I just would like my work heard.

    There Will Never Be Another Twitter
  • Adding to no one in particular... as I've been following several potential destinations for the Twitter mass migration, they all have one thing in common: 99% of posts are in English. Twitter's age and market penetration let it reach a large worldwide audience. As Mastodon has been around for 6 or more years, it too has some international diversity, but less that Twitter I think. (Someone chime in on the language of the population if you have info?

  • There Will Never Be Another Twitter
  • It's so much that people didn't use search engines; more like they typed site URLs into Google search! 🤣

  • There Will Never Be Another Twitter
  • Right! You have to look at context. Remember the first time you got on (Usenet/Compuserve/AOL/Friendster) or whatever your first Internet experience was? Twitter was a new thing. Now there are 20 Twitter look-alikes but none can go back to the novelty.

  • Over 50 years of music
  • Thanks for that. I'm brand new on Lemmy so I'm just learning how to reply, upvote, etc. Although I've had a Reddit account for years, I never go there unless I'm looking for a technical solution of some kind. Better than searching and getting ten useless YouTube videos as results 😄

  • "I Hate Jazz - It's so repetitive!"

    It's a short read, enjoy.


    There Will Never Be Another Twitter

    Twitter wasn’t just software or visible leadership (for better or worse) but an entire important slice of Internet history.


    Over 50 years of music Randy Resnick

    57 years of music

    Randy Resnick

    Introductions may or may not be a thing here. This is my first post. Over the past half-century, I must have done one thing you'd like. My favorites are Hendrix, Cream, CSN from the 60s, Miles Davis etc from the 70s, Brecker Brothers from the 80s (?) and way too much from then on.
