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paul Paul Puschmann

Something with cloud, #gcp, \#badminton

Posts 1
Comments 1
  • @codechimp @[email protected] @[email protected] @[email protected] @[email protected]

    "core integrations not translating the the resource-ids" is a good hint for my ungoing discussion with the maintainer, who claims the other case :-|

    Anyway, I'll have to dig deeper into HA to find some more information then.
    Thx for your fist comment so far.

  • Hi,

    Hi, I recently had some issue regarding some custom integration: The resource (sensor) names were localised / translated.

    This created first some confusion, later some effort to get some other custom-card working.

    Example: sensor.CHARGERNAME\_dynamic\_circuit\_limit --\> sensor.CHARGERNAME\_dynamisches\_stromkreislimit

    Is there a general rule for (integration-) developers to localise resource/sensor names?

    What is yr idea?

    \#HomeAssistant @[email protected] @[email protected] @[email protected] @[email protected]
