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oxjox oxjox
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How do you feel about shopping in stores?
  • Sometimes prices are a thing too, it can be a lot cheaper online and unless you’re rich this does make a difference

    Just a word of caution - I have found some retailers like Amazon and Target to sometimes be more expensive than local stores. Things like kitchen and bathroom items in particular.

  • How do you feel about shopping in stores?
  • Thanks! I'll fix that.

  • How do you feel about shopping in stores?
  • I can definitely appreciate buying clothes in store What I neglected to include in this account was the incredible staff at the store who went above and beyond to help me find proper sizing when they knew I wasn't even making a purchase then and there.

    On the other hand, I did buy sneakers in a store but there wasn't anyone to help me find the right pair. It seems like many corporations aren't willing to pay people to work in stores as much these days. Instead, they can just offer free shipping and free returns for less money than paying someone a living wage.

    I can not tell you how many times I wish Radio Shack were still around. I'd gladly pay more money to solve a problem now than have to wait for something to ship over from China.

    I used to work in a car stereo and home theater shop. I can tell you that online reviews, even YouTube videos done by "experts", are no where close to an in-person experience. It's sad and incredibly frustrating. I just bought another set of highly regarded headphones which I found to be severely overpriced and under performing. I've been around high end audio for over twenty five years - I actually know what I'm listening for.

    I think the point you raise is that people who care about the things they're buying would generally prefer to buy that thing in person. Others who may not care as much or not be as knowledgable are content buying whatever the internet tells them to buy - regardless if it's proper for them to make that specific purchase. I have to wonder how many unsatisfied customers there are out there who either throw things away or have to keep buying replacements.

  • How do you feel about shopping in stores?
  • I appreciate this. I had a hard time coming up with the proper wording. If a value decreases one year by 5% then decreases 7% the following year, is that not an increase in the value's decline?

  • How do you feel about shopping in stores?
  • least of all fucking brick and mortar chain stores.

    It's interesting you got that far into what I wrote and that was your takeaway. One of my points is that the chain stores in particular have ruined the shopping experience.

    You think online shopping isn't a hellish gauntlet designed for stock prices to go up? Dude, the entire internet is designed to sell you shit.

    So, you prefer 'virtual' stores owned by billionaires and mega corps that you'll never have to enter over stores owned and operated by your family and neighbors? You prefer a workforce of robots over employing your community? You prefer your personal information being bought and sold so corporations can target ads towards you for their profit? You prefer that these corporations succeed and eliminate all sense of community and turn humanity into nothing more than consumers?

  • How do you feel about shopping in stores?

    In my experience, the retail shopping environment has been on an increasing rate of decline over the past decade+. Post-covid, it seems corporations have figured out how to maximize profit, in part, by reducing labor and tailoring towards online sales.

    I grew up in a time when people would complain about salespeople pestering them by simply asking if they needed help with anything. Now, I would love to have someone help me with a purchase.

    I recently bought some sneakers in a store and it turned out I probably bought the wrong ones for my needs. A knowledgable salesperson likely would have saved me from wasting my money on the wrong purchase. Most of the supermarkets in my area are self-check out only. These stupid things never work for me so it takes me forever to simply scan a few items. At some stores, items are locked up behind glass so I'm not even able to make a purchase - pushing me to buy from an online retailer instead.

    I try to go out of my way to find stores that have humans working there. I try not to buy things online and try to support my local businesses. This is becoming increasingly more difficult and I fear the day will come soon where I'm not able to shop in a physical store.

    Especially in this post pandemic world, I crave human interaction. I crave a brief interaction with someone who's a member of my community.

    There's a small two-location food market I shop at weekly. It's a fifteen minute walk where I do at least 85% of my shopping. Most of the produce and goods are procured within a hundred miles. There are no self-checkouts. I've gotten to know the people who work there. We talk about produce and the neighborhood and the weather. I freaking love that place and legit do not know what I would do without it.

    I imagine I'm in the minority. I imagine most people, especially younger people, desire not interacting with others. Some people find it difficult to engage in real life. Some people are fraught with the impact social media addiction has struck upon them - be it the fear of judgement or bigotry or simply not knowing how to interact respectfully with others.

    I remember a time when people would say they trust online reviews more than salespeople who get paid on commission. Is this still a prevalent idea? I'll admit that I typically ignore reviews because reviews have become their own industry. However, there are times I've bought a product, found it to be trash, then saw some reviews, buried below the 'paid' ones, warning me to stay away.

    I feel strongly, I am fearful, that as we shift more and more of our shopping online - easily enabled by [Click To Buy] buttons and mobile wallets - corporate capitalism is gaining ground on mom and pop shops. Never mind the rise of the likes of Temu. Moreover, the Walmartification of everything is diluting our sense of community.

    It's because we only shop online and in warehouses, it's because we have no choice but to not engage with anyone, it's because we're increasing our reliance on 6" in-our-face screens, it's because we don't ever need to leave the comfort of our home that our neighborhoods and society are doomed to crumble.

    Bad news for universal basic income.
  • Yeah - fuck those guys reporting on research done by the National Bureau of Economic Research and agreeing with the concluding opinion that "the study shows participants were better off, despite the decline in working hours and earnings. Indeed, maybe that's the whole point?" and "One person wants to learn new skills or start a business? Great! Others want to play video games all day? Awesome.".

  • Oklahoma Superintendent Ryan Walters announces guidelines for Bible usage.
  • The tenth amendment says,

    The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

    Given the context, it’s reasonable to assume the Supreme Court (especially today’s court) would hold that the first amendment is specific about Congress not establishing religion and therefor is open to interpretation by the states.

    Unless you have a specific case law regarding the application of the first amendment to state legislation regarding religion, I’m not seeing how The Due Process law is relevant.

    I really want to know so I’ve ’done my own research’.

    Here’s the closest cases I could find. It seems reasonable here that the Supreme Court has historically ruled in a way that specifically objects to Oklahoma’s legislation. I’m convinced that you’ve offered relevant material yet I’m still 50/50 on the matter with today’s Supreme Court. If Thomas were off the bench, I could see it ruled otherwise.

    Carson v. Makin (2021)

    The case centered on the limits of school vouchers offered by the state of Maine, which had disallowed the use of vouchers to pay for religious-based private schools. In a 6–3 decision the Court ruled that Maine's restrictions on vouchers violated the Free Exercise Clause, as they discriminated against religious-backed private schools. The minority opinions argued that the decision worked against the long-standing principle of the separation of church and state, since state governments would now be required to fund religious institutions..

    [Roberts] wrote that the Maine legislature excluded "private religious schools from those eligible to receive such funds" and that such exclusion separates of church and state more than intended under the Establishment Clause of the United States Constitution. He wrote that, on the basis of Zelman, "a benefit program under which private citizens 'direct government aid to religious schools wholly as a result of their own genuine and independent private choice' does not offend the Establishment Clause."

    Zelman v Simmons-Harris (2001)

    The lawsuit was initiated when a group of Ohio taxpayers filed an action against Susan Zelman, the superintendent of public education in Ohio, arguing that the program violated the Establishment Clause. Simmons-Harris, along with other residents of the Cleveland area, argued that the government "could not pay tuition for students to attend religious school".

    Chief Justice Rehnquist delivered the majority opinion, which held that the school voucher program was not in violation of the Establishment Clause. The ruling also determined that government support for religion is constitutional if it does not occur de jure but de facto, and if the use of religious facilities is neither specified nor encouraged. Cleveland's program was declared to be religiously neutral and to be giving parents the benefit of true private choice.

  • Oklahoma Superintendent Ryan Walters announces guidelines for Bible usage.
  • Uh, what? How does this apply? Can you use your words, please?

  • Oklahoma Superintendent Ryan Walters announces guidelines for Bible usage.
  • Which part? Do you have any case law to reference?

  • Oklahoma Superintendent Ryan Walters announces guidelines for Bible usage.
  • “The Bible is indispensable in understanding the development of Western civilization and American history. To ensure our students are equipped to understand and contextualize our nation, its culture, and its founding, every student in Oklahoma will be taught the Bible in its historical, cultural, and literary context.”

    We learned this in elementary school. We learned that the colonies were, in large part, established as a way to escape religious oppression and persecution by The Church of England. One of the most important points of this country is to be free to practice any religion you wish.

    Annie Laurie Gaylor, co-president of state-church watchdog group Freedom From Religion Foundation, said the guidelines are unconstitutional.

    I'm not so sure. The First Amendment stipulates that Congress shall not establish a religion. States are free to do as they wish. This is an Oklahoma matter and I hope they figure out that this guy and the rest of his oppressive cult are full of bullshit.

    Actually, I would support our public education covering Christianity, Islam, Judaism, and other non-Abrahamic religions in an honest historical manner. I learned more about the world and human history in my college art classes which were heavily influenced be religious paintings. Human history has been immensely influenced by religion. It shouldn't be ignored.

    There's a lot of misinformation and a lot of cultists out there lying to everyone for power and glory. American children should be well educated. Our public schools should have higher standards. Our teachers should be paid more and better educated themselves. The conservative push towards private and (publicly subsidized) charter schools is detrimental to the future of our nation as a whole.

    These cult leaders are an insult to our ancestors and our founding fathers and mothers. I think most people would agree that being religious isn't inherently bad. But forcing others to do what you 'believe' to be true aligns you more with the Devil than with Jesus.

  • Seeking suggestions on an external drive.
  • I already have a NAS. I want an SSD plugged into my computer for speed and longevity.

  • humble, introverted self asks for your advice about human behavior at the workplace. Please read below:
  • From what I'm reading, it seems more like you're on the spectrum more than simply being introverted.

    And what you believe to be introverted is more likely shyness and insecurity. Introverted is an overused word that has lost its original meaning. An introvert is someone who finds comfort and energy in doing isolated things. An introvert doesn't explicitly have issues with socializing with people one-on-one or in small groups. You may in fact be both but you have not described introversion here.

    I have a friend like you I've known for about ten years. At first, and pretty much until recently, he was very robotic and acted as if he were carrying out instructions he read about being a normal human. After enough time of faking it though, he's more natural in his interactions - though still awkward.

    So, my advice is to try acting like a normal person while slowly exceeding the restrictions your insecurity permits. Don't expect others to willfully engage with you right away - they too may suffer from what holds you back. I would venture to guess, given how social interaction has changed in the last twenty years, most people are more similar to you than not.

    Seems like you're on the right path so far by introducing yourself. Don't be a dick. Don't be pushy or clingy. Relationships and trust take time to build. Give it room to breathe.

    Try to find new hobbies that promote in-person out-in-the-open social interaction and build your confidence around others you share common interests with. This will help build your confidence around others like your coworkers.

    Also, know yourself and your place. There might be something about you that people generally aren't comfortable with. Being too anxious to form relationships could be one. Maybe you need to work on your hygiene or maybe word got out that you stole someone's lunch or maybe someone heard you taking a massive dump one day or maybe they found out about your political or religious positions or they resent you for being hired for some reason. It might be something other than you being shy and insecure.

  • Man accused of stabbing transgender teen 18 times at Miami airport
  • I think you're giving a bit too much credit to someone mentally deficient enough to commit such a violent act. Still, it is a reasonable assertion.

  • Seeking suggestions on an external drive.

    I'm looking to replace a 6TB G-Drive for my Mac. I'm considering the OWC Express 1M2 NVMe enclosure along with a WD Black 4TB SN850X.

    The drive is mostly used as my photography drive. I work off of it with Capture One. About 20% of it is archive data.

    I'd like to upgrade to SSD for the sake of longevity and speed. And because I find the ticking and knocking my existing drive makes to be annoying. And because MacOS does this weird thing where opening random apps causes the external HDD to spin up and stalls operation. I fear everyday that this seven year old drive is suddenly going to die on me.

    Just looking for some suggestions if anyone's familiar with these OWC + WD products or if you'd recommend something else.

    Man accused of stabbing transgender teen 18 times at Miami airport
  • Love admitted to being involved in the attack and said he had become acquainted with the victim beforehand.

    "The defendant added he was possibly drugged and someone inserted an unknown object in his rectum," the report says. "Although the defendant is not certain the victim is responsible for this, the defendant made a statement indicating he needed to hurt whoever hurt him and was prompted to purchase the knife at a Target store near Miami International Airport."

    Appears not to be a random hate crime.

  • Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle resigns: Sources - ABC News
  • Daaaannnnnng

    I was watching some of the congressional hearing yesterday and was astounded by how little information she had to offer. A truly scary display of incompetence. I'm sure there's details that can't be shared for the sake of national security but she couldn't (or chose not to) even answer basic "what color is the sky" questions. Rep. Biggs asked her what the security perimeter was and she responded with "we're asking those questions". Huh??

    I don't believe there to be a conspiracy but, having watched her testimony, I certainly would not argue with anyone who believes there to be one. I wouldn't argue with someone who believes an individual or portion of the USSS intentionally acted in a manner that put lives at risk.

  • What's the best reason to vote for Trump?
  • Exactly. Promises that he’s verifiably uninterested in putting any effort towards because: see above.

  • Trump's social media suggests a campaign scrambling from Biden leaving 2024 race - ABC News
  • Trump unveiled the realities of the wasted money and resources the Trump team now has to deal with. "Now we have to start all over again. Shouldn't the Republican Party be reimbursed for fraud in that everybody around Joe"

    Can we all please take a moment to seriously reflect on this?

    Irrespective of party, campaigning should not primarily be about attacking your rival. It should be about what you intend to do and what you have done to benefit your constituents. Your policies and successful legislation should be what you spend your money on promoting. It should be about the vision you have for this country outside the context of who comes before or after you in office.

    This is, in part, why so many people are resentful of elections - they're 100% full of negativity. Give us some hope. Give us some tangible examples of what's been accomplished. Keep the name of your opposition out of your speeches. Reflect on existing policy you want to change, why you feel it needs to change, and how you intend on changing it. Give us some vision of the future for us to unite around and get excited for.

  • What's the best reason to vote for Trump?
  • The people who want to elect DT are either extremists, cult followers, uninformed / misinformed, or corporate or political anarchists. There is no one of sound or informed mind who would ever vote for him. He has proven to be bad for the people, the economy, the nation, and the world.

    We live in a time where instant access to ideas dilutes and twists reality. The majority of people don't really know what they're voting for nor do they really care what the ramifications of their decisions mean.

    I live in a "blue" east coast city. I read news from generally unbiased sources and I engage with others in forums like this. I can't tell you the number of people I've come across, mostly but not exclusively from outside my city, who have unwavering opinions about something they've proven to know very little about (this is not exclusive to MAGA or republicans). I had a conversation with someone I've known most my life about Dr. Fauci. He thought he should be sent to prison. When I asked why he thought that he didn't really have a coherent response and ended with, "well I guess I don't really pay that close attention to the news".

    Today's politics is more similar to a sporting event than it is about the democratic process. It's more about engaging with your team's fans on social media than it is understanding the philosophies and mechanisms of government.

  • 32 percent of Americans believe a military regime or authoritarian leader would be a good way of governing the country. Why Some Americans Really Do Want an Authoritarian in Charge

    Donald Trump’s strongman image is a plus for many voters.

    Why Some Americans Really Do Want an Authoritarian in Charge

    Meanwhile, 44 percent backed the American tradition of competing branches of government as a model, if sometimes “frustrating,” system.

    Why would people want to live under an authoritarian’s thumb? It’s rooted, experts say, in a psychological need for security—real or perceived—and a desire for conformity, a goal that becomes even more acute as the country undergoes dramatic demographic and social changes. People also like to obey a strong leader who will protect the group—especially if it is the “right” group whose interests will be protected. Recall the Trump supporter who, during the 2019 government shutdown, complained, “He’s not hurting the people he needs to be hurting.”


    How many email addresses do you have?

    I've recently been working to minimize my email clutter, my dependance on certain email providers, and to consolidate services under certain accounts.

    I'm down to the following uses: Apple ID, mydomain-billing/subscriptions, mydomain-official/legal, anon, friends/family, business domain.

    I also have a handful of aliases and an account just for newsletters and my RSS app.

    I'm curious if others have several email addresses for similar uses or if you use your email client to categorize incoming messages for you. For people who only have one email address, how do you manage this?


    What do you believe the role of government to be?

    Regardless of your geographic location, religion, heritage, party affiliation, or your firmness on historical texts; what is it that you believe government's role to be - or should be?

    If you'd like to elaborate, what is it you think your local or national government gets right and gets wrong?

    I pose the question because I believe this fundamental belief is through which we observe and react to politics. There are things we want or don't want government to do but often legislation or special interests or geographic or political threats get in the way. Our reactions to politics are often, but not wrongly, short-sighted and emotional without context or wisdom. I don't see much dialog around this topic and I wonder if people subscribe to political parties without really considering if the party aligns with what they genuinely believe government's responsibility is or should be.


    NYT Opinion | Donald Trump Is Unfit to Lead Opinion | Donald Trump Is Unfit to Lead

    He failed the tests of leadership and betrayed America. Voters must stand up to him in November.

    Opinion | Donald Trump Is Unfit to Lead
    Male Fashion Advice oxjox

    Does LL Bean typically run big?

    I just received an order for a few shirts from LL Bean. Right now, any brand's Large is just a tad tight on me but I'm trying to lose weight and expect to squeeze in soon. These shirts are HUGE.

    I double checked their website's fit guide. By all accounts, it's suggesting I'm a large (5'6" 43 chest). The long sleeve shirt is one size too big, the short sleeves are at least two sizes, if not three, too big. The sweat shirt is a bit large but wearable.

    My plan at this point is to take the nearly two hour drive (with traffic) to my nearest store to try the shirts on in person. Just wondering if I got a weird batch or if I'm a size small in LL Bean.

    Or, should I be expecting these to shrink a lot in the wash?

    UPDATE: So, I drove the store and confirmed my suspicions with the associate. “Traditional Fit” is two sizes bigger, “Slim Fit” is one size bigger, and “Signature” is about right, he said. I didn’t like the signature sizing at all; it was oddly a little smocky and ballooned out at the bottom. And while the small traditional fit fit my width okay, I think it’s a little short, and I’m just 5’6”.


    Can you create a shortcut to a Files folder?

    I just submitted feedback to Apple because I was shocked that there was no apparent way to add a folder bookmark to the Home Screen. You can save a website to the Home Screen on iOS and created an alias on MacOS. So, I don't think this is something that's technically not possible to do nor a foreign concept for Apple.

    Use case: I'm traveling and have all my documents in a folder in iCloud. Yes, you can set that folder as a favorite in Files but it would be more convenient, given. the hectic and stressful nature of traveling, to simply have access to that folder from the Home Screen.

    Even better, now that I think about it, it would be great to have a Smart Folder so any document or email or booking confirmation or SMS or WhatsApp message, etc., that I tag in iCloud with "London" could easily be found from one spot on the Home Screen. Perhaps there's a future where we can ask Siri to show me all my documents and messages for my upcoming trip (not that I trust AI will ever be smart enough to figure this all out).


    What is the answer?

    Share some objective or subjective wisdom you’ve learned recently.


    When / why / how did "I hope you are well" become a standard email intro?

    Practically every email I've received in maybe the past year has started with "I hope you are well". I even had an LLM draft a placeholder email for me and it started with the same thing. This has not always been the case and it's strange to me that everyone I interact with begins their emails with this line. Frankly, it's annoying AF.

    What gives? Who started this? Why has it become so prevalent? More importantly, how do we stop it?

    While I'm at it, if you work in tech / customer support, I urge you to speak with your supervisors to minimize the boiler plate copy paste trash you insert into your emails. People dealing with shit that's not working as intended or desired do not have the mental or emotional capacity to wade through your platitudinal nonsense. Get to the fucking point.


    Chinese migrants are fastest growing group crossing into U.S. from Mexico | 60 Minutes

    Please watch the entire video before commenting.

    The take away, in my opinion, was much less about the Chinese migrants than it was the story of the specific location they were coming through and how and why the process of legal immigration is broken. It seems so, so easy to fix this problem but it’s clear “the border” is being used as a political pawn to divide us for political gain.


    One thing I'm going to miss is r/photomarket

    The community around buying and selling gear and just watching awesome stuff pop up for sale regularly is one of the reasons I've stuck with the site for so long.

    Other than FredMiranda, e$ay, Craigslist, I'm not sure what other options there are (I'm not on FB).

    Is there any chance something like photomarket could pop up in the fediverse? What other sites are you trading on?


    I was banned from one sub for posting a question in another.

    This is a rant.

    It stems from the recent Joe Rogan comment about Biden which turned out to be Trump. I'm an indie-leaning "progressive" who found this to be an important moment to call out for everyone.

    The video, summarized: Joe Rogan is proved wrong when claiming Biden said "one of the problems about the Revolutionary War was that we didn't have enough airports". Rogan goes on, "If you had any other job, and you were talking like that, they'd go, 'you're done'". "It's just the media narrative..." Then the actual Biden video is pulled up for him showing that Biden is quoting Trump, "This is the same stable genius who said the biggest problem we had in the Revolutionary War was that we didn't have enough airports". "Is that fake?", Rogan says. Producer, "It's not fake, here's the video..." Trump, "our army manned the airports, it ran the ramparts, it took over the airports, it did everything it had to do." Rogan, "Oh, he fucked up.." His guest, "that's the thing about the media today, you gotta look into it."

    My comment: >Is there a sub for instances like this where people say something about "the other side" only to be immediately shown that it was their "side" who said it? >This post is iconic should be pinned to the top of every social site.

    Soon after, I received a message from r/JusticeServed (a sub I don't actively participate in) saying, >Hello, You have been permanently banned from participating in r/JusticeServed because you broke this community's rules. You won't be able to post or comment, but you can still view and subscribe to it. >Note from the moderators: >You have been banned for participating in a subreddit that has consistently shown to provide refuge for users to promote hate, violence and misinformation (joerogan). >This fully automated ban has been performed by a bot that cannot determine context. Appeals will be provided for good-faith users upon request. You can reply to this message and ask for an appeal. Any other messages will be ignored. More information on the appeal process here:

    My appeal did not include kind words. I called them out for being fascists and being part of the reason why Reddit has become a shithole. My appeal closed with asking not to be un-banned. Then I received this message,

    >We are willing to reverse the ban only if you plan to stop supporting the target subreddit. Regardless of context, contributions you provide to the target subreddit is a material form of support. >Posting, Commenting, and Voting in a subreddit or on an item is a signal to Reddit and their advertisers that the participant believes that the community or comment or post has a legitimate reason for existing and serves a purpose for them. >There is no place for hate, violence and purposeful disinformation on Reddit. Those sub's advertisers should not be rewarded for the traffic metrics you and your peers provide to them by showing up and inflating those numbers. >They don't care what you say. They are just happy to have you continue to show up and refresh the page. >If this is something you can accept, to stop participating in the target subreddit, then please reply. If the bot hits you again for the same subreddit, you will not be unbanned a second time. >If you don't want to stop helping the target sub and their advertisers, then you can just ignore this message.

    I responded, in part, with a full throated 'you can go fuck yourself'. This lead to a harassment warning from Reddit. I also noted the sub's 'motto' - "Too many times justice fails to prevail. These are not those times." For fucking real. I had also pointed out that what they're doing is analogous to DeSantis banning me from entering Florida just because I live in Philadelphia.

    Dear JusticeServed, this is called cutting off your nose to spite your face.

    I mean, this is the kind of shit that makes people more sympathetic to Musk and Rogan. I am not in support of nationalism or racism or misinformation. What I am in support of is common fucking sense.

    It's very likely that had I maintained my composure I would have had a successful appeal. I didn't want to appeal to be unbanned though, I wanted to bring attention to their hypocrisy. >With the overturning of Roe v Wade, we saw a couple of subreddits pinning mod endorsed celebration threads. Why anyone would want to celebrate people losing rights is beyond me.

    Rights? What rights are you supporting, JusticeServed? Certainly not Freedom of Speech. Spying on people and censoring them for actions they take in other communities sounds a lot like fascism to me.

    The take away here is that we shouldn't put so much emotional weight on stupid shit like this that ultimately doesn't matter in our real lives. And in our real lives, we should be more cautious with judging people. Your current mood and state of mind can easily cause you to misinterpret someone else's words and (re)actions. We should all be more mindful to take a breath before reacting to something emotionally triggering. And, of course, fuck Reddit.


    Unable to sign in to

    For well over a week, I've been unable to sign into with Lemmios. I'm not having an issue with other apps like Memmy.


    How safe are grammar editing tools?

    Without naming names, there's a well advertised grammar editing tool that's available either as an app download or browser extension. This is something I'd value for a number of reasons (good grammar is important!) but I'm super cautious about anything I'm giving permission to watch what I'm typing.

    Ideally, I'd prefer to select text and have it analyzed on-demand using on-device intelligence. I'm on a Mac and it seems like Pages isn't cut out to check grammar. Also, there's no way in heck I'm paying $30 a month for a subscription.

    Edit: I just want to acknowledge my request for something I'd value and then saying I don't want to pay for it. I would certainly pay for something if it met my needs but this function isn't something I'd personally value at $30 a month or any monthly subscription ($30 a year sounds reasonable). Moreover, if there's any suspicion of an application using my data for their own profit, they are not getting my money. So, in this case, for the sake of data privacy, I would prefer to pay for something (preferably once - grammar shouldn't need updating).


    Queensryche - Revolution Calling

    I was just watching some Headbangers Ball on when the lyrics to this video by Queensryche struck me. I don't know that I ever heard this song before but I was around back then and recall plenty of "protest" / anti-government, anti-capitalist, anti-coldwar songs on the radio and MTV. It has me reflecting on the state of politics today and how things have shifted and twisted.

    From 1988...

    For a price I'd do about anything Except pull the trigger For that I'd need a pretty good cause Then I heard of Dr. X The man with the cure Just watch the television Yeah, you'll see there's something going on

    Got no love for politicians Or that crazy scene in D.C. It's just a power mad town But the time is ripe for changes There's a growing feeling That taking a chance on a new kind of vision is due

    I used to trust the media To tell me the truth, tell us the truth But now I've seen the payoffs Everywhere I look Who do you trust when everyone's a crook?

    Revolution calling Revolution calling Revolution calling you Revolution calling Revolution calling Gotta make a change Gotta push, gotta push it on through

    I'm tired of all this bullshit They keep selling me on T.V. About the communist plan And all the shady preachers Begging for my cash Swiss bank accounts while giving their Secretaries the slam

    They're all in Penthouse now Or Playboy magazine, million dollar stories to tell I guess Warhol wasn't wrong Fame fifteen minutes long Everyone's using everybody, making the sale

    I used to think That only America's way, way was right But now the holy dollar rules everybody's lives Gotta make a million doesn't matter who dies

    Revolution calling Revolution calling Revolution calling you Revolution calling Revolution calling Gotta make a change Gotta push, gotta push it on through

    I used to trust the media To tell me the truth, tell us the truth But now I've seen the payoffs Everywhere I look Who do you trust when everyone's a crook?

    Revolution calling Revolution calling Revolution calling you Revolution calling Revolution calling Gotta make a change Gotta push, gotta push it on through


    Native American Group Threatens National Boycott If Washington Football Team Doesn’t Change Name Back To ‘Redskins’ (The Daily Wire)

    Gotta love the top comment, “If sincere, what a great move, and a great recognition of the need for preserving historical truth and solidarity.”

    Apple oxjox

    What are you doing to minimize your use of / dependency on Apple devices and other technologies?

    This might be the wrong place to ask this question but, as someone who has owned more Apple products that I could count, I'm interested in reducing my dependency on them (and tech, in general) moving forward.

    A significant portion of my life has included spending time and money on devices and applications to "make my life easier / more productive". It's becoming all too apparent though that this has created a reliance on technology that can become difficult to separate from if a company, such as Apple, makes changes that are displeasurable or disruptive to the habits I've adopted my daily life.

    I mean, my bluetooth trackpad is acting wonky right now, so that's not fun. Wired always works. Is there too much technology?

    I am not a fan of having to keep a phone on me at all times. It's always in silent mode and visual notifications are kept to a minimum. I can and do sometimes go two to three days without even knowing where my phone is. If I leave the house, I more often just take my Apple Watch and a note pad. (However, with the realization that Apple is changing the Watch UX with OS10, I'm not so sure I'll be using it much longer.)

    I'll go through my phone once in a while and delete apps I rarely use. If I need something, I can easily reinstall it. The only things I really need a phone for are Maps for navigation, Safari to open a restaurant's menu, to manage my Apple Wallet, to get a Lyft, to view my Fitness / Health info, and to access an MFA Authenticator app.

    After my Apple TV, my iPad is probably my most used device, closely followed by my Mac mini. (I have a MacBook for work - I don't consider that part of this conversation.) Thinking about it though, I could probably eliminate the iPad in favor of the desktop experience. Since there is not Finder replacement on iPad, I need a MacOS computer to mange my music, photos, files, etc. Although, I hate sitting at a desk more than I need to already for work. If MacOS Finder were available on an iPad, I might be able to ditch a desktop computer.

    I just checked Screen Time on my phone - I'm averaging about 1 Hour / Week. My iPad is about 4 Hours / Week. Why do I even have these devices?

    So, my problem is that I need(?) each of these devices for just a small handful of tasks. Stepping back from it, it feels stupid that I have all this crap. It's a lot of money spent and it's a lot of opportunity for something to break my daily habits. Although, speaking of habits, I have to admit I feel an addiction to these things that prevents me from getting rid of them.

    Aren't we all addicted to out devices? Are we actively encouraging or reducing our dependency on technology and what affect does this have on our mental well being?

    I'm wondering if anyone has taken steps to replace or eliminate devices or experiences. How are you living a minimalist technology life?


    How are you managing your interaction with redundant communities?

    For example, I'm on and I've joined [email protected], [email protected], and [email protected]. In this example, it's not very different from the number of similar groups on Flickr but, in comparison to Reddit, it seems like the decentralized platform can be a little unruly.

    How are you going about joining different communities and managing your engagement? Are you only participating on the community on your instance? Are you joining and posting in as many instances that seem relevant?

    Lemmy Support oxjox

    I think you've got a bug with your 2FA notification.

    When I followed the instructions shown when selecting "Set up 2-factor authentication", there's a pop-up that says to reload the page. When I did that I was immediately signed out and was unable to log back in without a 2FA key.

    Click 'Save', then manually reload this page, scroll down and use the '2FA installation link' to obtain the oath URL for your authenticator.
