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What is some good things to do with a new pc/laptop/computer?
  • Do this, then visit and choose what you want installed on it.

  • Bank of Canada raises its interest rate to 5%
  • The UK has gone through something like this. I went from 2% to 5% earlier this year.

  • Alright, own up. Which of you has never boiled an egg !?
  • Not that it matters at all and there is never a need to strictly hold yourself to a dietary rule. The term for a vegetarian that eats eggs and dairy is "Lacoto-ovo vegetarian"

  • Are you replacing Reddit with Lenny?
  • Yeah I agree, it would be nice to be able to search "baking" and get all the instances that have a !baking@.... community.

    Early days, it'll be interesting to see what the 3rd party app developers come out with.

  • subscriptions not showing
  • I've noticed it with connect but they are there with Jebora. I've also noticed it's hard to search for communities. But I think that may be a Lemmy issue.

  • What old Reddit karma farming questions do you want to see asked here and why? /s
  • AITA for reacting in a completely appropriate way but I'd like some validation anyway?

  • SDF Minecraft

    I saw that SDF hosts a Minecraft server. I'm wondering if there is an SDF Minecraft community page?

    It could be a fun idea to get one going.

    I've only played Minecraft a couple of times so I'm hesitant to create one. Anyone here involved in the server?

    Are you replacing Reddit with Lenny?
  • I am, and I've noticed one welcomed effect it has had in me.

    I'll admit I had an unhealthy phone habit of mindlessly scrolling and Reddit nurtured this.

    As much as I'm excited about Lemmy - the barriers I'm finding of finding content that appeases my desire to scroll has greatly reduced my phone usage. Smaller user base, inability (for me anyway) to find communities and content through the search etc.

    Lemmy is just good enough for me not to go back to Reddit, but not matured enough to replace the addition.

  • For the fourth day in a row, Earth has broken or equalled its hottest average temperature record
  • Some serious rose tinted glasses looking back on history there! At what point in time are you thinking about? For most of history I'd have had fealty to some land owner. I'd say we have more freedom and opertunity to experience the world now than before.

    You can still explore the planet for yourself, just because something has been experienced by someone before you shouldn't take too much away from your joy if experiencing it.

  • can we consider ourselves as Lemmites?
  • Wouldn't we be Lemmings?

  • For the fourth day in a row, Earth has broken or equalled its hottest average temperature record
  • Even if we were able to live in complete harmony with the planet and not exhaust our resources we'd undoubtedly go extinct for one reason or another. I'm not necessarily talking about resources.

    But yeah, what you've described is how we're existing at present anyway.

  • Stellar Federation Address | Federated Finance
  • I disagree with this, I mean you can donate to the creator of Lemmy using crypto if you wanted.

    It's cool though, it appears that this is a really unwelcome suggestion here 😅

  • For the fourth day in a row, Earth has broken or equalled its hottest average temperature record
  • Yeah you're taking sense. Although in the situation of the population dropping drastically to a core survivor population, you might find there to be less of a limit on resources.

  • For the fourth day in a row, Earth has broken or equalled its hottest average temperature record
  • Because ultimately if we don't leave this rock we go extinct. Guaranteed.

  • Time off and a healthy lifestyle are driving some young Americans to Europe: 'You are a person first and a worker 2nd'
  • Yeah, I believe they are tax friendly to remote workers and you can get a visa to remain if you've got assets that generate €7k income a year.

    I'd say it's still not an easy task to get an EU passport. I'd definitely takes quite a commitment at least.

  • Stellar Federation Address | Federated Finance
  • That mean that user AND server administrator will control user wallet.

    Well, if this were the case I guess it's not a great idea at all!

  • Stellar Federation Address | Federated Finance
  • I'm no authority on this subject. It's just the first instance of federation I read about before Limmey etc.

    I believe there would be some integration from Limmey, to generate the keypair along with the user account. It could be up to 3rd party apps if they if they wanted to utilise this and allow for account management from the app. Or none at all and Lemmy could just allow for exporting your private key to use elsewhere.

    As for why, I guess you don't have a great rationale. It just seems like a progression to me. If people are communicating with each other in this manner, why not allow for payment. A person could always share a public key, PayPal or bank details if they wished. This way would just be undoubtedly linked to the person you were considering paying.

  • Stellar Federation Address | Federated Finance
  • That's fair. Although I think it could be implemented without effecting your Lemmy experience. It would just allow people to send payment to a person's federated account. Collecting or transfering this payment could be done "off-app" through conventional wallet apps.

  • For the fourth day in a row, Earth has broken or equalled its hottest average temperature record
  • I disagree, if you've looked at all the advances in technology made over the last 1,2,300 years. If there was to be a great extinction event with some survivors - they'd bounce back relatively quickly.

  • Stellar Federation Address | Federated Finance
  • It would just be a means of sending/recieving payments from your account.

  • Stellar Federation Address | Federated Finance Federation | Stellar Documentation

    The Stellar federation protocol maps Stellar addresses to an email-like identifier that provides more information about a given user. It’s a way for Stellar client software to resolve email-like addresses such as name* into account IDs like: GCCVPYFOHY7ZB7557JKENAX62LUAPLMGIWNZJAFV2MIT...

    What do people think about incorporating a Stellar address that is unique to your federated account with your chosen insurance.

    This would allow for people to send/receive stable coins such as circles USDC. I feel the stellar network would complement Lemmy or Mastodon quite well.

    For the fourth day in a row, Earth has broken or equalled its hottest average temperature record
  • Maybe I've consumed too much sci-fi over the years. I've always thought the primary goal should be that of making this species a space fairing one. Secondary, they to extend the life of this planet as much as possible. It will die one day, that's unavoidable.

    At the present, it looks like neither are being achieved. It's all just going to collapse on itself. Maybe the human population 2.0 can resurface and try again after the planet kills almost everyone.

    I feel sorry for the younger generation and my peers with children.

  • SDF Mastodon

    Hi, I just discovered SDF whilst looking for a Lemmy instance. Things look really interesting here. Hopefully will learn a lot.

    Quick question re: mastodon SDF instance. Should I be able to log in with my Lemmy credentials or do I have to register a new account? Maybe a stupid question, but thought i should ask!
