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ophelia ophelia
Posts 4
Comments 16
What's some really unpopular opinion you have?
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  • What's some really unpopular opinion you have?
  • The vast majority of comments here aren't unpopular, just misinformed, contradictory, or intentionally antagonising.

  • What’s a painful experience you haven’t had in years?
  • Smashed my elbow.

    I don't mean hit it, I mean fell on the palm of my hand in such a way that the force pushed my forearm bone directly through the elbow socket and smashed it to pieces. It had to be rebuilt twice.

  • As badly described as possible, what is your favorite video game?
  • You're either saving the literal universe, or doing the bees-knees dance with cat girls wearing short skirts and deeply v-necked tops.

  • Why are scammers so extra?
  • I know I'll probably get dogpiled for saying this, but I'll say it anyway. It makes me really sad to see these things because they're targeted to people who aren't "willingly stupid". Learning disabled and the elderly primarily. I've also seen foreign teenagers who grew up without technology in very corrupt government systems fall for similar messages.

    It really breaks my heart. We should be protecting these people, but there's so many comments here blaming them.

    "Stupid people" aren't the problem here, the scammers taking advantage of the most vulnerable populations are.

  • Is there a business in your town, which you are 100% sure is a front?
  • I live in a very rural town surrounded by farms. Just outside the town is a business, but it's completely unmarked and the entire building is painted black. There's a chain link fence all around it, and there's a partition in the middle. Behind the partition you can randomly see just ridiculously nice sports cars, and it's always different ones.

    Once we were driving by and saw this really nice lowered sports car randomly stuck in the ditch out front, and it took them at least half the day to get it out.

    I'm certain it's a chop shop.

  • What's your spirit animal?
  • Permanently Deleted

  • What's your spirit animal?
  • I've always interpreted this as "out of every animal you know, which one resonates with you the most, based on what you know about it"

  • What was your worst experience at work?
  • Permanently Deleted

  • Salem and Pixie
  • No way, I have a tortie named Pixie! I also have a black cat too, but his name is Deathwing. Pixie tax:

  • The Moonfire Faire Begins August 10!
  • Eh, lame that it's a full single piece suit rather than separate pieces. And isn't very summery.

  • When sleeping, door open or closed?
  • Open, otherwise our cat would lose her mind.

  • Hey couples, do you have similar views as your partner or are you very different people?
  • My husband and I are both relatively similar in our political views though he is much more pessimistic. For example, I make sure to get out and vote every election, whereas he refuses because he thinks they're all corrupt and shitty anyway.

    As far as personal interests go, we're extremely similar. We both love to play video games, and we love the same tv shows. For movies, we'll both watch pretty much anything, but I feel my bar is a bit lower than his. I don't mind if a movie has awkward acting, or a bit of a janky story line, as long as it has some heart, whereas he either wants a cinematic classic or so-bad-its-good and doesn't bother with anything in between.

    For food, I'm much more adventurous and will try almost anything once, whereas once he knows what he likes that's all he wants. I think this is the way we differ the most. The frustrating thing is I'll eat pretty much anything so I'll say "what do you want to eat?" And he'll say "I don't know whatever" so I'll just pick something random and he'll go "if you want I guess...." And it makes me want to throat punch something.

    Financially, we both make relatively frugal decisions. We try to think 5 years ahead before making any major purchases, but I usually think in terms of wanting to enjoy ourselves so how can we make this work in the next 5 years whereas he thinks what if we both lose our jobs in 5 years how will this purchase affect us. We both listen to eachother and don't make big purchases without the other's input.

  • After Work Gaming: What games do you enjoy mostly after a day of work?
  • Final Fantasy XIV if I'm feeling social or Planet Zoo if I just want to zone out and look at cute animals. I love both games right now.

  • Looking for games that will make me cry
  • Final Fantasy XIV (specifically the level 73 quest line in ShB and the final part of Endwalker)

  • Compare american vs japanese craftsmen-cars
  • Yeah, my family currently has R but next year we need to buy an L for most of the reasons listed above. I'm just glad both options are available, it's always works out better for consumers when there's more choices depending on your needs.

  • WTF???
  • I'm glad you shared just because I like learning about language. I never knew this until now.

  • Christians warned against seeing Barbie: ‘It’s hardcore propaganda’
  • Saw this yesterday in theaters after intentionally avoiding reading anything about it. I went in expecting a quirky pre-teen comedy with a few "adult jokes" sprinkled it. I ended up absolutely loving it, definitely my favorite movie I've seen in a while. Of course it's full of advertising, but it's literally a movie about a toy. That really shouldn't surprise anyone.

  • I'm a transgender woman that transitioned 6 years ago, and I recently generated significant fediverse drama, though these things are unrelated. AMA
  • Thank you so much for your thoughtful answer.

    One of my closest friends is undergoing a transition and I'm supporting her all the way. Can I follow up my question with one more?

    Is there something you wish a friend did that would make the process easier for you, that wouldn't necessarily be obvious?

  • What did you do in Planet Zoo today?

    Starting this thread, similar to the one from the official forums. Whatever you did today, even if it's "boring", I'd still like to know.
