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onevia oNevia

Hi! I'm oNevia. I love gaming, design and music. Hit me up if you wanna chat.


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How supportive is your family of your transition? (Rate 1-6)

My family tends to be sprinkled throughout the different levels. My wife, grandmother and son, easily number 1 in support of my transition and identity.

Many of my cousins I grew up with are level 2.

Father and stepmother are level 5 - possibly level 6 when I was a child - still figuring that one out as new traumas surface.

Everyone else hovers around 3 - 5.

Just remember, I'll always be a level 1 for you ❤️

Level 1: completely supportive

Level 2: mostly supportive but lacking some knowledge, or some transmedicalist attitudes due to ignorance, not malignancy

Level 3: neutral, not supportive but not opposing either, or "supportive" transmedicalist

Level 4: leaning oppose, but no forceful interventions, or refuse to gende you correctly but used neutral pronouns

Level 5: misgendering, not accepting you as their daughter or son, but still pretend to be "loving" misgendered you

Level 6: disowning or physically beating or etc, most extreme measures

(Stolen, with love, from the user Cormier643 on Reddit. Felt like this was a great way to get discussions going again ❤️)

-Olivia ✌🏻

How's your week been?
  • Hehe. I saw your application come through the other day 😉

  • Pffft. Don't tempt me with a good time!
  • Might just do that :P

    Orchi is probably my first surgical step.

  • unixsocks needs new mods
  • Thank you 🥺

  • unixsocks needs new mods
  • Interested ☺️

  • Pffft. Don't tempt me with a good time!
  • Sounds cheaper than current surgical options 😁

  • Codependency Issues in the LGBTQ+ Community 198 Dealing with Codependency Issues in the LGBTQ+ Community with Miriam Geiger - The Addicted Mind Podcast

    The LGBTQ community has long been underserved by the mental health care system as well as recovery supports, despite being an increasingly visible and sizable part of the general population. In part, this is due to the ongoing discrimination and prejudice that members of the LGBTQ community face on ...

    198 Dealing with Codependency Issues in the LGBTQ+ Community with Miriam Geiger - The Addicted Mind Podcast

    Have you been in a codependent relationship?

    My transition has helped me realize just how bad the codependency was in my marriage. Things are really rough for me currently as we try and untangle the destructive habits.

    I have never had a sense of identity outside of my relationship with my wife. Now that is changing, it means my marriage must change with it... or not.

    I want to get into voice training and have no baseline
  • I am working on gathering together all my resources and teachings through my own voice training with a speech pathologist.

    Once I have it together I will send you a message ❤️

  • Who has been your biggest support during your transition?
  • Not a weird answer at all! Being your own best support is a dream that most do not end up fulfilling.

    Be proud of yourself Keris, you're a lot closer to that dream Keris than you realize ❤️

    I see it and I know everyone here and in the chats do as well 😘

  • Who has been your biggest support during your transition?
  • This is so heart warming to hear! Thank you for your input, your husband sounds like a keeper for sure! ❤️

  • Who has been your biggest support during your transition?
  • And I love you Emma! I see you realized I was talking about you 😘

    Thank you for being such a huge support for me. Even when I struggle so much. You're my absolute best friend and mean the world to me!

    We will take on this world together 💕

  • Who has been your biggest support during your transition?
  • Personally, my biggest support has been my wife who has been with me every step of the way. Even the steps that terrified us both.

    But also, I have found my family that I have been searching for my entire life. I found them here and on the blahaj matrix chat rooms.

    I hope they all know just how special they are to me. They've given me a space to be myself and I feel like I finally fit in somewhere.

    When I say they're my family, I truly honestly mean that.

    There is one special person that I've met here that I know for a fact will always be a part of my life. I wouldn't trade them for the world. ❤️

  • trans girl searching for friends in southeast Louisiana
  • Matrix has been a home to me as well, hence why I'm responding 3 days late 😅

    But I know you have a friend in me :)

  • trans girl searching for friends in southeast Louisiana
  • Good luck! They're out there! Just have to find them :)

    And all who are considering Emma's request for friendship, she is amazing! And a fantastic person to talk with ❤️

  • I'm the Duluth Critter
  • Troy and Abed in the moooorrrnnning!

    Yep, you're a really awesome person! Love those names. And I would bet money Keris would be so happy to have a little kitty door so they can visit her. She adores cats.

  • I'm the Duluth Critter
  • I can not express the gratitude I have for you. Keris seemed to be in a desperate situation and I think you are going to be such a positive influence on her life as she moves forward.

    From the bottom of my heart, thank you. Youre a modern day underground railroad safe haven for us trans people who just want to live our lives.

    The world needs more people like you and your family. ❤️

    Take care and again, thank you for saving a close friend

  • How's your transition coming along?
  • Just had my first check up with my Endo yesterday. Been on HRT for 3 months and my E levels are almost where I want them at 97.1 pg/ml. Trying to get to the 150 range.

    Haven't gotten my testosterone test back yet but hoping it's low as the 100mg of Spiro a day is already kicking my ass.

    Also through these blood tests I found out I probably have hyperthyroidism so gonna have to figure that all out. And maybe Celiacs Disease. Lol

    But otherwise, I'm super happy with my results so far and just learned my daily ibuprofen intake can stunt boob growth so I'm coming off that as fast as possible.

    Currently my biggest hurdle is finally coming out at work ... Then everyone in my life will finally know and I don't have to keep going by my deadname

  • How's your week been?
  • I'm working on parent names too with my wife :) I've been daddy up to this point (21 months) and although I don't get dysphoria from my son referring to me as daddy, it's not feeling right with other people.

    Anyways, glad to hear you've found out what your son will call you ❤️ I'm personally leaning towards Momo and my wife is Mama. Momo because it's a mix of mama with the first initial of my name (Olivia) and also, reminds me of Momo from Avatar the Last Airbender; so I'm digging that, lol.

  • Those of you that have children. What does it mean to be a dad or mom to you?
  • Thank you so much for your insightful reply ❤️

    I think I personally got so caught up in the idea of "what makes a good mom" that I didn't really see the simple answer of it being about being a good parent. Just being that person your child can always come to

  • Those of you that have children. What does it mean to be a dad or mom to you?
  • I feel largely the same way. When I try and think of what makes a good mom or dad, they both are basically "what makes a good parent"

    I just have some mental block on the labels for some reason. 😓

  • Those of you that have children. What does it mean to be a dad or mom to you?
  • Thank you for your response ❤️🥹

    My son is 21 months old and his birth was a catalyst for my egg crack.

    Ever since he was born I parented as my authentic self (whether I realized that at the time or not) so largely my parenting has been just that. Being the best parent I can be.

    My wife and I were talking earlier today and we both for some reason are having a hard time seeing me as a "mom" but also not as a "dad" Somewhere in between, but in all other aspects we both see me as a woman. Dysphoria withstanding.

    I'm not saying I feel like the parental roles should be different per se, that doesn't make sense to me. I view it as a full partnership and gender doesn't play a part.

    But then on the other hand I feel like I'm taking something away from my son by feeling more and more disconnected from "daddy" and more connected to "something else" Like I don't deserve the title of mom or dad but something else. I desperately want to be mom but I love hearing my son run up to me yelling dada!. It warms my heart because that is his sound for me. For our special connection we share....

    I think at the end of the day, I have some internal transphobia to work through because this is the one area of my transition where I have this sense of being a "trespasser" Being a mother has always been a dream of mine even when I didn't have the words for it. So why don't I feel like I am a mother? When in all aspects of life I am living as my authentic self.


    Anyways, thank you for coming to my Ted talk :)

  • Those of you that have children. What does it mean to be a dad or mom to you?

    Been a while since I've posted here but missed you all!

    I'd love for this to be a discussion question, but also I am legitimately asking.

    I have a beautiful son who helped crack my egg when he was born. But I'm still struggling understanding what being a mom means other than "just how I feel"

    I never had good blueprints for being a father or mother so all I know is generally "how to be a parent"

    But I'm curious to those of you that have children. What does being a mother mean to you? What does being a father mean to you?

    Thank you


    What thoughts/memories did you have before coming out, in hindsight, are big signs you were trans?
  • I did the same thing basically. Also started shaving my arms for a while because they got to a point where they seemed "too" hairy. Stopped and had to play boy when I got made fun of for it. 😓

  • What thoughts/memories did you have before coming out, in hindsight, are big signs you were trans?

    I feel that I should preface this by warning questioning people that looking for signs is generally not a good way to find out if you're trans. Different people experience being trans in different ways.

    Thank you lady_scarecrow for the above disclaimer. Very good advice ❤️


    Do you have a blahaj? If so, what is their name?

    Here is mine ❤️ she may be knock off, but she's huge beautiful and her name is Gloria. I love her very much :D


    What has been the greatest source of euphoria or affirmation through your transition?

    Do you have "that one thing" that always feels affirming? Something that you continuously return to because you know it'll make your day better?


    What do you feel was the hardest hurdle to overcome during your transition? What did you learn from that experience?

    This could be the biggest step that was hard for you to start. Or maybe there was a particularly stressful time during your transition that really weighed on you.

    How did you overcome this and what did it teach you?

    -Olivia ✌🏻


    I was approached in public for being clocked as trans

    I was just having a conversation with my wife this morning about my anxiety about the first time I was going to be confronted for my identity. I told her how I felt like it was going to happen soon as I stop passing as cis. Being in a red state in a very rural area makes these anxieties spiral.

    Well, it finally happened. I was approached by a stranger for being trans in front of my wife and 20mo son....

    And it was such a heartwarming and hopeful interaction! (sorry, I couldn't resist the clickbait plot twist)

    My family and I were eating at the local Sam's Club and a man walked up to me and started talking directly to me.

    He started with "I don't mean to be presumptuous but..."

    Me: Oh shit, here we go. First confrontation and it's in front of my son as we are just enjoying lunch

    Him: I don't mean to be presumptuous but I noticed your family is unconventional; my family is also unconventional (He is FtM and his wife is MtF; assumedly). I just wanted to say that if you're looking for resources or community in the area, these are for you

    *he hands me two business cards. One card has a website with a big list of transgender resources in my area. The other card is for a local Lutheran Church.

    Him: if you're looking for a church, these people don't give a sh*t who you are - they preach about accepting all people and loving and supporting your community. Very loving group of people who accept everyone for who they are.

    He patted me on the shoulder, wished me and my family a happy rest of our day and gave a genuine smile as he walked away.

    I muttered a thank you but was mostly shocked and didn't even catch his name.

    Luckily, once my family was finished eating, we ended up catching him and his wife on the way out. We got to talking a bit more.

    I told him that I really needed that because my wife and I are desperate to find local queer community. We talked about how difficult the beginning stages are (I'm 5 months since cracking and 6 weeks on HRT) but it gets so much better. He isn't religious (neither am I) but he goes to this church for the community.

    I tell him thank you a million times and we exchange names. We end up hugging tightly for a few moments and we were both a little teary.

    Final thought. My wife and I looked up the church and it seems their pastor is queer as well and they specifically mention that they are a trans safe place.

    I think my wife and I might end up trying them out in the hopes of creating more friendships and a sense of community. We aren't religious (and can't believe we are considering going to church) but are looking for a community that accepts us as we are. Who knows, maybe that's at church? Lol


    Do you wish you were cis? Why or why not?

    Or in other words, do you wish you were born "fitting in" to the society we live in? Why or why not?

    This might be a divisive question so please remember to be civil and respectful.

    I believe we should all be proud of our trans identities and how they help make up the beautiful complex people we are, but with rising transphobia around the world, we've been pressured to hide this aspect of ourselves and even feel shame or internalized transphobia. It's important to keep in mind that transphobia and bigotry are learned traits. Not something people are born with. Our society as well as influential people in our lives shape these viewpoints out of fear and lack of understanding.

    I think this is why so many of us that fall under a binary trans umbrella (including myself) are overly concerned with passing in public. Or "presenting as cis" vs being comfortable with where we are in our process.

    Does being concerned with passing mean we wish we were cis? Or is it more of a self defense we have developed to keep ourselves safe even if that means going "stealth" and hiding big aspects of our identity?

    What are your thoughts? Do you wish you were cis instead of trans? Why is that?

    **EDIT: When writing and thinking about this post, I did not fully consider how different perspectives may view this question. I wrote it using my own experience as a mostly binary trans woman and in turn it excludes a lot of non-binary perspectives.

    I apologize for excluding any of our wonderful transiblings from discussion. I'll keep this in mind moving forward and love each and every one of you!

    All the love, -Olivia**


    Dysphoria got you down? Comment on this post for moral support from your trans siblings!

    A lot of us experience dysphoria about a lot of things. Personally, one of my biggest points of dysphoria is my facial/body hair and masculine sounding voice.

    We believe this should be a community where all trans people are welcome to give and receive support on their journey.

    Feel free to rant about what's been bothering you and try and comment on someone else's comment with some encouragement! It can really go a long way to brightening someone's day!

    Love to all my trans brothers, sisters, enbies and all other flavors of people who live as they are ❤️

    -Olivia (oNevia)


    For those that have started HRT, what was the most surprising change you noticed that you weren't expecting?

    I'm still pretty early on in my HRT journey at just under 5 weeks of estradiol IM injections and Spironolactone.

    One thing that I kind of was expecting but still took me by surprise was the depth of my emotions increasing.

    I kept reading about "a larger range of emotional responses" but feeling it is a whole new world! I feel like my emotions have so much more texture and nuance that I pick up on. I can feel them shift from sadness to anger to determination to whatever so quickly and so intuitively.

    Before I started E, the best way I can describe how my emotional state behaved was like these blurry blobs of feelings that were difficult to distinguish or identify. Everything swirled around me without me being able to fully experience them. Now they are a part of me and I would never go back ❤️


    What song or artist has been affirming for you during your transition?

    Lately I have been listening to the album "The Blessed Unrest" by Sara Bareilles.

    From "I Choose You" being the song my wife and I chose to walk down the aisle to (before my egg cracked) to that same beautiful woman playing "Brave" for me - giving me strength to come out as trans to family. This album has become a staple in my transition and it's easy to see my self throughout it's lyrics and melodies.

    "Hercules" is also a good song about pleading for inner strength - which for me, means becoming my authentic self as Olivia. Here is a verse from that song that resonates with me:

    I've lost a grip on where I started from
 I wish I'd thought ahead and left a few crumbs I'm on the hunt for who I've not yet become But I'd settle for little equilibrium
 There is a war inside my heart gone silent Both sides dissatisfied and somewhat violent The issue I have now begun to see
 I am the only lonely casualty


    What is something you wish cis people understood?

    Personally, for me it's the idea that just because you don't experience something (dysphoria, or being a gender other than what society expects of you) that doesn't mean those experiences aren't valid.

    I get sooo tired of the response "I just don't understand! I love being my AGAB! Why can't you just get over it?"
