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obiwantan ObiWanTan

Socially awkward. Much more sociable around here than in real-life.

"I'm as free as the dust in the solar wind..."

Interested in Sci-Fi, 3D Art, Photography, Gaming, Cooking (more like eating) or just talking about whatever. Otherwise than that, just ask.

Posts 2
Comments 22
EU wants “readily removable” batteries in devices soon—but what does that mean?
  • Indeed. Yet they already showed thair bad teeth (talking about chat control). I guess we'll see how it'll come.

  • Thousands of realistic but fake AI child sex images found online, report says
  • Good, AI created CP is not illegal yet, so use it to lure them in.

  • EU wants “readily removable” batteries in devices soon—but what does that mean?
  • I'm okay with removing depleted organic batteries from circulating around brussels.

    Joke aside, in some countries removable batteries are forced by law. Yet they are still glued into your devices and no one cares.

  • big guy, big love
  • Can relate. Everyone seems afraid of me all the time until they see me taking a walk with my pekingese-chihuahua mix.

  • Coping with the blues.
  • Thanks. Sadly not, at least not about Mass Effect. Haven't done anything like this in a long time, most of my work can be considered lost.

  • The end, once again.
  • Post-Reaper? Sounds awesome. You could do the writing, I could do the art. If I ever get a good enough PC, that is. My last render took 14 hours and even then just reached around 80%.

    Yeah, I really hope they can bring those feelings back.

  • What's your "cannon" OT run?
  • I usually go full paragon on the characters I like (Squadmates, Anderson, etc.) but full renegade on anyone I don't like (Saren, TIM). Romancing Liara in ME1, then going for Tali in ME2 and ME3. Leading Garrus on the "good" path. Saving the council. Geth/Quarian alliance. Curing the genophage. Synthesis.

    I tried to play it different many times, but in the end I just can't help myself but to stick to these points.

  • Coping with the blues.
  • Thank you.

    It's actually DAZ. First 3D software I've used, easy to get into and still my favorite. Has a bad rep because of all the porn, though. Never got around to bother with Blender.

    Yeah, I know how you feel. Andromeda can be fun. But I just can't get into it for the love of me. The characters feel blunt and superficial. The world building seems meh. It just never gives that particular spark.

  • I always aspired to get my Linux desktop to look like this
  • Indeed. I prefer light blue on black, though. Actually, I designed my whole system with that in mind.

    I'm a minimalist guy liking minimalist things. But everything has to be equal and symmetrical.

  • I always aspired to get my Linux desktop to look like this
  • Beautiful. Symmetrical. 90° angles. Every window has a strict purpose. No fancy animations. No popups. No bullshit.

  • My Idea on De-federation
  • I believe your approach is a great middle way for all of us.

    I'm just a new user myself but I'll do my best to assist newer users with navigating this place. I hope all of us together can build a community we enjoy spending our time in.

    Thank you for your transparency and for listening to us.

  • Coping with the blues.

    As I've said before, I've got the blues after finishing the trilogy recently. Again. Resorted to doing some fan art to cope, as usual.

    What are your thoughts? Not my best work, but I think it's adequate. Took me WAY longer than expected. Shepard's armor was a real hassle to render without too much noise.

    This is the downsized version. You can get the full sized one here. Feel free to share, use or alter it in any way you want.

    I was listening to this while working. Did wonders for my inspiration and concentration.

    Defederation with Instances that Allow Loli and Shota
  • Got a point there. Maybe don't use the "ALL" tab when being out in the wild? Not a real solution, though.

  • Defederation with Instances that Allow Loli and Shota
  • Sounds like a great idea. I'd be definitely in favor of this instead of defederation. Maybe a pinned post or something on the right sidepanel to explain blocking and content searching.

    But that's up to the admin of this instance.

  • Defederation with Instances that Allow Loli and Shota
  • I'm against defederation in general. The thing I like most about this place is that we, the users, decide what to see and not to see. When I see stuff like that creeping up my feed I'll just block the specific community and be done with it. Defederating a whole instance won't just remove access to negative communities, but also to positive ones that may be on the same instance.

    Others may disagree and I don't know about the legal side of these things, though.

  • Welcome to c/Masseffect!
  • Um... I should have said hello erlier before even posting. Sorry for that and hello there.

    About the new game - call me a pessimist. I'm in love with the trilogy since it was only ME1 back in my late youth. After BioWare kind of died, we had Andromeda. Which was a fun game, of course, but never even remotely cought my interest compared to the trilogy.

    I hope a new game will do a better job of inspiring me.

    I guess I'll see it when I play it.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • Thank you for such a thorough answer. I am not capable of reading and understanding that right now, but I will as soon as I've got some sleep. Cheers.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • I'll look out for it. Thanks.

  • Thank you, Lemmy! (Redditor refugee)
  • Glad to have you. Just came over here a blink earlier as you and instantly felt more welcome than ever.

    EDIT: Engrish hard language.

  • Thank you, Lemmy! (Redditor refugee)
  • I came here for the same reason. Already feel more welcome than in my whole time over at rid-it.

  • The end, once again.

    Finished the trilogy a few days ago, again. And feeling the emptiness afterwards, again. It seems no matter how often I've played it, I always get the blues afterwards.

    Well, off to waste my time with fan art until I'm ready for the next playthrough.
