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Coping with the blues.

As I've said before, I've got the blues after finishing the trilogy recently. Again. Resorted to doing some fan art to cope, as usual.

What are your thoughts? Not my best work, but I think it's adequate. Took me WAY longer than expected. Shepard's armor was a real hassle to render without too much noise.

This is the downsized version. You can get the full sized one here. Feel free to share, use or alter it in any way you want.

I was listening to this while working. Did wonders for my inspiration and concentration.

  • Whoa, that's really good! Is that Blender?

    I tend to dive into fanfic after a particularly intense trilogy playthrough. Or I'll start Andromeda and forget it exists about halfway through. It's not even a bad game! I just have yet to stay interested long enough to finish it. Woops.

    • Thank you.

      It's actually DAZ. First 3D software I've used, easy to get into and still my favorite. Has a bad rep because of all the porn, though. Never got around to bother with Blender.

      Yeah, I know how you feel. Andromeda can be fun. But I just can't get into it for the love of me. The characters feel blunt and superficial. The world building seems meh. It just never gives that particular spark.