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Any sci-fi with aliens where humans are not the less advanced race?
  • Project Hail Mary (by Andy Weir, who wrote The Martian as well)

  • Stereo smell | Deep Look

    Snake's tongue has two sensitive tips, called tines, which help the snake smell in stereo.


    3D Visualization Highlights 5,000 Galaxies Revealed by Webb

    This video, a scientific visualization of the galaxies captured as a part of the CEERS (Cosmic Evolution Early Release Science) Survey, showcases a large undertaking by NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope. It flies by thousands of galaxies, starting with those nearby and ending with less-developed galaxies in the very distant universe, including one never seen before Webb.


    Walking shark

    Walking shark (Hemiscyllium Halmahera)

    Mudskippers are another great example, here is a video about them by Stated Clearly:

    Top 3 Prog metal albums?
  • I'll have to mention Igorrr because nobody did, which is strange.
    Igorrr - Savage Sinusoid

  • Amazonian Piraha tribe's concept of experiential liminality

    Linguistics professor Daniel Everett explains the idea of "xibipiio," a way of life he encountered while studying the language of the Amazonian Piraha tribe. Everett, a former Christian missionary, was challenged to rethink his faith after learning the Piraha's concept of experiential liminality. \#linguistics


    Earth from Orbit: von Kármán Vortices

    Von Kármán vortices streaming around Guadalupe Island.


    Whale Fall Actively Devoured by Scavengers at Davidson Seamount | Nautilus Live

    A whale fall occurs when the carcass of a whale has fallen onto the ocean floor at a depth greater than 1,000 m (3,300 ft), in the bathyal or abyssal zones. On the sea floor, these carcasses can create complex localized ecosystems that supply sustenance to deep-sea organisms for decades. Wiki


    Recommended (science) video channels

    Which are your favourite channels (related to BrainFood's theme)?

    Fluent Aphasia
  • Anybody knows about any other language-related "brain malfunctions"?

  • Fluent Aphasia

    A stroke survivor with fluent aphasia speaking with effortless speech but impaired meaning and poor comprehension.

    On the other end, people with expressive aphasia struggle with language use but understand speech normally:

    \#cogsci #linguistics


    Split-brain experiments (old)

    After the right and left brain are separated, each hemisphere will have its own separate perception, concepts, and impulses to act. Having two "brains" in one body can create some interesting dilemmas.


    CGP Grey video


    The Electromagnetic field, how Electric and Magnetic forces arise

    ScienceClic is an excellent #physics channel with visual explanations.

    4 days before reddit's 3rd party app shutdown, Lemmy daily active users has skyrocketed 1400% this month
  • oh that's good news, means the threadiverse has even more active users :D

  • Analog Computing
  • Imagine something like chatgpt running on a small efficient analog chip, a synthetic brain.

  • Analog Computing

    An analog computer uses the continuous variation aspect of physical phenomena such as electrical, mechanical, or hydraulic quantities (analog signals) to model the problem being solved.

    More examples of analog computing:

    \#analogcomputing #analogchips #neuromorphic


    8-bit computer built from scratch

    A playlist in which Ben Eater builds an 8-bit computer on breadboards.


    Sean Carroll: Many-Worlds Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics

    The many-worlds interpretation is an interpretation of quantum mechanics that asserts that the universal wavefunction is objectively real, and that there is no wave function collapse. This implies that all possible outcomes of quantum measurements are physically realized in some "world" or universe.

    PBS Space Time playlist about many-worlds:\_1ELQnl640zYqi


    Timelapse of the Entire Universe
  • and here we are, each of us a tiny blip of the universe perplexed by it all, only to be gone in the next moment

  • Brain Criticality - Optimizing Neural Computations (by hovering near a phase transition)

    This video is about the concept of critical point – how the brain might optimize information processing by hovering near a phase transition. \#neuroscience #chaostheory


    Tundra's VR devlog (PD 'joint friction')

    Tundra makes great #VR devlogs mostly about #physics-based interactions.

    This one is a delight to watch:\_m6oEmPj8I


    Recreating a working camera in Blender

    Emulating optics of a real camera to create photographs in Blender.


    Sam Harris: Final Thoughts on Free Will

    In this episode of the podcast, Sam Harris presents his full argument on the illusoriness of free will — and explores its ethical and psychological implications.

    Rat Neurons Grown On A Computer Chip Fly A Simulated Aircraft
  • No worries.
    Do link the research you mentioned if handy.

  • Looking for cool communities?
  • Join us in [email protected] (direct link) if you'd like to share and watch interesting/educative videos that generate (scientific) wonder, curiosity, and/or understanding.

  • Rat Neurons Grown On A Computer Chip Fly A Simulated Aircraft
  • Indeed! Imagine what could be possible now or in another 10 years :D
    I am trying to boot up this community, so I am sometimes posting even the older interesting videos I remember (until people start posting more frequently).
    The video by The Thought Emporium is more recent.

  • Uchuu - the most realistic simulator of the universe ever created.
  • @franco_vazza on mastodon is an astrophysicist posting about universe simulations.
    original instance

  • BrainFood - new magazine for interesting/educative videos
  • It's not only the posts, the community itself isn't visible,
    but it seems they are slowly catching up ( can see it now)

  • BrainFood - new magazine for interesting/educative videos
  • hmm I tried it on and it worked:[email protected]
    Probably just a temporary issue

    edit: it seems that didn't fetch it yet

    edit2: it isn't fetched on and either, strange

  • When addition doesn't add up
  • Veretasium covered an interesting way to do math (p-adic numbers):