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Rat Neurons Grown On A Computer Chip Fly A Simulated Aircraft

25,000 neurons growing on a multi-electrode array form a living "brain," which is hooked up to a flight simulator on a desktop computer. Information on the aircraft's movements is processed by stimulating neurons with electrodes. The neurons then fire in patterns that control the aircraft's flight path.

In depth videos by The Thought Emporium:

  • That video is 9 years old.

    • Indeed! Imagine what could be possible now or in another 10 years :D
      I am trying to boot up this community, so I am sometimes posting even the older interesting videos I remember (until people start posting more frequently).
      The video by The Thought Emporium is more recent.

      • Sorry, didn't mean to sound whiny.

        I think since this time there has been announcement of growing tiny brains with layers, from human stem cells.

        I don't know if they've been connected to X-plane flight sim.