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norgur Norgur
Posts 15
Comments 233
I studied political science and jazz...
  • Dieser Kommentarebereich....

  • Media center under 100€ capable of 4k video
  • So are you looking to connect storage to it and run local media or are you looking more for a streaming thing to play Netflix and such?

  • Sailor moon half asleep and drooling - In the bingilator
  • She looks more like she accepted a drink from a stranger and now needs her friends around her to rush her to the ER....

  • ich_iel
  • Come aboard and bring aloooong

    All your hopes and dreams!

  • ich👻🔮iel
  • Ich bin ein Teamleiterich!

  • Dune
  • May you keep your innocence forever. It's a rare and valuable gift.

  • 'murrika
  • Through the back that is. You threatened the cop b farting on the run after all

  • me_irl Norgur


  • So? Where is Your punchline?

  • I wanna be a Xitter Idiot
  • You xweet is why.

  • Meat stuffed inside an animal intestine
  • You got the Quote wrong. This was actually said by St. Ulrich of Augsburg.... gosh damnit! This shit isn't hard to look up, people!

  • What Are Your Favorite FOSS Android Apps?
  • Audible doesn't look very FOSSy to me

  • PC died. Trying the legal options.
  • While I wholeheartedly support all your gripes with the streaming services, how come everyone loves fucking Plex with *arr so much? Plex has been nothing but janky for me and constantly tried to push it's own bullshit through dark patterns (some plex-tv-stuff added to a menu here, some recommendations to their own BS there), while looking and feeling super outdated. This is without the need to switch applications just to get to overseer.

    Isn't Stremio more comfortable for most ppl?

  • Do any of you have that one service that just breaks constantly? I'd love to love Nextcloud, but it sure makes that difficult at times
  • Yep. Got such a service as well. I've got this one docker container that's supposed to connect to a VPN and provide access from the outside to another one. The bitch keeps just crashing to a point where even "restart policy: always" will give up on it. Doesn't matter too much usually, since I can start the container before I need it, and it will usually run for half a day or so, yet still

  • German Art
  • That's Australia, mate! You got the two confused!

  • German Art
  • Spotted the Austrian

  • What is the point of dbus?
  • Get into de bus?

  • German Art
  • My theory: OP is Austrian. Notice how they go out of their way to claim Beethoven was Austrian and Hitler was German.

  • Accessible data
  • Unreadable! Needs even more jpg compression!

  • How to keep a man
  • Really? Never seen or eaten boiled chicken? Where do you think chicken broth or chicken soup comes from?

  • How to keep a man
  • That's not raw,.it's fucking boiled. No frying pan in sight I guess.

  • Porn addiction may be loneliness

    If you masturbate often and don't feel the relief you expect, thus feeling addicted to sex/masturbation: is it really cumming you are after or do seek the intimacy that comes with sexual relationships? If it's the latter, you may not be "addicted", you just tried to use the wrong tool for the job (pun intended). While this may not bring any improvement to your situation, at least know that you are not broken. Trying to fix the longing for intimacy with masturbation is just like trying to fix thirst by drinking oil. It may seem related, yet will ultimately get you nowhere.


    Help needed: Immich digital picture frame

    Hey everyone,

    I'm currently using immich for my omagensercer and I love it very much. Now I wanted to revive an old tablet as a digital picture frame and I'm not sure how to best do this.

    I want to frame to run a certain album on Immich in a (random) loop. My first idea was to use Immich's slideshow Features, yet those switch Images way too fast and I have found no way to customize the interval.

    Another way would be to run the slideshow locally but I didn't find a way to Auto-Download images to a device when someone adds an imagemto an album.

    So: how would you do this? Has anyone already done it?

    Looking forward to your input :)


    Can someone explain Pipe's LBRY usage to me?

    Soo, I just set up my own Piped instance and noticed that you could disable "LBRY-integration". I did a very quick search and learned that this is some sort of decentralised content sharing thingy. I thought nothing much of it at the time, assumed it was some way to speed up streams or whatever and just went on with my day. I did discover that Odysee was made with that protocol, so I assumed it was just some PeerTube-ish thing.

    Until today. I just saw the "LBRY is shutting down"-post on this community. I read it and noticed that LBRY was some kind of web3-nonsense? That got me looking. So the way I understand LBRY, it's basically an Indexer on a Blockchain that points to BitTorrent content which is then served as online media... right? I'm confused.

    Now I have two questions:

    What and why is LBRY? How and why is Piped using LBRY?

    Hope someone can enlighten me :)

    Unintentional ASMR Norgur

    [Soft Spoken][Mouth Sounds] Professor explains the technology adoption lifecycle


    Pixelfed Global feed: Basically mastodon

    Hey there, I finally decided to try out Pixelfed and made an account on an Instance close to me (really nice instance-finder imho). Yet, the instance itself is rather small and when I open the global feed, Pixelfed turns into a mastodon-client basically since all it shows are Mastodon-Toots. Also, all "Discover" Features seem to be local only. Is this expected behaviour?


    Meta Threads: why I think they don't care if you use it

    So this has been going around my head for a while now: What if they do not care about their users per se but want the few users they get to exploit the federation to shamelessly crawl the fediverse?

    I mean... they get enough users that will subscribe to enough of the fediverse to make instances of every shape and size proactively deliver them our post and interaction data with free shipping, right?

    So is defederating in the end not only a prevention against company controlled content that might flood the fediverse, but a measure to protect the users on the fediverse right now from ending up in Meta's databases just in the same way they would if they just had used facebook in the first place?


    Self-Hosted Wefwef returns black page

    Hey there, I set up a Wefwef-Instance behind a ngninx reverse proxy. The server responds fine, yet when I call it through a forwarded domain, Wefwef will only return the page-header ("wefwef for lemmy") and a black page. Does anyone know why that would be?



    The how-does-X-fit-into-this-mess thread

    Sooo... eager to hear your theories: How does Xenoblade Chronicles X fit into the lore? Does it at all?


    Lemmy instance with MariaDB

    Hey there, I thought about starting my own Lemmy instance, yet I'd really like to use my already running MariaDB server for the database. I haven't found anything in the docs (might be me though). Is that possible or will I have to set up Postgresql?


    Let's show'em a thing or three!

    I migrated from Reddit recently and could not stand the thought to not have a community centered around the Xenoblade Series. So.. here we go ;)
