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ninekeysdown Nine

Just a dad with a sysadmin hobby ... leaving reddit

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Comments 205
Self hosted employee time clock?
  • Yeah, it was always too much for me. But I know quite a few people who run their entire business on it and they’re not small by any means. They hired some people to do custom work for modules too. They all started as small businesses too with Odoo and it just grew with them

  • Deduplication tool
  • Restic

  • How to pre-order the Revised 2024 D&D core rulebook
  • Sucks for them, because I’ve moved over to Pathfinder after Hasbro tried to screw us and gutted WoTC. Most people I know have done the same too. They had plenty of opportunities to make it right and just kept rolling a 1 each and every time. Shame too because I love 5E

  • Suggest me a secure chat platform for my family
  • XMPP is fantastic IMHO

    If you want to support a great project and have great uptime check out

    I don’t recommend self hosting something you want available all the time. That being said everyone has different needs/uses 😊

  • This will be YouTube in 2025
  • And when that happened I stoped watching prime and just put on my eye patch & tricorn 🏴‍☠️…

    Though I’m still paying for the content I just watch it differently than intended 🤷‍♂️

  • [Question] Using DD to make a backup of an OS drive?
  • Like everyone has said there’s way better ways of doing it.

    HOWEVER if you wanted to use dd you totally could. I’d recommend piping into something like gzip/zstd to save some space though.

    dd if=/dev/sda | gzip >/mnt/backup_disk/sda.gz

    You could also use restic backup the raw block device too.

    That being said, clonezilla is exactly what you want

  • A PR disaster: Microsoft has lost trust with its users, and Windows Recall is the straw that broke the camel's back
  • Don’t worry a quick google search will tell us to use a non toxic glue mixed with vanta black to keep privacy intact

  • A PR disaster: Microsoft has lost trust with its users, and Windows Recall is the straw that broke the camel's back
  • Yes & No.

    From what I remember from that time it wasn’t really a lot of people going on about privacy at that time. We were more concerned with how they just grabbed the BSD networking stack without saying anything about it.

    There were a few things w/rt activation that people were pissed about. That was more towards the XP era though.

    Though maybe someone else remembers it differently than I do since I wasn’t paying attention to privacy at that point and I don’t remember seeing anything about it in PCMAG or G4

  • A PR disaster: Microsoft has lost trust with its users, and Windows Recall is the straw that broke the camel's back
  • I’ve always trusted them to do what they’re great at… which is get a product nearly 100% perfect, then back it up about 20%, and polish it off by shooting themselves in the foot.

    Which I’ve always found it insane that EVERY product they ship is like that. The only exceptions (IMHO) to that were Office, DOS5, Win7, (Maybe XP)

  • 1 in 5 samples of pasteurized milk had bird flu virus fragments, FDA says
  • Yeah it’s widely considered the most important medicine in human history. It’s amazing for what it does when used for what it should be!!

  • 1 in 5 samples of pasteurized milk had bird flu virus fragments, FDA says
  • That tumescence cloaca that really does it for you huh?

  • 1 in 5 samples of pasteurized milk had bird flu virus fragments, FDA says
  • There's still people using livestock dewormer as a cure all when they can't get their doc to write a script... so not drinking raw milk is just a libtard "suggestion" to them or the person saying it is just "in the pocket of big dairy" ...

    weee!!! oh what a fun & exciting dystopia we're in!! /s

  • Linux distro for selfhosting server
  • Fedora Server, Rocky Linux, and/or Free RHEL dev license. That's what I use for all of my stuff.

    For containers I use podman kube. For storage I use ZFS and VDO.

  • Supreme Court rules states can't kick Trump off the ballot
  • Disappointing but not surprising

  • Wendy's uses linux (Gnome)

    Saw this on a drive through. Did a double take when I realized it was a Gnome desktop!
