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nfreak nfreak
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Comments 13
A big part of learning Linux is screwing up computers and starting over.
  • I haven't majorly fucked up any recent systems (almost botched the steam deck once or twice but nothing that required a reinstall), but god 10 years ago I probably reset my arch dual boot like five times lmao

  • The Retroid Flip 2 does not support Linux
  • I got a retroid pocket ages ago. Thing's been in a drawer since day 1. Feels incredibly clunky, both hardware and software. It just feels like a cheap toy.

    I have an analog pocket now that does everything I wanted the retroid for much better, and even though it's not quite the same form factor, the steam deck is an emulation beast too.

  • What's the state of Android browsers? Want to move away from Samsung Internet
  • True true. There's also GrapheneOS's Vanadium browser to keep an eye on, but so far I don't think it's usable outside of GOS without jumping through some hoops. Personally not a fan of Chromium-based browsers so I haven't done much digging outside of the Firefox ecosystem though tbf.

  • Boston declares itself a pro-trans sanctuary city amid GOP’s “escalating” anti-trans attacks
  • Absolutely. I'm a bit of a ways outside the city and waiting for the day the raids hit in full force here for anyone who doesn't align with fascists.

  • What's the state of Android browsers? Want to move away from Samsung Internet
  • Just to clarify, Fennec is a privacy-focused fork, kind of in the same vein as libreWolf but not as extensive. Since LW isn't available on mobile, Fennec seems to be the next best thing.

    I can't really think of any browsers that have all the features OP is looking for. FF (+forks) is probably the closest thing out there.

  • Disco Elysium’s spiritual successor Hopetown smashes Kickstarter goal in 3 hours
  • I posted this over on the other site.

    The kickstarter mentions a few names but it doesn't seem like Kurvitz or any had any involvement in this, and one of the leads of this project is an AI techbro consultant claiming he was one of the original creators. And yep, Longdue sued one of the original writers and won.

    This one's a HARD pass.

  • Disco Elysium’s spiritual successor Hopetown smashes Kickstarter goal in 3 hours
  • This is the only team out of this fallout that's worth keeping an eye on imo. The other teams feel like they're just trying to ride the hype for the money.

  • Which distro for new PC with Nvidia, playing GW2?
  • I'll toss in a vouch for bazzite too. I tried it out and it's not at all for me, but that's because I wanted to tinker with shit and bazzite's a very "locked-down" immutable distro. if you want something that just works out of the box and don't plan on doing a lot of tweaking, it'll get the job done. I ended up switching to cachyOS which suits my needs much better, but I don't think I'd recommend it to someone brand new to linux as a whole.

  • Is Tuta a good alternative to gmail?
  • I've been using it for a few months now. Works just fine, doesn't do anything fancy but it doesn't need to. Filter rule creation is pretty limited, and the desktop client doesn't play well with my VPN for some reason, but otherwise it works fine.

  • Half-Life 2 RTX is now available on Steam
  • Don't worry, by running it at 480p with upscaling and stuffing it full of weird AI-generated fake frames, you'll barely notice the difference!

  • Mechanism is having a sale on their Steam Deck accessories, including the Deckmate and Gaming Pillow
  • It's alright but I've already stopped using it. I could never get it to the exact angle I want to use it, plus the mount on the deck itself needs to come off in order to use a dock.

    It's sturdy and secure, and it does exactly what it's meant to, but I found I was having more arm and wrist strain while using it because of the weird mount. The lowest angle I could get it is still too high up and too far away to be comfortable. I wouldn't really recommend it.

  • The impossible Steam Deck update just dropped.
  • biblically-accurate game controller

  • Half-Life 2 RTX is now available on Steam
  • waiter waiter more 15 FPS ports of old games dogshit lighting that completely ruins the feeling of the original please!