I’m really looking forward to the day when investors finally realize that spicy autocomplete isn’t particularly interesting, and is decades away from being able to do anything like what OpenAI is claiming (if it ever gets there at all).
I’ve been working with these models for years, even before ChatGPT came out. I’ve got a whole slew of private benchmarks I run these models through that haven’t leaked into the training data because I’ve never published them. I’ve tested all of them aside from ChatGPT-4.5 because it’s insanely expensive, but even the best ones are fucking terrible at logic.
They’re useful for problems that have been posted to StackOverflow a bunch of times. They’re borderline useless for anything truly novel. Pick a hard problem that isn’t on the Internet and give o3 or Claude Sonnet 3.7 a try. It’s hilarious how badly they perform. The problem doesn’t even need to be that hard. I’ve got logic problems I solved in under a minute that even the best models completely fail to solve.
But I don’t doubt that fraudulent claims like the ones being made by OpenAI will lead to significant job losses, and probably people losing their careers and even committing suicide. The sheer level of evil behind all of this is just staggering.
In a just world, the executives of these companies would go to prison for the damage they’re causing with their lies, economic malfeasance, and outright fraud. It’s truly staggering how amoral these people are.
They’re going to need crazy euphemisms, like on TikTok with unalived and things like that.
I like the sound of “I hope X has a great day.”
It’s hard to see how they can ban that. I hope the people fighting to keep the oligarchy going have a great day, and I hope the spineless Reddit executives who made this decision have a great day.
People need hope to fight. We’ve become so black-pilled about everything that many people think it’s impossible for anything to improve.
It’s a reminder about why we need balance. Yes, there are a lot of problems. But not everything is fucked. There’s still a propose to fighting for a better future.
Remember to protect your cookies with NordVPN!
I was just dealing with a plumbing problem the other day, and I was like, “I know, I’ll ask AI!”
Basically everything it told me was completely wrong. And this was Claude Sonnet 3.7, one of the best!
Embrace, extend, extinguish, but now it’s Google doing it to the World Wide Web.
We recognize that if someone just wants to consume an infinite amount of alcohol then they have an addiction. We recognize addictions to food, and sex, and shopping.
But we worship money so much that we’ve completely failed to recognize that you can be addicted to money, too. You can be so obsessed with it that you hurt people around you, that you damage your community, and want to consume vastly more than you need. In the case of billionaires, their addiction has caused them to accumulate so much money that it’s destroying the global economy, and it’s still not enough.
We’re like an irresponsible bartender, serving them more and more regardless of the damage. It’s time to cut these people off. Once you’ve got a billion, you’ve had enough. Go home.
Don’t give them any ideas about putting flat earthers in charge of NASA.
We can’t rely on the Global(ist) Positioning System!