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muddybulldog Muddybulldog

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Xbox Game Pass’s November is full of day one launches
  • From the thumbnail I thought we were getting “Thirsty Sluts” for a half second.

  • ARK: Survival Ascended Launch Trailer
  • I hate the fact that I know I’m inevitably going to buy this.

  • Apple TV+, Apple Arcade, and Apple News+ Receiving Price Increases
  • AppleTV+ got a price increase a year ago, yesterday.

  • Apple TV+, Apple Arcade, and Apple News+ Receiving Price Increases
  • In app purchases. Apple Arcade games aren't allowed to include them.

  • Family files lawsuit against Panera Bread after college student who drank ‘charged lemonade’ dies
  • There’s still a large number of us wondering wtf the market for Red Bull is. I want a drink with the flavor and consistency of watered down Stretch Armstrong guts with more caffeine than anything that has ever existed. It seems like such a weird product in general.

  • Lemmy redirect service - now with support for post links
  • Mixed feelings on this. Cool tool, great idea. On the other hand, it’s also an effective tracker. Not privacy friendly.

  • Why does "hide read posts" apply to my own submitted posts?
  • Because nobody has written the code to make it “not function like that”.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • No

  • Pfizer plans to charge nearly $1,400 for Paxlovid
  • Paxlovid is a 3CL protease inhibitor. It modifies the primary enzyme that is common across all cornavirus.

  • What are your hidden gem MacOS apps
  • I don’t think so. Two paid upgrades in eight years.

    • Bartender 2 - September 2015
    • Bartender 3 - September 2017 (Free upgrade)
    • Bartender 4 - April 2021
    • Bartender 5 - Sept 2023
  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • Seems completely appropriate and acceptable.

  • CDN for an instance
  • It works. End of thoughts.

  • deleting posts with archive links and posts questioning the decision.
  • is hosted in Finland. 230 is not applicable.

  • goodbye_ * is on cloudflare
  • Lots of steps to “figure it out”. Could’ve just pinged the hostname.

    Not a big secret. Pretty sure they even announced it.

  • Sync bash aliases and ssh keys across devices
  • I like to save them for a rainy day when I need an OCD fix.

  • Ad blocker Cause Invalid Traffic For Content Creator on Youtube
  • $4 would get you an egg sandwich, a coffee and a pack a smokes in ‘83.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • Chicken and egg. The tuitions have been able to reach the insane heights due to the ready availability of these loans.

    It was a lot harder to get loans thirty years ago. Almost on par with the criteria for any other personal loan. A four year CompSci degree that could be had for under $25K, in total, opened the door to a $45K to $60K entry level position for a typical graduate.

    Availability of loans broke wide open, under the guise of providing opportunity, and now the same degree costs 5-10x with yet the typical entry level salary remains more or less the same, give or take a few inflation points.

  • Postgres Script: Purge content from low traffic communities

    Maybe of interest to small, semi-private instances.

    Based on original work by @[email protected]

    ``` /* If you use Lemmy Community Seeder or other jumpstart method to automatically subscribe to communities you may find a large number of low-traffic communities build up over time. The following can be used to purge the content within these communities en masse. Will not purge local instance communities regardless of activity level. Tested with 18.1-18.3. No warranties.

    This is useful for purging the content of dead communities if a purge fails or simply to get rid of unwanted content quickly.

    IMPORTANT: You should always attempt to remove and/or purge communities via Lemmy's built-in mechanisms, first. This will give opportunity to signal remote instances to not deliver future content from these communities. As of the time of writing the effectiveness of these built-in actions have questionable reliability and effectiveness so this can be an alternative to at least get rid of the existing content.

    Remote instances will not receive the appropriate signal to stop pushing content to your instance. If they believe there are still subscribed users on your instance the community will eventually reappear with NEW content. This script will only be useful for getting rid of existing content. At this time there is no known method to reliably "correct" this at a later date.

    No effort will be made to remove images from PICT-RS. Content will be orphaned and remain as flotsam until maintenance is performed on the PICT-RS registry. */


    -- Configurable variables subscriberThreshold INT := 0; -- Communities with less than subscriberThreshold subscribers will be purged. postCount INT := 0; -- Communities with less than postCount posts will be purged. commentCount INT := 0; -- Communities with less than commentCount comments will be purged. dryRun BOOLEAN := true; -- dryRun := true to simulate purge. dryRun := false to actually purge. Destructive. No warranties. purgeCommunityID BOOLEAN := false; -- purgeCommunityID := false don't purge community metadata (prevents new id being created if community still exists or reappears) --

    arow record; communityID INT; communityName VARCHAR;

    BEGIN for arow in

    SELECT community_aggregates.community_id, community.actor_id FROM public.community_aggregates INNER JOIN On public.community_aggregates.community_id = WHERE instance_id <> 1 AND ((community_aggregates.subscribers < subscriberThreshold) or (community_aggregates.posts < postCount) or (community_aggregates.comments < commentCount))

    loop communityID := arow.community_id; communityName := arow.actor_id; RAISE NOTICE 'Purging community content: %', communityName;

    -- Easiest way to disable triggers for a transaction. SET session_replication_role = replica;

    -- Delete Comment Likes DELETE FROM comment_like WHERE post_id IN (SELECT id FROM post WHERE community_id = communityID);

    -- Delete Comment Aggregates DELETE FROM comment_aggregates WHERE comment_id IN ( SELECT id FROM comment WHERE post_id IN ( (SELECT id FROM post WHERE community_id = communityID) ) );

    -- Delete Comment Replies DELETE FROM comment_reply WHERE comment_id IN ( SELECT id FROM comment WHERE post_id IN ( (SELECT id FROM post WHERE community_id = communityID) ) );

    -- Delete Comment Reports DELETE FROM comment_report WHERE comment_id IN ( SELECT id FROM comment WHERE post_id IN ( (SELECT id FROM post WHERE community_id = communityID) ) );

    -- Delete Comment Saved DELETE FROM comment_saved WHERE comment_id IN ( SELECT id FROM comment WHERE post_id IN ( (SELECT id FROM post WHERE community_id = communityID) ) );

    DELETE FROM community_aggregates WHERE community_id = communityID; DELETE FROM community_block WHERE community_id = communityID; DELETE FROM community_follower WHERE community_id = communityID; DELETE FROM community_language WHERE community_id = communityID; DELETE FROM community_moderator WHERE community_id = communityID; DELETE FROM community_person_ban WHERE community_id = communityID; DELETE FROM mod_add_community WHERE community_id = communityID; DELETE FROM mod_ban_from_community WHERE community_id = communityID;

    DELETE FROM mod_feature_post WHERE post_id IN ( SELECT id FROM post WHERE community_id = communityID );

    DELETE FROM mod_hide_community WHERE community_id = communityID;

    DELETE FROM mod_lock_post WHERE post_id IN ( (SELECT id FROM post WHERE community_id = communityID) );

    DELETE FROM mod_remove_comment WHERE comment_id IN ( SELECT id FROM comment WHERE post_id IN ( (SELECT id FROM post WHERE community_id = communityID) ) );

    DELETE FROM mod_remove_community WHERE community_id = communityID;

    DELETE FROM mod_remove_post WHERE post_id IN ( (SELECT id FROM post WHERE community_id = communityID) );

    DELETE FROM mod_transfer_community WHERE community_id = communityID;

    DELETE FROM person_mention WHERE comment_id IN ( SELECT id FROM comment WHERE post_id IN ( (SELECT id FROM post WHERE community_id = communityID) ) );

    DELETE FROM post_aggregates WHERE post_id IN ( SELECT id FROM post WHERE community_id = communityID );

    DELETE FROM post_like WHERE post_id IN ( SELECT id FROM post WHERE community_id = communityID );

    DELETE FROM post_read WHERE post_id IN ( SELECT id FROM post WHERE community_id = communityID );

    DELETE FROM post_report WHERE post_id IN ( SELECT id FROM post WHERE community_id = communityID );

    DELETE FROM post_saved WHERE post_id IN ( SELECT id FROM post WHERE community_id = communityID );

    -- Delete comments for posts IN removed community DELETE FROM comment WHERE post_id IN ( SELECT id FROM post WHERE community_id = communityID );

    -- These last two must be last as they are used to find related entries IN all of the other tables. -- Delete the posts for the community DELETE FROM post WHERE community_id = communityID;

    -- Delete the community IF purgeCommunityID = true THEN RAISE NOTICE 'Purging community metadata: %', communityName; DELETE FROM community WHERE id = communityID; ELSE RAISE NOTICE 'Retaining community metadata: %', communityName; END IF;

    --- If there are no errors or issues, commit IF dryRun = true THEN ROLLBACK; END IF;

    IF dryRun = false THEN COMMIT; END IF;


    IF dryRun = true THEN RAISE NOTICE 'Dry-run only. No data actually purged.'; RAISE NOTICE 'Set dryRun BOOLEAN := true to really purge'; ROLLBACK; END IF;

    IF dryRun = false THEN COMMIT; END IF; END $$; ```


    Postgres View: Get list of remote subscribers to local communities

    CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW public.local_community_remote_subscribers AS SELECT AS "", community.actor_id AS "community.actor_id", AS "", person.display_name AS "person.display_name", person.actor_id AS "person.actor_id", person.last_refreshed_at AS "person.last_refreshed_at", person.bot_account AS "person.bot_account" FROM ((community JOIN community_follower ON ((community_follower.community_id = JOIN person ON ((community_follower.person_id = WHERE ((community.instance_id = 1) AND (person.instance_id <> 1));

    This will create a view within the Lemmy database, for reusability. If you just want to run a one-off query or prefer to store it in other form, omit the first line.


    Fixing per-user post and comment scores (revisited)

    Original post: or - reconciles all users, foreign and domestic. This may take a VERY long time (minutes, hours, days on a really big instance).

    The following, modified version, reconciles only local users. For those interested in supporting users expecting these values to be surfaced like "karma" in apps that support it. Much faster than reconciling the entire user database. (works with 18.1; maybe later, maybe not; use at your own risk)

    MERGE INTO "person_aggregates" AS "d" USING (SELECT "m"."id" AS "person_id" , coalesce("p"."post_count", 0) AS "post_count" , coalesce("p"."post_score", 0) AS "post_score" , coalesce("c"."comment_count", 0) AS "comment_count" , coalesce("c"."comment_score", 0) AS "comment_score" FROM "local_person" AS "m" LEFT JOIN (SELECT "p"."creator_id" , count(distinct "p"."id") AS "post_count" , sum("l"."score") AS "post_score" FROM "post" AS "p" LEFT JOIN "post_like" AS "l" ON "l"."post_id" = "p"."id" WHERE NOT "p"."removed" AND NOT "p"."deleted" AND "l"."person_id" <> "p"."creator_id" GROUP BY "p"."creator_id") AS "p" ON "p"."creator_id" = "m"."id" LEFT JOIN (SELECT "c"."creator_id" , count(distinct "c"."id") AS "comment_count" , sum("l"."score") AS "comment_score" FROM "comment" AS "c" LEFT JOIN "comment_like" AS "l" ON "l"."comment_id" = "c"."id" WHERE NOT "c"."removed" AND NOT "c"."deleted" AND "l"."person_id" <> "c"."creator_id" GROUP BY "c"."creator_id") AS "c" ON "c"."creator_id" = "m"."id" ORDER BY "m"."id") AS "s" ON "s"."person_id" = "d"."person_id" WHEN MATCHED AND ("d"."post_count" <> "s"."post_count" OR "d"."post_score" <> "s"."post_score" OR "d"."comment_count" <> "s"."comment_count" OR "d"."comment_score" <> "s"."comment_score") THEN UPDATE SET "post_count" = "s"."post_count" , "post_score" = "s"."post_score" , "comment_count" = "s"."comment_count" , "comment_score" = "s"."comment_score";


    Postgres View: Get local user post aggregates

    CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW public.local_person_aggregates AS SELECT AS "", person_aggregates.person_id AS "person_aggregates.person_id", person_aggregates.post_count AS "person_aggregates.post_count", person_aggregates.post_score AS "person_aggregates.post_score", person_aggregates.comment_count AS "person_aggregates.comment_count", person_aggregates.comment_score AS "person_aggregates.comment_score" FROM (local_user JOIN person_aggregates ON ((person_aggregates.person_id = local_user.person_id)));

    This will create a view within the Lemmy database, for reusability. If you just want to run a one-off query or prefer to store it in other form, omit the first line.


    Postgres View: Get list of subscribed communities for local users

    CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW public.local_person_subscribed_communities AS SELECT AS "", AS "", person.display_name AS "person.display_name", person.actor_id AS "person.actor_id", AS "", AS "", community.title AS "community.title", community.description AS "community.description", community.actor_id AS "community.actor_id", community.published AS "community.published", community.updated AS "community.updated", community.removed AS "community.removed" FROM ((community JOIN community_follower ON ((community_follower.community_id = JOIN person ON ((community_follower.person_id = WHERE (person.instance_id = 1);

    This will create a view within the Lemmy database, for reusability. If you just want to run a one-off query or prefer to store it in other form, omit the first line.


    Postgres View: Get external subscribers of local communities

    CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW public.local_community_external_subscribers AS SELECT AS "", community.actor_id AS "community.actor_id", AS "", person.display_name AS "person.display_name", person.actor_id AS "person.actor_id", person.last_refreshed_at AS "person.last_refreshed_at", person.bot_account AS "person.bot_account" FROM ((community JOIN community_follower ON ((community_follower.community_id = JOIN person ON ((community_follower.person_id = WHERE (community.instance_id = 1);

    This will create a view within the Lemmy database, for reusability. If you just want to run a one-off query or prefer to store it in other form, omit the first line.


    Test post

    cross-posted from:\n\n> Test


    YSK: Lemmy DOES have a karma system

    There's some misinformation floating around regarding Lemmy not having a karma system. While many have discovered otherwise, this is for those who may not have.

    While it's not exposed in the Lemmy default user interface, Lemmy does have a fully functional karma system and it is visible in third party clients such as WefWef and Memmy.

    Do with that what you will.


    Test Post, Please Ignore

    cross-posted from:\n\n> Just trying out how to post a text post (without link/image).


    Hello Lemmy Community Crawlers

    I see you found my test community. Welcome aboard!


    YSK: Your Lemmy activities (e.g. downvotes) are far from private

    Edit: obligatory explanation (thanks mods for squaring me away)...

    What you see via the UI isn't "all that exists". Unlike Reddit, where everything is a black box, there are a lot more eyeballs who can see "under the hood". Any instance admin, proper or rogue, gets a ton of information that users won't normally see. The attached example demonstrates that while users will only see upvote/downvote tallies, admins can see who actually performed those actions.

    Edit: To clarify, not just YOUR instance admin gets this info. This is ANY instance admin across the Fediverse.

    Apple Muddybulldog Apple Seeds Second Betas of iOS 17 and iPadOS 17 to Developers

    Apple today seeded the second betas of upcoming iOS 17 and iPadOS 17 updates to developers for testing purposes, with the software coming two weeks...

    Apple Seeds Second Betas of iOS 17 and iPadOS 17 to Developers
    Apple Muddybulldog Apple Seeds Second Beta of macOS 14 Sonoma to Developers

    Apple today seeded the second beta of the recently announced macOS 14 Sonoma update to developers for testing purposes. The beta comes two weeks...

    Apple Seeds Second Beta of macOS 14 Sonoma to Developers
    1 Apple Seeds Second Beta of macOS 14 Sonoma to Developers

    Apple today seeded the second beta of the recently announced macOS 14 Sonoma update to developers for testing purposes. The beta comes two weeks...

    0 Apple Seeds Second Betas of iOS 17 and iPadOS 17 to Developers

    Apple today seeded the second betas of upcoming iOS 17 and iPadOS 17 updates to developers for testing purposes, with the software coming two weeks...

    1 Apple Vision Pro virtual displays may help in surgeries

    The Apple Vision Pro may be beneficial in medicine, a surgeon suggests, with the mixed-reality headset potentially helping by providing vital data during surgery.

    This is the type of use case that justifies the $3499 price tag.

    1 Japan to open up Apple and Google app stores to competition

    The regulations will oblige Apple and Google to allow users to download from app stores other than the ones on their proprietary platforms.
