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Winamp has announced that it is opening up its source code to enable collaborative development of its legendary player for Windows
  • There are likely lots of improvements that can be made under the hood. I'm willing to bet that it depends on several aging libraries that could probably be swapped out for something better.

  • KeepassXC: progress on port to Qt6
  • KeepassXC is bundled with a CLI tool. But it doesn't have to do anything special for SSH. It's ultimately just text and there are multiple ways to paste text into an SSH session.

  • Switched to Linux and I think I'm going back to Windows.
  • What does that mean for Windows though?

  • The truth about linux having 15% market share in India.
  • I meant it quite literally. Another multi-billion dollar company needs to be willing and able to spend the same level of resources and time. Wal-Mart or Costco itself would have to be willing to produce their own hardware.

    Yeah, I fully realize it's never going to happen. It's a hypothetical to illustrate just how high of a hurdle it is. It won't happen organically, there needs to be a strong driving force with the financial backing that rivals that of the competition.

  • The truth about linux having 15% market share in India.
  • “Nobody cares” is how Linux will eventually win on the desktop. It becomes viable for most people when they no longer “need” whatever they were using before. As Linux is free, it will win when it becomes “good enough”.

    The largest barrier is the fact that the end user is expected to install the OS themselves. Having an OS work 100% of the time right out of the box with a default install is impossible. Windows and OSX have a huge advantage by being installed on the factory floor. The manufacturer guarantees that the drivers work for the hardware they decide to install and that the default applications on the OS work as they should.

    Linux needs an equivalent to Microsoft or Apple that can put Linux on shelves at WalMart for average people that buy $600 desktops.

  • Asking for a Linux (or non-Windows) laptop during a job interview?
  • You should use whatever the majority of the team is using. If you want to use Linux then you need to make it a priority to find a team that has at least a few people using it. You don't want to be the only person having issues setting up their local dev environment.

  • Game Developer Puts Layoffs on Seasonal Roadmap [satire]
  • Have multiple projects running with some of them being live service or smaller in scope. I have a hard time believing they can't balance it so that layoffs don't happen with such regularity.

  • Android users switched less frequently to iPhones in 2023, report shows
  • I'm not saying this is OP, but some people are just rough with their stuff and don't realize it. For example, someone I know burned the on-screen keyboard onto their screen because they disabled the screen dimming function. That's not something I considered possible. Other people drop or throw their phones onto desks or lay them face down and scrape them against the surface when picking them up etc.

    It all seems fine until eventually one day the phone stops turning on.

  • Palworld Devs Says They Have Received Death Threats Amid Pokémon 'Rip-Off' Claims
  • Already existing anger issues and lack of consequences for spreading vitriol online. Couple that with marketing that pushes products, entertainment etc. as a life style and some people fall very deep into the hole.

  • Palworld embroiled in AI and Pokémon ‘plagiarism’ controversy
  • Also we're past 1000 pokemon now and a huge number of them are based on actual animals, mythical creatures, pop culture references etc. There are going to be similarities and it's completely unavoidable. You would drive yourself insane trying.

  • Ubuntu 24.04 LTS To Get 12 Years of Updates
  • Software also looks at future dates, so the problem is actually going to start to occur much sooner. The kernel will be fine, it's all the other random software floating out there that you should worry about. A lot of in-house calendar and booking software is probably going to start to blow up soon.

  • Meet the Guy Preserving the New History of PC Games, One Linux Port at a Time
  • Emulation is the least amount of work for all involved. If some poor guy is to spend weeks or months of his time porting a game it better be worth the investment. Porting should only be done for games that are completely broken and can't run in a VM or emulator.

    It takes less than 30 minutes to setup a Windows or Linux VM.

  • Could we add "Distrochooser" to the sidebar?
  • Have you seen the Reddit Linux communities? People don’t care how many tools or useful information you present them. They will ask the SAME “which distro” questions day after day after day.

    There are 3 reasons you see repeat posts.

    1. They are extremely lazy and can't be bothered to find their way through a maze of information.
    2. The maze of information is legitimately confusing and they need help. But they are bad at formulating good questions so it looks like point #1. I very rarely see people take the time to explain what they've tried and why they failed.
    3. They want a conversation and getting their question answered is only one half of it.

    Also one other thing I noticed is that if you do form a good question and create a wall of text, it can also scare people away. So people deliberately ask very vague questions and then slowly reveal more as they get asked for specifics. At that point you've hooked some people, they are a little more invested in helping and you can info dump on them.

  • W4 Games raises $15M to drive video game development inflection with Godot Engine
  • It will likely have to be paid. Someone has to sit there and go through paperwork to verify that you do indeed have a license or in the worst case intervene if the automated way fails. Then they approve access to the plugin.

    It's like this for every engine. You need to prove you have a license before you get access to the parts touching the console SDK.

  • But Windows 11 is so good!!11!1!
  • You're still stuck when it comes to anti-cheat in multiplayer games. Some do allow it to work on Linux, but a significant number don't. Hopefully the tides slowly start to change thanks to the Steam Deck.

  • I hope others consider doing the same
  • The reality is that to the average user all browsers are the same. A lot of technologies have sort of peaked for regular people and browsers are one of those. There was a time when you needed plugins to do basic things like view PDFs or videos, to play games (flash, java) and there would be a new major change to HTML or CSS every few months etc.

    That's no longer a problem. All browsers are near equal in their ability to render pages. So people are naturally going to go with what feels familiar. We lost the battle for market share the minute Google decided to advertise Chrome on their search page.

  • Firefox Development Is Moving From Mercurial To Git
  • At least when it comes to Git I'm not too concerned. What could MS possibly do to you? Maybe vendor lock in via the issue tracker? They aren't using it and it's not exactly that hard to migrate off of it in the first place.

  • Is there an extension that blocks AI generated stuff?
  • There was a recent witch hunt on the terraria subreddit because an artist posted fan art and the character had 6 fingers on one hand. It turned out to just be a mistake (OP showed proof of the drawing process).

    You can't tell the difference and anyone who says they can with 100% certainty is not being honest.

  • Gamedev and linux
  • It surprises me how many indie devs avoid some of the higher level / more popular engines for this reason alone. But I assume they just must enjoy that sort of stuff much more than I.

    The problem with indie devs is purely a lack of knowledge and resources. They don't feel comfortable testing and packaging binaries for distribution on Linux. A decent number of them are also self-taught and actually have almost no exposure to desktop Linux at all. So it's actually a much higher hurdle than you think.