Was looking through the replies for this. This is my favorite vacation game so far!
I meant that the question wasn't about the positive effects of parasites but about the number you mentioned.
Hallo Welt
Isn't a simple solution to split the purchase then? I will buy the tires for 8000€ and the rest of the car for 9000€.
I know this is nitpicking and they're not doing this for cases like the above. People targeted by this will have other simple solutions to work around it.
Does not make much sense, it should've been helium balloons. But then he'd sleep with the birds, not with the humans.
Or is there some Mafia i didn't know about that puts small boats into their victims' feet? Could be made out of styrofoam now that i think of it.
Mr Bean meets Dave the diver
I love it!
That's not really what eastern Europe is famous for
So many questions, wish there was a way to know the backstory of this gif.
Another thing we do is a simple script that posts all the activity into our Telegram group. Helps to have everyone up to date without the hassle of checking the app regularly.
One of the things that's still running is a weekly power ranking that gets posted into our Telegram group.
When we played points it ranked the total points of all managers over the last 4 weeks and showed that as a ranking.
Now that we play 9cat h2h it's a bit more complex, as it ranks each category for each manager and sums the outcome into a final ranking.
espn-api: Use Python to analyze your league
ESPN Fantasy API! (Football, Basketball). Contribute to cwendt94/espn-api development by creating an account on GitHub.
I found espn-api last year when I was looking for something to give our managers a little more insight into the league we're playing in. Has anybody else worked with it? What scripts did you come up with?
Großartig, habe gerade mit dem Nachwuchs das Buch gelesen.
From what i saw he played a good tournament, even offensively. If only he'd shut his mouth. By this time this is an act of self destruction...
Züge skalieren besser als Förderbänder. Wenn du den Durchsatz verdoppeln willst packst du einfach einen weiteren Zug auf die Gleise wohingegen du bei Förderbändern an eine Grenze stößt und ein zweites Förderband neben das erste bauen musst.
Selbst beim "über das Wetter reden" gibt es Extremisten...
Ich: "Schau mal Sohn, der Bauer drüben füttert die Kühe" - Der Bauer: "Das nennt sich zumindest mal Landwirt. Bauer sagt man schon lang nicht mehr."
Scheint vielleicht wirklich was dran zu sein.