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mihnt mihnt
Posts 5
Comments 343
Study: AI Can Tell if You’re Stoned by Reading Your Smartphone Data
  • Yeah, I was gonna say. Can it tell when I'm not high?

  • Everybody Hates This YouTube Channel’s AI-Filtered Video Game Faces
  • Yeah, it's weird. Everything is still in the same place but somehow the eyes looks further from the mouth. He must be melting.

  • Baby Unicorn by Lauren Marx
  • I'm pretty sure those are figs growing from it's mouth, so, uh, I'm not sure.

  • /wai/ and www
  • I will give yawndex the benefit of the doubt that their reverse image search is pretty good. Just too bad you'll mostly find things on russian websites.

  • Anon is disillusioned about Starfield
  • I have 500 hours in that game and I'm just going to go ahead and ask it. What?

  • Jesus Christ is my ninja
  • Just like how all movies and tv shows are fake!

  • New U.A.W. Chief Has a Nonnegotiable Demand: Eat the Rich
  • I've just been reporting them. No better than an ad in my eyes.

  • Bye biiiittttchhhh
  • And door cards that change color and handle placement.

  • Torrent client rankings
  • Technology section of 4chan.

  • Rule
  • Didn't ask.

  • Rule
  • They came in here looking for a fight because someone defaced their propaganda.

  • Rule
  • They came in here looking for a fight because someone defaced their propaganda.

  • Rule
  • I'm actually a cave man who's using an AOL disc to access the internet and meat is required for me to live.

  • I am above average!
  • Hole is a hole.

  • Rule
  • Studies have shown that pigs are more intelligent than dogs. By your logic, eating pigs is more cruel than eating dogs.

    And there it is. The gotcha.

    I just pointed out your code of ethics

    I'll make sure not to eat peppa pig if I ever run across her.

    My whole point in the first damn place was that making a comic with humanized pigs doesn't make me feel anymore empathy than I already do. It doesn't change my stance. It's all propaganda.

  • Talk Gooder
  • would of

    could of

    should of

  • Rule
  • Agreed.

    I do understand what the comic is though.

  • Rule
  • What the hell does any of that matter? You trying to hit me with a gotcha when I say I give a shit about cats and dogs?

    I am not now, and never will be a vegan.

    Go convince someone who's on the fence about it. I ain't your guy.

  • Rule
  • Giving an animal the ability to talk, feel, and act like a human does not give me empathetic feelings towards it, no.
    I also don't eat suckling pig, so there's that too.

  • Connect A Song mihnt

    Being - 'The Singularity - Terrans I'


    CKB-next modes?

    There a website for the modes on CKB? Like where I can download user made stuff?

    Have a k70 mk.2 and it refuses to participate in any of the modes I make properly.
