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mhzawadi Matt The Horwood

I run this server

Posts 73
Comments 207
Is it safe to automatically pull and update docker containers?
  • only if your happy that you could get a duff build and kill the service, I now watch with and update as needed

  • Trigger when ChromeCast change from ON to OFF only
  • That is true, there migh be a state change from on to off that you can pick

  • Trigger when ChromeCast change from ON to OFF only
  • Hello I would use a state change as the trigger, then in the action use an if to look for an off. That way you could use it to turn on the speakers with the chromecast

  • Suggestions for file sync / android backup / sharing software (nextcloud alternative)
  • I use nextcloud to sync our photos, with the memory's add-on and mobile app you can even have collections.

  • Should I stick with Docker Swarm for self-hosting?
  • I use swarm in my home lab, I don't have any docker things at work so Kubernetes is way more then I want to manage.

    All my stacks are in a git repo, I have an ansible playbook to update them if needed. I also have most things tracked on new releases ( so I know when something needs an update, then I can either update the git repo by hand or use ansible.

    Also have a look at docker contexts, you can manage your swarm from a remote location.

  • What is your set up? How do you use Jellyfin?
  • OMG, thats a lot of things to connect to. installing Symfonium now to have a look

  • Cloudflare is bad. Youre right.
  • So I need to make a VPS setup script to install bind for DNS and wireguard or openvpn and push it to gitlab/GitHub?

  • NAS vulnerabilities
  • It is very simple, I run it from docker and it can plug into all sorts of places, I have nginx config that I could share if it helps.

    This is the tool

  • NAS vulnerabilities
  • Depending on the login flow, I have a lot of stuff behind an oauth proxy. So that you have to have a working 2fa account to see the non 2fa system behind.

  • Windows 11 is now automatically enabling OneDrive folder backup without asking permission
  • That would fail our current process of approving where we can store documents, just as well I have a Mac for work

  • Electricians of fediverse, should I have my selfhosting box grounded?
  • Electric shock to you? Get an electrician to check it and sign it off?

  • What are your thoughts on exposing a tool like dockge to outside of your man?
  • I have my portainer behind an oath proxy, using keycloak as the Auth provider

  • IP Block Lists & Docker Networking
  • I would have a cron that runs a script to pull the list and update IPset, this might not work.

    make a file on your docker server with the below in it, set the file to execute chmod +x

    ipset -q flush ipsum
    ipset -q create ipsum hash:ip
    for ip in $(curl --compressed 2>/dev/null | grep -v "#" | grep -v -E "\s[1-2]$" | cut -f 1); do ipset add ipsum $ip; done
    iptables -D INPUT -m set --match-set ipsum src -j DROP 2>/dev/null
    iptables -I INPUT -m set --match-set ipsum src -j DROP

    Then add a cron file in /etc/cron.d that runs the script every 24 hours

    10 3 * * * root /root/
  • Matrix chat room You're invited to talk on Matrix

    You're invited to talk on Matrix

    You can now find me in a matrix room, or search for horwood-chat

    IP Block Lists & Docker Networking
  • Some thing like this

    iptables -I DOCKER-USER -m set --match-set ipsum src -j DROP

    Should do what you need

  • domains on internal network
  • I use pihole as my home DNS to do that

  • DNS issues
  • not sure your example domain is the best, can you lookup

  • Bitwarden releases phased beta for native mobile apps | Bitwarden Blog
  • thanks, have found the Andriod beta and installed it. Not blocked as I run vaultwarden

  • DNS issues
  • this might be what your looking for ->

  • Lemmy v0.19.5

    We are now running the latest version, please let me know if you spot anything odd


    Do you run tableau

    We run a bit of software called tabelau, I have had to restart it over night and the server hit 113 on the load average. on a 16 core box.

    please tell me thats mad for any software

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