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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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Bolivia’s president accused of plotting coup against himself to boost popularity
  • Didn't something similar happen in Turkey with Erdogan a few years back? Pretty sure he was accused of being behind it himself too; don't know what the final verdict was though.

    I think it's a pretty common accusation, just like when a politician is attacked, someone will invariably suggest that they staged it in order to get more support.

  • I Will Fucking Piledrive You If You Mention AI Again — Ludicity
  • I read every single word of it, twice, and I was laughing all the way through. I'm sorry you don't like it, but it seems strange that you immediately assume that I haven't read it just because I don't agree with you.

  • Ingen er blevet forgiftet af chilinudler før forbud: ’Det er et usagligt grundlag’
  • Jeg spiser ikke engang den slags ramen, så forbuddet rammer mig "kun" principielt, men det er simpelthen det vildeste klovneshow, det her.

    Af rapporten fra DTU fremgår det også, at der ikke er foretaget egentlige målinger af nudlernes indhold af den kemiske forbindelse capsaicin, som er i chili.

    I stedet har de eksperter, der har lavet rapporten for styrelsen, regnet sig frem til indholdet ved at læse beskrivelser af produkterne på en hjemmeside, hvor de blev solgt.

    På hjemmesiden har der blandt andet stået: "OBS: denne nærdødbringende version har mere end 13.000 fucking Scoville". Scoville er en enhed, man kan beregne capsaicinindholdet ud fra.

    Ud fra den beskrivelse har eksperterne beregnet, hvor højt indholdet af capsaicin er i nudlerne.

    Eksperterne noterer sig desuden i rapporten, at der på hjemmesiden er billeder af tre "drenge/unge mænd".

    - Ud fra ansigtsudtryk og kropssprog ser det ud til, at to af drengene har ondt i maven eller brændende fornemmelse i mundhulen efter at have spist af nudlerne, står der i rapporten.

    Kan man ikke få lov til at læse den rapport? Det lyder som om, det kunne være en god intro til hvordan man ignorerer den videnskabelige metode, datagrundlag og fakta generelt, og bare skriver hvad man nu lige føler for i dag. Det lyder i hvert fald ikke som et grundlag, hvorpå fødevarestyrelsen bør agere — og da slet ikke med vendinger som "risiko for akutte forgiftninger" og lignende.

    Hvad er det for en "forbruger", der har henvendt sig og hvem er den i familie/venner med fra fødevarestyrelsen?

    De må hellere tilbagekalde nisseøl pga. risiko for akut alkoholforgiftning. Fucking klaphatte...

    Edit: Jeg antager, at det her er billedet, de henviser til i rapporten: Et promo-shot for produktet, der sælger sig selv på at være stærkt.

    Edit 2: Rapporten er her: Den er ikke helt så dum, som først antaget, men det er sgu stadig en usaglig affære.

  • Notifications Received in 30 Minutes of Class — LessWrong
  • I get notifications for calls (obviously), SMS messages (of which I receive an average of 1 per month) and IMs from my immediate family. Everything else I check up on when I actually feel like I have the time for it. This has dramatically reduced the number of emails and other things I forget to reply to/act on, because I see them when I want to and when I have the time to actually deal with them; not when some random notification pops up when I'm doing something else, gets half-noticed and swiped away because I'll deal with it later.

  • Chrome: 72 hours to update or delete your browser.
  • The headline is supposedly CISA urging users to either update or delete Chrome — it's not Chrome/Google itself. However, I'm having trouble finding the actual CISA alert. It's not linked in the article as far as I can tell.

  • ChatGPT Answers Programming Questions Incorrectly 52% of the Time: Study
  • Fair enough, and thanks for the offer. I found a demo on YouTube. It does indeed look a lot more reasonable than having an LLM actually write the code.

    I'm one of the people that don't use IntelliSense, so it's probably not for me, but I can definitely see why people find that particular implementation useful. Thanks for catching and correcting my misunderstanding. :)

  • ChatGPT Answers Programming Questions Incorrectly 52% of the Time: Study
  • I'm closing in on 30 years too, started just around '95, and I have yet to see an LLM spit out anything useful that I would actually feel comfortable committing to a project. Usually you end up having to spend as much time—if not more—double-checking and correcting the LLM's output as you would writing the code yourself. (Full disclosure: I haven't tried Copilot, so it's possible that it's different from Bard/Gemini, ChatGPT and what-have-you, but I'd be surprised if it was that different.)

    Here's a good example of how an LLM doesn't really understand code in context and thus finds a "bug" that's literally mitigated in the line before the one where it spots the potential bug: (see "Exhibit B", which links to:, which is the actual HackerOne report).

    LLMs don't understand code. It's literally your "helpful", non-programmer friend—on stereoids—cobbling together bits and pieces from searches on SO, Reddit, DevShed, etc. and hoping the answer will make you impressed with him. Reading the study from TFA (, §§5.1-5.2 in particular) only cements this position further for me.

    And that's not even touching upon the other issues (like copyright, licensing, etc.) with LLM-generated code that led to NetBSD simply forbidding it in their commit guidelines:

    Edit: Spelling

  • ChatGPT Answers Programming Questions Incorrectly 52% of the Time: Study
  • I wouldn't trust an LLM to produce any kind of programming answer. If you're skilled enough to know it's wrong, then you should do it yourself, if you're not, then you shouldn't be using it.

    I've seen plenty of examples of specific, clear, simple prompts that an LLM absolutely butchered by using libraries, functions, classes, and APIs that don't exist. Likewise with code analysis where it invented bugs that literally did not exist in the actual code.

    LLMs don't have a holistic understanding of anything—they're your non-programming, but over-confident, friend that's trying to convey the results of a Google search on low-level memory management in C++.

  • Musik madsen

    Idiotsikker Records (Machacha, Supardejen, Ham Den Lange, Bumsestilen, m.fl.) tilbyder en god stak gratis albums på deres Bandcamp Idiotsikker Records

    Dansk uafhængigt pladeselskab... Hjem for bl.a. Manus Nigra, Liud, Kejser A, Supardejen, Swab, marki snøre, Henrik Hass, Blodsport, Genganger, Bumsestilen m.fl.

    Idiotsikker Records

    Kender kun Retrorik og King Kong med Supardejen, men de er i hvert fald også et lyt værd, synes jeg... Især til den pris.

    [2024-05-13] Hvad har du lige læst/set/spillet/hørt/gjort den sidste uge?
  • Hades 2 (early access). Det er early access, men langt mere omfattende end mange "færdige" spil. Der er mere fokus på magi (man spiller trods alt som heks) og lidt mindre på direkte kamp som i 1'eren, men det er fedt — og historien er selvfølgelig fed som altid (græsk mytologi).

  • Hajmysteriet fra Ringkøbing er nu opklaret
  • Tror ikke, det sal forstås på den måde. Jeg forstod det mere som: Han har begået nogle forskellige lovovertrædelser, vi skal lige finde ud af hvilke af dem, vi vil sigte ham for.

    Altså, f.eks., hvis du stjæler en cykel og dumper den midt på en cykelsti, så kan du både sigtes for henkastning af affald og cykeltyveri (og sikkert mere), men det er ikke sikkert, at de vil sigte dig for begge dele, men sigte dig vil de nok helt sikkert.

  • Hades II Technical Test - Live Gameplay
  • Elysium is definitely the slowest, but time saved carries over, so if you're fast on Tartarus, you'll have more time in Asphodel, which is relatively short in terms of number of rooms, and subsequently more time in Elysium.

    And as someone else mentioned, it saves time to be aggressive too, so never be idle and try to anticipate where enemies spawn. Enemies without shield (or when the shield is gone) can be stun-locked, so just hammer away at them.

    Maybe I'm forgetting how much time and practice I've put into going faster, but if I can do it — everyone can, that's for certain.

    Drawing inspiration from speedrun builds is great, so maybe check some of those (linked earlier) out. There are builds for different play styles, so I'm sure you'll find something that works for you. :)

  • Hades II Technical Test - Live Gameplay
  • I'm not too good at high-heat runs, but I usually enable Tight Deadline level 1 and 2 first, and Extreme Measures 1 and 2, which is already 6 heat without much of a difference in difficulty. Extreme Measures 3 is a bit wild, IMO, but I guess it's just a matter of practice, and then that's 9 heat. Middle Management isn't too bad either, and that's 2 extra heat.

    Other than that, I usually go for Malphon (fists/gloves) with Aspect of Demeter and a build with Ares' Doom effects on attack and cast, Athene's dash and special, which usually gives me access to their duo boon: Merciful End which triggers the doom effects when I dash into an opponent of use my special. It's insanely powerful.

    The Hades community on has some good guides and forum posts on builds — and videos of speedruns obviously, there's a lot to pick up from them as well:

  • Hades II Technical Test - Live Gameplay
  • The first game is a masterpiece. I had so much fun discovering all the nooks and crannies of the story. And then doing speed- and challenge-runs afterwards. There's content and gameplay for years of playing.

    Plus it's singlehandedly responsible for my kids getting deep into Greek mythology.

  • madsen

    Så er det den tid igen. Få den lygte peget ned

    Cardistry & Card Magic madsen

    XCM by Noel and Aviv

    Cardistry & Card Magic madsen

    MEAT TOWN - Cardistry in Denmark

    By Silas Busk and friends.

    Cardistry & Card Magic madsen

    Pastel by YoannF

    Super smooth sleights.

    Cardistry & Card Magic madsen

    GOSH! - Sleight of Hand by Jack Paton and Samuel Pratt - HEATH 2023

    Brand spanking new video featuring Jack Paton of Snap! fame.

    Cardistry & Card Magic madsen

    TURBO / Cardistry by Noel Heath / Anyone 2018

    A classic at this point.


    Cardistry & Card Magic - A community for people that enjoy/practice cardistry and/or card magic Cardistry & Card Magic -

    # What goes here? Everything related to card magic and cardistry is welcome here. E.g. if: * you want to show off the latest trick/move you’ve been practicing * you want feedback/help on a move or trick * some cool video/trick needs to be shared with others * you know about some great resource that ...

    [email protected] // /c/cardistry_and_magic

    A place for everyone — seasoned veterans to complete novices — that enjoys the wonders of card magic, sleight of hand and/or the visually stunning moves of cardistry. It doesn't matter if you're performing, learning or just watching, you're welcome to come share awesome videos, ask for feedback, get inspired and geek out over people doing crazy stuff with their hands and cards.

    Here are a couple of examples to get y'all riled up:

    • Cardistry performance:
    • Cardistry tutorial:
    • Card magic performance:
    • Card magic tutorial:
    Cardistry & Card Magic madsen

    SNAP! - Sleight of Hand by Jack Paton - HEATH 2022

    Crazy smooth slight of hand by Jack Paton. Good music too!

    Cardistry & Card Magic madsen


    Cardistry & Card Magic madsen

    Green by Noel Heath and Aviv Moraly

    Cardistry & Card Magic madsen

    Markobi - FISM 2022 Winning Routine

    Such a great and hilarious performance. Definitely up there with people like Lennart Green and Dani DaOrtiz.
