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mac mac

Product in the London startup scene.

DJ & producer

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Comments 12
The Browser Company’s unconventional browser, Arc, releases publicly on Mac
  • Arc has changed my browsing experience and I’m not sure I’ll be able to go back to a traditional browser.

    The UI takes a bit of getting used to, but works so much better than Chrome or FF for my daily work usage. Having ‘spaces’ for different tasks is a game changer being able to have all your necessary tabs ready to go, and you can switch profiles, having your work spaces on one profile logged into all your work accounts, and simply being able to flick back and forth to your personal space that has your personal accounts all logged in.

    Developer tools are super useful for web developers, you have all the standard chrome console and debugs, with additional quality of life features added on top.

    Yes it’s chromium based, but the Arc team spends a lot of their time optimising and speeding it up. It’s not the same resource hog that the Chrome browser is. Plus all Chrome extensions work on Arc, so you aren’t going to lose the plugins that you’re used to.

    I love the weekly updates and seeing all the new QoL changes that the team implements.

    Not a paid shill, but I am a shill lol

  • Apple will require app devs to explain exactly why they use certain APIs
  • Can’t wait to get our app rejected multiple times for not having an ‘approved reason’ for using certain apis 💀

  • Legend...
  • They’re excited seeing Marques wear an Apollo tee

  • [Question] What API documentation tools are you using?
  • is what we use. The free plan is pretty generous, we’ve been on it for years and not had any need to upgrade for additional features.

  • Deep Dark Dubstep (DJ mix)
  • Love the old school dubstep vibes! Join us on @mixes

  • What sort of splits do you guys use?
  • Push, pull & legs is my usual rotation

  • Why is no one decorating their magazines?
  • I appreciate you putting in the effort, but it looks kinda scuffed on mobile

  • Reddit requires premium for changing themes and even the browser theme seems to be ignored in favour of light mode. Imagine if kbin/lemmy did that for free?
  • Themes made by Reddit users… this company has got way too comfortable charging for user made content

  • What are your current grinds and goals?
  • On my way to the quest cape, and just gathering gear and stats for DS2 now. Then farming the money dragon for a bit.

  • Reddit Communities Switching to NSFW as a Form of Protest
  • Maybe I'm misunderstanding this, but with subreddits going NSFW, it means that the content won't be displayed in 3p apps only? Seems like this will help push users to the official app?

  • Mixes - For DJ mixes and long form music content

    I’ve recently set up @mixes to share DJ mixes. Come by and share some music :)

    YSK if you overwrote your comments and posts that Reddit is restoring them to previous states
  • I just doubled checked my wiped account and all the content is still gone. I did this a few days before the blackouts, using

  • Reddit CEO Steve Huffman isn’t backing down: our full interview
  • He kept going on about turning comments on these protest posts to really see how many users disapprove the blackout… as if it won’t be a wall of “Fuck u/spez”