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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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Comments 26
ICC prosecutor says world leaders 'threatened' him over Israel arrest warrants
  • Putin should take a tour of adjacent countries. Dare them to blind.

    No adjacent country would declare war by arresting a visiting head of state.

    No country became a country by having that level of lack of strategy. Simply does not exist.

  • ICC prosecutor says world leaders 'threatened' him over Israel arrest warrants
  • These judges also don't live or conduct trade, especially with their neighbors being a global military power.

    So these judges lack skin in the game. Asking Mongolia to arrest the leader of a neighboring country is the same as declaring war.

    The media screaming they must do it, speaks volumes about their lack of IQ.

  • Is there any proprietary Android app for which you wish there would be an open-source alternative?
  • A FOSS app for digital payments, must have a company front to sign deals with country retail store chains. Although customer kyc can be avoided, the payments from the front company to retail chains would be thru a corporate structure.

    ... maybe convenience is the wrong path

    The advantages of PoW crypto, over digital (and PoS), it's possible to force between seller and buyer:

    • communication with end-to-end encryption
    • privacy oriented marketplaces

    With the goal of fostering our own private communities. Over time, might spawn a sub-culture, identity, and ultimately people hood.

  • Paying for software is stupid… 10 free and open-source SaaS replacements
  • Currently trying to improve a popular Sphinx extension, sphobjinv. Can watch my daily pain here

    If anyone is so inclined, please throw some litecoin my way


    The litecoin will go towards my daily milk tea habit. Elephants work for peanuts, i work for milk tea.

  • Paying for software is stupid… 10 free and open-source SaaS replacements
  • Not triggered by this emotional outrage bait

    it either costs your time or money or both. There is no situation where anything is free.

    I'm currently fixing, not mine, repos. I have the skill level to fix other coders design issues. One at a time.

    This is costing me time. Not just in doing the work, but all the time leading up to gaining the skillset to be at this level.

    Put a price tag on that. (i'm not boasting; actually having to do this grind)

  • Forgejo is now copyleft, just like Git
  • AGPLv3 is not anti-business or anti-money. It's saying if you want to use the code in a closed source project you need to pay the copyright holder

    The copyright holder is the original author, not a maintainer or someone who forked a project and renamed it.

    That's why the #1 thing mentioned in copyleft licenses is you can't alter the copyright notice and declare yourself the original author

    AGPLv3 is a good license to choose. All the other licenses are naive and do not combat closed source projects and the slave worker that keeps our projects unfunded

  • Forgejo is now copyleft, just like Git
  • Exactly. They obviously didn't research licensing enough.

    Closed source projects need to pay for licensing. Or they will force you to work for them designing web forms and smartphone apps

    Am i wrong?

  • Microsoft outage leaves China largely untouched as tech self-sufficiency campaign pays off
  • China takes alot of crap from Western MSM. But the accusation that it suacks at IT, so much, would consider using WindowsOS is a low blow

    Whenever see a Windows box i say, grandma gets a smartphone. Regardless who i'm talking to. Believe it!

  • Switzerland mandates all software developed for the government be open sourced
  • govts print infinite money. All of us are working for free. Their fiat is credits for the company store.

    If you think funding projects is bad then the response is to support lobbying project owners to put in malware until FOSS is publically funded.

    All we have to do is verbally support it. And cheerlead when it occurs. We don't actually have to actively do it. It's a threat which is done in politics all the time.

  • Switzerland mandates all software developed for the government be open sourced
  • Step 1: all software has to be open source

    Step 2: governments, required by law, to fund FOSS projects in their tech stacks. Helped by organizations which trace project funding and lobbying to promote FOSS security by providing funding; a huge incentive to not insert malware

    Step 3: coders are afforded dignity (UBI); given funds geared towards affording a maintenance team. Regardless of country of origin. Vital infrastructure is vital infrastructure. Talent is talent.

    I support this move to Step 1

    Where is the list of pauper gov'ts which force talent to get a job rather than be a talent and then maintain their projects with dignity!

    Those jobs are mostly nonsense. Geared towards wasting our time building:

    • yet another stupid web site

    • yet another stupid smartphone app

    • yet another stupid cloud base server instance

  • What industry do you work in and what are the LPT the general public should know about it?
  • pirate: My dreams concern ccy off ramps. Remote work is our future.

    At all costs, never ever answer any kyc/aml questions:

    • What's your name?
    • How old are you?
    • What country are you from?
    • Where do you live?
    • Can i have your phone number?

    The truth is vastly overrated concept.

    openssl rand -hex 20 <-- memorize this. Adjusting integer affects output length. Try it now. Now try is 20 times in a row. This is your name and password generator. My name is a71fe7b7ec46e0ae0a191004509af262cb2bbe99

    Outing your identity has HUGE financial and legal repercussions. Not outting your own identity saves on: stress, time, filling out forms, and you can keep your income and house (a motel is insurance). There will be fees to be paid to ccy off ramps, but they are nothing in comparison.

    If anyone insists, insist they give you their credit card. Then keep it. This is an important life lesson. Anyone can be de-systemed. And as soon as you internalize that ... the better. If you are not de-systemed, consider yourself de-systemed. Plan accordingly. I know folks who are de-systemed.

    Make a telegram group for onboarding. Create invite links as needed. Then no need to exchange phone numbers. I'm ok with Russia viewing my communications. In fact, that's hilarious. Could use e2e encryption. Boris is busy anyway.

    If you talk about coding always, you'll become immune to censorship. Normies brains cannot withstand such punishment. They'll find someone else to censor.