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listless listless
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What happens if Biden dies before the next inauguration (see inside)?
    1. They can literally keep a dead guy on the ballot. Then the vice president would take over immediately upon inauguration.
    2. The Democratic Party could quickly pick a different candidate and have that person run and beyond the ballot.
  • All of her atrocities are justified
  • Who is it? Just rando or some reference?

  • Why don't low birth-rate countries make immigration to their country easier?
  • So basically the perfect question for the internet?

  • don't ever change you're perfect

    cross-posted from:

    > don't ever change baby you're the best

    memes listless

    don't ever change baby you're the best

    Phone calls still assume the people on the receiving end are attached to a desk.
  • So you admit that I'm the one with the correct concept of a phone?

    Also the fire alarm battery was dead, and the entire thing was an analogy anyway.

    Either way out of courtesy, I will retire from this battle of wits; it appears you've come unarmed.

  • Phone calls still assume the people on the receiving end are attached to a desk.
  • Oh, so if there's a fire in the building I should quietly slip a note under your door and assume you got it?

  • How 0% APR credits make money?
  • ^^ This guy got chased out of the temple by a furious Jesus Christ /s

  • Phone calls still assume the people on the receiving end are attached to a desk.
  • As I have stated I only call if it's an emergency (I'm in an accident, im in danger, someone else is hurt) or it's time sensitive (someone has face value Taylor Swift tickets at work, want me to get them for you?) I almost always text first, wait 5 min then try calling, I'm not a monster.

    I find it pretty self important of people to cut off last resort real time communication with close friends and family because you think 2 minutes of your day is that much more important.

    You can configure unknown numbers to go to voicemail. Heck you can make it so that only a certain subset of people ring.

    Shame on you for blocking everyone instead of learning how to filter communication, and double shame on you if you get mad when you missed something that someone was trying every possible method to get a hold of you.

  • Phone calls still assume the people on the receiving end are attached to a desk.
  • Dear Sir / Madame I am writing to inform you of a fire at 123 Carrington Road. Looking forward to meeting you. Yours Truly Morris Moss

  • Phone calls still assume the people on the receiving end are attached to a desk.
  • If I'm calling it's an emergency or extremely time sensitive. Otherwise I text. I can understand when you don't want app or even text notifications. But understand and accept the risk that comes with it.

    What pisses me right the fuck off is when I call, then call again, then text, then text again, and you, "mr/mrs im so important I can't be bothered by notifications" are somehow offended at me because you missed out on something because you didn't bother properly configuring two calls in a row from a known contact through your deny-by-default filter.

    Those people, family or not, can fuck right off.

    I don't like telemarketing or spam calls. But I also take responsibility and check if it's actually important. It's nbd to me to hang up on a spam call. And to be honest I have gotten a fair share of legitimate calls from numbers I don't recognize.

    TL;DL Answer ya damn phone, you damn well know tiktok and insta still gonna be there 5 seconds from now

  • memes listless

    insert "bomb them" sound effect

    cross-posted from:

    > insert "bomb them" sound effect

    So let's say I wanna ping every 5 seconds... forever. Alternatives?
  • But this user plans to leave ping running all the time to check that their own Internet connection is working.

    Either way, at any given time there's tons of traffic leaving your network, it just means that software is active, not that a human is active. On top of that, Cloudflare probably isn't selling the fact that an ICMP ping was received at their DNS server directly to spammers quickly enough for them to act and put an email at the top of your inbox, assuming that spam isn't caught by a spam filter first.

  • Technically, almost all video games are puzzle games.
  • FPS are an adventure/puzzle game where the only solution is "USE GUN ON MAN"

  • prolly gonna destroy an ancient evil with love or something too
  • how dare you speak to me / how dare you speak to the Princess

  • memes listless

    prolly gonna destroy an ancient evil with love or something too

    photo of a otter sitting upright in the grass holding a stick vertically with a paw resting on top as if it were a cane

    So let's say I wanna ping every 5 seconds... forever. Alternatives?
  • If the other traffic is already correlated to your IP, then what additional info does an ICMP echo leak?

  • So let's say I wanna ping every 5 seconds... forever. Alternatives?
  • ICMP doesn't reveal any personal details. As opposed to say when you visit with the web browser where you can be fingerprinted, and perhaps have that tied to the rest of your browsing history or real world identity.

  • memes listless

    playin by Robin Williams Genie Rules

    cross-posted from:

    > You still have three wishes. > > Split screen multiplayer should totally make a comeback....

    memes listless

    oh i so feel this in my bones

    When does investing become gambling?
  • You make it seem like the US’s market will need to experience the same thing eventually.

    You make it seem like it didn't already: The US market didn't reach its 1929 peak again until 1954. 25 years is a long time to hold out on withdrawing your retirement investments.

    Here's two other modern markets:

    The Athens Stock Exchange had peaks in the 2000's that haven't recovered.

    Ukraine's stock market has ceased operations since the invasion.

    These events are rare, but not unheard of.

  • When does investing become gambling?
  • At least as close as anything can be guaranteed in this world

    Turns out "close to guaranteed" is in fact, not "guaranteed."

    So much so that if you pick any 25 year period over the last 200 years, you won’t find a single instance where the total value of the all traded stocks was worth less at the end than at the start.

    Here's my 25 how did they do:

    • Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc.
    • Washington Mutual Inc.
    • General Motors Corporation
    • Enron Corporation
    • WorldCom Inc.
    • CIT Group Inc.
    • Chrysler LLC
    • Thornburg Mortgage Inc.
    • Conseco Inc.
    • MF Global Holdings Ltd.
    • Energy Future Holdings Corp.
    • Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E)
    • Toys "R" Us Inc.
    • Sears Holdings Corporation
    • Blockbuster Inc.
    • Eastman Kodak Company
    • American Airlines (AMR Corporation)
    • Frontier Communications Corporation
    • Hertz Global Holdings Inc.
    • JC Penney
    • Peabody Energy Corporation
    • RadioShack Corporation
    • Remington Outdoor Company
    • Pier 1 Imports Inc.
    • Purdue Pharma L.P.

    (hint: they've all filed for bankruptcy at some point)

    Again, look at the Nikkei from the 1990's - that's an entire index that was flat for 30 years. Hard to put off retirement for 30 years waiting for that index fund to pay off.

    Don't bother dying on this hill, son, there's plenty of other, nicer hills to die on.

  • When does investing become gambling?
  • It becomes gambling when you are going on gut feelings without researching what you're doing.

    If you have an investment strategy that financial advisors approve of, let's say investing 70% in a US index fund, 20% bonds and 10% high risk mutual funds that you don't touch for years or decades, that's investing.

    If you're just randomly picking stocks, buying and selling in order to make a quick buck because of some guy screaming at you on television without any real research into a company other than a few google searches, that's gambling.

    I want to remind everyone that there is no guarantee that the market / index funds continue to go up. It hasn't happened in the US market, but look at the Nikkei over the last 30 years - if you had invested in the 90s you would only now be getting some of your money back - that is a long time.

  • memes listless

    Socialists be like

    cross-posted from:

    > Libertarians be like

    memes listless

    Art found at Crate and Barrel - $1099

    memes listless

    I swear to god I'll turn the blender on too

    cross-posted from:

    > This is a real threat :(

    memes listless

    NO VISITORS unless on party business

    cross-posted from:

    > I ain't no son of a Took!

    memes listless

    Age is just a number

    memes listless

    Food Pyramid of the Future

    memes listless

    I don't remember this Sesame Street episode

    memes listless

    US grade school textbooks

    cross-posted from:

    > US grade school textbooks


    the struggle is real

    cross-posted from:

    > the struggle is real


    the struggle is real

    cross-posted from:

    > the struggle is real

    memes listless

    the struggle is real

    memes listless

    neither will moving to the cloud
