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ledlecreeper27 Commissar of Antifa

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Posts 14
Comments 86
Literature links?
  • I would recommend reading a lot of other theory before starting Kapital. The USSR also wrote a textbook on Political Economy that was designed for students and may be easier to understand. It also talks about things that aren't in Kapital like imperialism, socialism, and feudal and slave societies.

  • Literature links?
  • This (scroll down halfway to the economic doctrines section) talks about different economic schools including the petty-bourgeois views of Sismondi and others. You should also read the Principles of Communism.

    ProleWiki also has two beginner reading lists for Marxism: 1 2

  • Oh dear...
  • Kings and Generals literally has a guy from the NED writing their scripts.

  • How can we make the revolution happen when the NSA and CIA know everything that we talk about online?
  • There was even an informant (Malinovsky) in the Central Committee at one point.

  • What are everyone's thoughts on the former Eastern Bloc countries (DDR, Poland, USSR, etc.)?
  • R/communism has a series of masterposts on these countries. Overall, they all improved standards of living and were way better than feudalism or fascism. The majority of people in the Eastern Bloc say life was better under socialism except in a few countries like Poland and Czechia. The GDR was probably the most successful of the Eastern Bloc countries despite suffering at first from war reparations.

    In terms of LGBT rights, the Warsaw Pact countries (besides Romania) were much more progressive than the USSR itself and all decriminalized LGBT relationships in the 1960s.

    Flaws include Yugoslavia never collectivizing land, allowing kulaks into the party, and sometimes siding with the USA in foreign policy; Romania’s nationalist deviations and bad abortion policy; Poland’s lack of a domestic revolution and reliance on Soviet occupation for their revolution; and Albania’s isolationism, which caused stagnation even though Hoxha was right in criticizing Khrushchev.

  • What are USA politicians fighting over?
  • Right now, they’re fighting over whether to go to war with Russia or China or both. Republicans are more anti-China and want to stop funding Ukraine so they can focus on China.

  • Kim Jong Un got added to Myrotvorets list
  • The "biography" link is just Wikipedia

  • Global Democracy Index 2022
  • Saudi Arabia is more democratic than Laos, China, or Korea L毛.

  • Why does it say nothing about the 1989 protests on Tiananmen Square, Beijing?
  • Here is ProleWiki’s article.

    It might not be mentioned because, although there were protests in the square, all deaths were in streets near the square instead of in the square itself.

  • Tatars in the USSR
  • It is about Crimean Tatars, not the Tatars from Tatarstan.

  • What event could have helped spread communism throughout europe ?(including the west)
  • Success of German and Hungarian revolutions or avoiding the Marshall Plan. Europe was in ruins after WWII and the US said they would only give assistance to countries that voted for right-wing parties. The CIA also infiltrated the elections of France and Italy to stop communists from winning, since they were very popular after leading the resistance in the war. At the same time, the British and US helped monarchists defeat communists in the Greek Civil War.

  • General Discussion Thread - Juche 112, Week 36
  • May 1 in the USA is literally called "Loyalty Day"

  • Statistics on Baltic SSRs

    From Human Rights in the Soviet Union by Albert Szymanski. Statistics are from between 1965 and 1979.


    • All three Baltic SSRs had a higher income per capita than the RSFSR or the all-Union average. Estonia and Latvia were also higher than Russia in terms of income per adult.
    • Latvia and Estonia had more doctors per capita and per adult than the RSFSR or USSR average.
    • Estonians were overrepresented by 17% in the amount of scientific workers.

    Education and language:

    • The number of students in all levels of education doubled in Latvia from 1914 to 1978, increased 140% in Estonia, and increased 420% in Lithuania.
    • Estonia had the highest expenditure per student of any Soviet republic, almost 12% higher than the USSR average.
    • Estonia and Latvia had the most books published per speaker in their languages of any republic. Lithuania was also higher than any non-Baltic republic besides Russia.
    • Citizens of any republic could go all the way through college taking classes in their native language.
    • All three Baltic SSRs had a higher percentage of newspapers published in their languages than the percentage of their main nationality in the republic.
    Do AES countries restrict citizens from leaving?
  • The GDR started allowing more travel to the west in the 1970s. You could visit if you were aged over 50 or had relatives in the west, and other people could also visit but they had to wait much longer and get an approval from the Stasi (most requests were approved). By 1988, millions of people legally visited West Germany each year and over 99.9% returned to the GDR.

  • Decolonized France
  • You would probably have to draw clear borders and have different groups compromise on where to draw the line. Since a lot of natives were exiled to Oklahoma, some nations might be split with one section in their homeland and one where their reservations are now, and both sections could be part of the same ASSR or whatever you would call the regions.

  • Decolonized France


    Stalin - Proletariatets Befrielse Orkester


    Развивайтесь ПролеВики на русском ПролеВики

    ПролеВики: Марксистско-ленинская пролетарская энциклопедия, построенная совместным трудом


    Сейчас у нас только 5 статей на русском, но есть больше 2000 на английском энциклопедии которые мы можем переводить. Если у вас уже есть акканут на английском, вы можете использовать его здесь тоже. Чтобы просить новый аккаунт, отвечайте на эти вопросы. У нас есть Дискорд с каналами на русском. Если у вас уже есть аккаунт на вики, вы не должны отвечать на вопросы чтобы войти в сервер.


    This is how we celebrate the 4th of July


    إِنْ شَاءَ ٱللَّٰهُ



    Revolutionary song for Shaheed Qasem Soleimani - Purestream Media

    I know this isn't communist but it is anti-imperialist and other Islamic anti-Zionist and anti-imperialis songs have been posted. Context for lyrics: -Mahdi is the last Islamic prophet who is predicted to come in the future Zahra was the daughter of Muhammad Zaynab was the grandson of Muhammad who was killed in battle Abraha was a Yemeni general who tried to destroy the Ka'ba Khaybar was a region that incited the inhabitants of Mecca to fight the Muslims Haydar was a name for the first Shia imam and a scribe of the Quran al-Quds is the capital of Palestine and is called Jerusalem by Zionists Haifa is another Zionist-occupied city Baqir was the fifth Shia imam Ja'fari is a school of Shia jurisprudence Husayn was the third Shia imam Ka'ba is the most holy site in Islam Mujahideen can refer to Islamic warriors in general, not just the CIA-funded ones in Afghanistan


    Kim Jong Un riding a horse and carrying a bazooka (Craiyon)


    Liberal raid alert

    It seems to only affect GenZedong and not other communities


    Created page to put sources for editing ProleWiki:How to contribute/Sources

    This page contains a list of sources for writing about various subjects.


    Depraved cis/straight literature rampant in Louisiana libraries


    InfraWiki is being raided

    InfraWiki is a nazbol version of Wikipedia but it is being infiltrated to remove patsoc content. Anyone can create an account and edit with no verification. I have been banned but other ProleWiki users are active there right now.


    Ideologies of the Cold War according to Wikipedia

    кросс-пост из:

    > It includes fascism, racism, and white supremacy as "other" instead of capitalist.

    Based Library Commissar of Antifa

    A People's History of the Third World - Vijay Prashad

    Preface by Howard Zinn, author a People's History of the United States
