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learnbyexample learnbyexample

Interests: Regular Expressions, Linux CLI one-liners, Scripting Languages and Vim


Posts 96
Comments 78
A Logical Way to Split Long Lines
  • Not my blog, just sharing it here.

    That said, I don't see that broken rectangle on Chromium.

  • What is PID 0? What is PID 0? ·

    Yes, there's a PID 0! An explanation of what it is, and a quick walk through linux early boot code.

    17 Replacing pyinstaller with 100 lines of code

    A tale of how I accidentally stumbled upon some interesting tech over time.

    Replacing pyinstaller with 100 lines of code
    I wrote a book on Linux command line tools and Shell Scripting (beginner to intermediate level)
  • Is it regex or sed/awk syntax (or both) that gives you trouble?

    I had similar reaction and didn't even try to learn them for years - then I caught the stackoverflow craze of answering CLI questions (and learning from others).

  • I wrote a book on Linux command line tools and Shell Scripting (beginner to intermediate level)


    I am pleased to announce a new version of my Linux Command Line Computing ebook.

    This ebook aims to teach Linux command line tools and Shell Scripting for beginner to intermediate level users. The main focus is towards managing your files and performing text processing tasks. Plenty of examples are provided to make it easier to understand a particular tool and its various features. There are 200+ exercises to help you practice what you've learned and solutions are provided for reference. I hope this ebook would make it easier for you to discover CLI tools, features and learning resources.


    • Free PDF/EPUB: (till 9-June-2024)
    • Web version:
    • Markdown source, exercise solutions, etc:
    • Short video about the book:

    I would highly appreciate it if you'd let me know how you felt about this book. It could be anything from a simple thank you, pointing out a typo, mistakes in code snippets, which aspects of the book worked for you (or didn't!) and so on. Reader feedback is essential and especially so for self-published authors.

    Happy learning :)

    What are your must-have programs?
  • oxipng, pngquant and svgcleaner for optimizing images

    auto-editor for removing silent portions from video recordings

  • How terminal works
  • Not my blog, just sharing it here. Saw it on HN (

  • How terminal works How terminal works. Part 1: Xterm, user input

    Hi there. I am going to post here thing about my work or my technical hobbies. This means c++, java, haskell, python, linux etc.

    14 Disaster recovery with ZFS and zrepl

    My SSD suddenly died. I only lost 10 minutes of data, thanks to ZFS and zrepl.

    Disaster recovery with ZFS and zrepl
    5 How Python Asyncio Works: Recreating it from Scratch

    Learn how asyncio works by recreating it from scratch with Python generators and using the __await__ under method for the async/await keywords.

    How Python Asyncio Works: Recreating it from Scratch

    I wrote an interactive TUI app that gives a brief tour of the GNU awk command for beginners TUI-apps/AwkTutorial at main · learnbyexample/TUI-apps

    Terminal User Interface (TUI) apps. Contribute to learnbyexample/TUI-apps development by creating an account on GitHub.

    TUI-apps/AwkTutorial at main · learnbyexample/TUI-apps

    Let me know your feedback, especially if you haven't learned awk yet!

    Improving shell workflows with fzf
  • What's the difference between two_percent and skim?

  • A Guide to Python Lambda Functions A Guide to Python Lambda Functions - Adam Johnson

    In Python, Lambda functions are rare compared to “normal” functions, and occasionally misunderstood or overused.

    A Guide to Python Lambda Functions - Adam Johnson
    8 How does the Linux Kernel start a Process

    Stack smashing: How Linux creates the stack and runs a program. Then mess with it.

    How does the Linux Kernel start a Process
    What apps would you love to have open-source alternatives for?
  • Check out

    I'm not familiar with such softwares (I use pandoc for technical writing), but might help you..

  • An awk implementation in C99 An awk implementation

    A somewhat compact implementation of the awk programming language

    CLI text processing with GNU Coreutils (head, tail, tr, sort, paste, pr, join, etc)
  • Yeah, it is uncommon spelling, but if you google, you'll find it's not that rare ;)

  • CLI text processing with GNU Coreutils (head, tail, tr, sort, paste, pr, join, etc)
  • I'm self-published and haven't worked for other publications. Sometimes, my submissions reach HN front page, so you might have seen there or because others picked it up from there and shared around elsewhere.

  • CLI text processing with GNU Coreutils (head, tail, tr, sort, paste, pr, join, etc)


    I am pleased to announce a new version of my CLI text processing with GNU Coreutils ebook. This ebook will help you learn 20+ specialized text processing commands provided by the coreutils package.

    !Cover image

    This book heavily leans on examples to present features one by one. Exercises at the end of chapters will help you practice what you've learned and solutions are also provided for reference. External links are provided for further reading.


    • Free PDF/EPUB: (till 10-Apr-2024)
    • Web version:
    • Markdown source, exercise solutions, etc:
    • Short video about the book:
    • Interactive TUI app: (includes some coreutils exercises)

    I would highly appreciate it if you'd let me know how you felt about this book. It could be anything from a simple thank you, pointing out a typo, mistakes in code snippets, which aspects of the book worked for you (or didn't!) and so on. Reader feedback is essential and especially so for self-published authors.

    Happy learning :)


    ZFS for Dummies ZFS for Dummies - Gamedev Guide

    As mentioned on previous posts, I have spent the past few weeks dealing with a ZFS crash on my FreeNAS install. Because of that, not only was I forced to learn how to troubleshoot ZFS, but I also had to learn how to setup new volumes and come up with new backup strategies (between a few other things...

    Vim prank: alias vim='vim -y'
  • As per the manual, "Mappings are set up to work like most click-and-type editors" - which is best suited with GUI Vim.

    While Vim doesn't make sense to use without the modes, there are plugins like!

  • Vim prank: alias vim='vim -y'

    Vim easy mode is tough to use for seasoned users!

    Vim prank: alias vim='vim -y'

    Did you know that Vim has an Easy mode? It's the hardest mode for those already familiar with Vim 🙃

    21 Python deque tutorial

    This tutorial teaches how to work with the Python data structure collections.deque and provides 7 example use cases.

    Python deque tutorial
    4 Using Polars in a Pandas world

    Pandas has far more third-party integrations than Polars. Learn how to use those libraries with Polars dataframes.

    Using Polars in a Pandas world
    CLI text processing with grep, sed, awk, perl and ruby
  • I had to learn Linux CLI tools, Vim and Perl at my very first job. Have a soft spot for Perl, despite not using it much these days other than occasional one-liners (mainly for advanced regex features).

  • CLI text processing with grep, sed, awk, perl and ruby
  • Thanks a lot for the kind words! Means a lot to me :)

  • What are you reading??
  • I'm a bit active on book-related forums. I post reviews of books I've read, give book recommendations, etc. In this case, the author contacted me based on my reviews.

  • What are you reading??
  • Like alpha, beta, gamma readers. Used by authors to get feedback at various stages of their book before it is published. Alpha stage is very rough, like first draft. Not sure where the line lies between beta and gamma stage, but they are close to finished works - only typos and minor changes would be made based on reader feedback.

    For indie authors, beta readers often help to get a few reviews out close to book publication.

  • What are you reading??
  • I'm doing a beta-read. Well written, great ideas, etc. Unfortunately, the book is turning out to be much darker than I'm comfortable with. I'll probably try to get to the halfway point before deciding to give up.

  • Easy book to resume reading?
  • Bobiverse by Dennis E. Taylor is a fun and easy read

  • Algorithms for Competitive Programming
  • See also: (Competitive Programmer's Handbook)

  • Looking for something new to read after The Expanse
  • Stormlight Archives can be daunting to those not familiar with Sanderson's works, especially since the books are long (1000+ pages) and the first book is setting up a long 10-book series (plus other stuff from a wider universe).

    If you'd like something smaller and standalone to try first, check out "Emperor's Soul" (novella) or Warbreaker (novel).

  • Do you guys have any book reading goals for next year?
  • True, perhaps a case of doing too much of anything over a long period ;)