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lav Tee
Posts 21
Comments 41
Liberal I know both-sidesing a national liberation movement
  • The Soviets fighting the Nazis is not black and white, it must be taken in its historical context. Although the Nazis fight with a racist, deep hatred for Jews, on the other hand, the Soviets are communists.

  • Comment on a hakim post
  • liberal "centrists" most of the year- FREE PALESTINE liberal "centrists" when Palestine fights back tremendously for liberation and right for independence- I strongly support the right of Israel to exist. This is nothing more than a terrorist attack.

  • If you truly say you are for the proletariat you have to ground yourself to materialist analysis. If you think your theory has more potential that speaks for the people better, then its better that you cooperate with the party that understood the dialectics and led the revolution instead of useless chantings that the one party isn't the way. There's a reason their revolution was successful. Do material analysis first and realize why, than focusing on ideological thinking that "there are always differences". if there are differences then there are ways to solve those differences within the party.

  • Dems vs Conservatives
  • Top image- bourgeoisie economist Bottom image- bourgeoisie economist (spicy)

  • Dems vs Conservatives


    Based Castro





    gommunism is when


    Capitalists are good, honest!
  • we all should make an Onion explicitly from a Marxist perspective

  • Why is intensifying war required by capitalism?
  • As anti-imperialists, the focus is on organizing vanguard parties who will take advantage of the internal contradictions within imperialism that lead to imperialist wars. the people's war will ultimately be the deciding conflict, and as you said, with the imperialist powers being weakened, too busy fighting with each other, the people's war will ultimately prevail.

  • Are there any actual revolutionary organizations in England/UK?
  • what about revolutionary communists?

  • Stalin: history and critique of a black legend the new translation is finally out
  • iskra and foreignlanguagepress are my go-to trusted publishers, they both also have free pdfs of all the books they publish. iskra has other radical bookstores in their about page that you can check out

  • Are there any actual revolutionary organizations in England/UK?

    I don't want to be affiliated with my uni's IMT/Socialist Appeal club because I've heard they can be revisionist, and most, if not all of the UK "socialist" parties are v. transphobic. I also don't know what I can do/will be allowed to do as an international student, but just wanted to ask if there are any places where organizing will be possible. Thanku!

    Someon's been playing too much Red Alert...
  • is it really a coincidence after the number one allegorical tv show about capitalism was a few years ago titled "Squid Game"??? confirmed that the show was a psyop by South Korean Chinese Russian commies who are destroying the perfect system

  • Favorite authors
  • I have read very few books. I used to go about thinking I was deep for reading Animal Farm. I gained actual class consciousness this year, and mostly read theory. My fav. book used to be Agatha Christie's 'The Murder of Roger Ackroyd', it was a good one. What are the works of the former and latter two? I've heard about Anuradha Ghandy but not in detail.

  • They can't help themselves but make it badass, and replace the fish with barking lapdog and it would be accurate.
  • US propoganda to say the least

    to say the most, the propoganda is not just the media, but the US-Nato backed fascist coups and alliances that take over countries and mass indoctrinate the masses about alternate history

  • Can I be a proud American while also being critical of the country?
  • 226 people are absolute brainrotten libs. they are either voting for the two party system, or for one of the absurdly pseudo-intellectual parties I once came across with their ideology being "human centric capitalism"

  • Lol, this man is "Chair of European Commitee for NATO"
  • average person spending twitter making shitty political compass and maps unironically who somehow has power

  • revolutionary pessimism in the UK and EU

    I've been having pessimistic thoughts for a while because I'll be moving to the UK for studying, and after that somewhere in EU for settling with my partner with a job that I can stay there on. The thoughts are just the possibility of a revolution in UK and imperial core of EU, and I just want to know how can I talk through myself during these moments. How do you do it? I want to take part in organizing after I move, but paranoia really affects me on how this will not be good because I'll be an international student (not a citizen), and I have to somehow "be politically safe" to avoid being deported back. These are all paranoid thoughts, largely because I have psychosis too, but it still bothers me. Thank you for listening comrades <3


    Let Cuba live petition

    Comrades, I don't know how much collective action we can do from a petition, but it doesn't hurt sharing. Keep fighting and solidarity with Cuba!

    [Libertarian] American political spectrum
  • I saw that, was fucking unhinged 💀💀I meant the same party from different states being in beef w each other through comments

  • [Libertarian] American political spectrum
  • dont these dumbfucks publicly fight amongst themselves on twit?

  • USA #1
  • Neither Ronda DeFascist or Donald Duck are going to let you sloppy use your unvaccinated mouth to suck their tiny dicks. They also aren't going to eliminate queers from taking over the government. AND, we all are already in our final stages to make YOU and everyone else gay. You can't stop us. TRANS RIGHTS ARE HUMAN RIGHTS.

  • Is Your house in NATO? Accept NATO in your house.
  • "Accept NATO in your house", says the priest, trying to convert a Marxist to liberalism. Liberal conversion therapy has now been legalized in every NATO country, and as NATO wants to expand its territory, the imminent threat of there being a United Earth of NATO, is right around the corner.

  • Should I even bother? (tw- depression)
  • really appreciate the words. good luck to you too, let's survive and fight in our own ways <33

    just wanted to get out of here tbh, the field I want is not really viable to be studied here, and there is no way in hell I'm going to the States, plus the options were really nice in UK, albeit expensive as fuck. but isoki, I'll manage and pay back my loans and what not+ part time.

    I'm rooting for u thoo!! take care of urself and also my dms always open if you ever need someone ❤️❤️

    I more than empathize with trans+NB ppl and as a cis queer this affects every single person who wishes to not conform to patriarchal standards. I'll ofc advocate in my own ways there, maybe I'll get to be part of my first pride?? more than excited tbh. but yes, when speaking of the larger intersectional Marxism, it is necessary for gender itself to be abolished.

    let's break the binary in our own ways!!! Stay safe 🥰🥰

  • Should I even bother? (tw- depression)

    Marxist analysis has made me realize my worth as a human, and I truly want to work for the revolution, and be a part. I want to liberate myself and everyone else, from oppression of the working class. But why bother. Just because it has helped me understand my value, doesn't make me any less depressed. I'm just so alienated. I'm moving to UK this Sept. for masters. Permanently away from my country. I don't want to settle in UK because of the queerphobia that's rampant there rn, but isn't it cowardly of me? To go for a place that is both safe for me and also a place where change is viable. I've seen comrades say its best to join an organization and make efforts in your home country itself but I'm moving out because I can't get the education and job I want from the country I'm in rn, and I can't see myself and the people I love being safe in UK too.

    It is all so nihilistic. I fall prey to cynicism. I'm alienated. I see no hope. What if there is no point. What if bigotry will eventually rise up and take over, no matter what I do. I want to see myself belonging. And doing something for the sake of change and peace. My attention span is low too. I fail opening a resource I genuinely want to read and study. I just watch youtube. I just watch something else. I keep trying and trying, but I can't seem to find common ground between two entirely different worlds I see in the future.

    I still survive. I still live. Being queer. Being mentally ill. Being inherently against the oppressive system. I continue to fight. I'll continue being kind. Making the environment around me peaceful for those I love, and for anyone wanting love. I can't give up.

    I don't know what's the point of posting this. I hope everyone is doing well. Take care of yourself. Be kind. Keep fighting the war, both inside and out.


    Psychotherapy and psychiatry in a capitalistic system effectively exists to reinforce the status of the bourgeoisie rather than to abolish it

    Being a graduate from 3 years of studying psych and with an active experience of mental illness, I can say that no amount of studying theory and doing therapy+ taking meds for years helped me realize the root of my problems and my worth as a human. more than Marxist analysis. I live to be a part of the revolution, and as long as psychotherapy reinforces the client to believe in themselves and to accept the realities of it is what it is, it will never achieve its job of liberating the person. There is a need for psychology to gain a Marxist perspective, more so from modern day leftists in the mental health field.


    Conversations that result in the statement that capitalism is the problem without discussion of an alternative system that can work is one of the main issues in the uneducated

    Resolving this issue in the uneducated worker is going to be important in reaching class-consciousness. This does not only happen amongst the workers or those who are uneducated. People who are right-wing or so-called centrists (including liberals) do adopt this position of "its because we're under capitalism", saying "Oh well", then continuing to live their lives. The worker is disillusioned with not having the freedom to live the lives they want. To have a work that they can feel secure under, that guarantees their healthcare and rights. This can only just lead to a limited number of options. The workers will play the role of labour aristocracy that the bourgeoisie want them to play. This is not mutually exclusive to nihilism. They can be brainwashed into the capitalistic dream of one day being able to be as rich as the millionaires, fully submitting into capitalism. They can adopt nihlism of there not being anything else they can do, in another way, also submitting to the current system. Capitalism is just how the world works, what else can I do?

    Education is largely bourgeoisie sponsored which does mean the learners are trained to adopt a black and white thinking, they'll either not grow up learning an alternative system at all or will learn that the alternative systems that existed are apparently way worse than the current one so there's nothing else one can do.

    All of this is nothing that doesn't exist in theory, its just that these conversations are useless, they don't contribute to anything but reinforcement of intentionally or unintentionally succumbing to capitalistic ideology.

    The current young and coming generations are so used to seeing short-form video content across social media platforms, seeing manosphere videos and finance tech bros (ofcourse a huge overlap in those two) telling one that they can be like them. Toxic masculinity is something that is constantly hugely influencing how the teenagers at present grow up in. We can't tell these kids, if we do happen to stumble on them, not to listen to these youtube videos. Influencing someone at this age is a very complex process and using direct wordings won't work. Plus, what can we do if (and mostly, when) their parents themselves are not that educated, or in cases where the parents themselves are aspiring to be millionaires and not realizing the class-conflict that separates them from their dreams. This is mostly seen in the middle-class because the people in the videos themselves have become the rich. They can only keep their status, ofcourse, by continuing to exploit the lower classes.

    Are the victims of these people really changeable? Coming back to the point of where workers go from here, I feel like there is a thin line, from where a worker is still disillusioned by their work and continues to work, being nihilistic, to where they become conscious of their class yet decide they chose to support the rich.

    Ofcourse, its only by doing our best to educate class-consciousness onto the former can we continue to move on in our revolution. Domino effect will happen, but we have to actively play a part in it. Socialism being necessary and inevitable means the people play a part in making it that way

    Bourgeoisie education is exploitation. Education does not have to be that way.

    (This is not a theory related post, just my opinions on things)


    Not specifically Marxist, but rhetoric in general

    I don't want to debate right-wingers online, its just a waste of time, but that's where they get most of the support from. its not that the right wingers have an established community online and they do hate speech, the worse thing I get sad about is the people they brainwash.

    I'm still learning theory, but I also want to start educating myself on discourse and meta-discourse too, and pointing out the fallacies that they go for, why they go for it, why the uneducated believe it.

    I know there are resources on this, I just wanted to know where I can start. Would linguistics be a field of study connected to this? I think it does make sense.


    How educated should a proletariat be?

    Forgive me if I'm just overthinking or thinking about nothing, I'm just wondering how educated should a worker be to be class conscious?

    How I came to thinking was just pondering on people who are gullible to other people's opinions, and the ethics of ethical education? Maybe just nonsense meta stuff, but what exactly can people do, and how can we teach people to be self-aware enough to listen to what they truly believe in. Especially when it comes to adolescents who are surrounded by information dumping news sources and ideas from all sides, and any one source just has to be charismatic/bold enough for it to stick in someone's head for long term
