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l_b_i l_b_i
Posts 162
Comments 754
Is that all it takes? [M]
  • The dream

  • After the recent update I'm having a very weird problem with casual mode.
  • I'm on linux and have to use the legacy opengl drivers. If its moving a window that causes your issue, that sounds like a graphics issue more than anything else.

  • After the recent update I'm having a very weird problem with casual mode.
  • Is it every map, or just one? I haven't checked in a few days, but any time I tried to join a round on outburst, the game would crash. No other issues on other maps I've tried.

  • Furrjoi Drone Party [M] (By Rem_Phase2)
  • That mask style has been around for a while, but seems to have really taken off since furrjoi started actually making them.

  • Horsing Around At The Slave Market [M] (By 100Racs)
  • I'm of the opinion fantasy is fantasy. Its something I think about from time to time. Most fantasies are accepted, some are questioned, and some are rejected. Its interesting where each person draws the line and why.

    With regards to some more extreme NC play, one artist wanted to move away form it.. sort of. So they made art with those themes part of a "video" series. (this link is mostly SFW and enplanes what I said)

    All that being said, I might like to be in the position those ponies are in. good amount of restraints, chastity, suits, harnesses, they got it all.

  • Rule
  • Their listed accounts are mostly still up, just inactive. Check bluesky

  • Announcing termination and archival of in 2025: we will be gone, but hopefully immortalized.
  • Yes. When yiffit becomes read only, you will no longer be able to log into your account. There are some tools to transfer some preferences/settings to a new account, but messages, comment history, post history... will not transfer.

  • Announcing termination and archival of in 2025: we will be gone, but hopefully immortalized.
  • What to write here? I really don't know.

    I have worried that one day I would go to yiffit and it would just be gone, so thank you for the heads up.

    After all my time lurking this is the first place on the internet I tried to be active. Its worked out well for me and has helped more than you will ever know. I've generally felt home here and have enjoyed our little community. This feels a little like loosing a friend. I'll be around some other places now, but it just won't be the same.

    Thank you for everything you've done. I'll definitely miss yiffit and its users when its gone.

  • Stockings rule
  • Those paws don't look angy.

  • Why are furry conventions offering HIV testing to attendees? - Dhole Moments
  • I assume this is in reference to the US (Regan's) (lack of / adversarial) response to AIDS in the 80s.

  • Catching Up (Pilot)
  • He talks a little about the direction and themes he wants to explore in the behind the scenes video.

  • 5 pin connector recommendations that have both male and female sockets available
  • 10A is a pretty big ask. You might want a few more pins to spread that current around. What are you other pins used for. DE-9 is where I would probably start.

  • ERROR incorrect_login but only on my PC?
  • Another dumb thing. If you're using a password manager, are the username and password correct/updated?

    Are there any other popups that come at the same/similar time?

    The only place I can find the error text "incorrect_login" is in lemmy-js-client-main. I'll have to do a bit more digging to find what all the causes are. At least one cause is bad username password combo.

    Though, consistent errors on lots of pages makes me think some extension might be interfering with the javascript.

  • ERROR incorrect_login but only on my PC?
  • pawb was having an issue related to logins where the cookie was not set correctly.
    The lemmy front end is almost exclusively javascript making api calls. I tested just now and it worked for me.

    If its a related issue, some additional info and debug steps (you can say hi to my alter ego).

    Some quick things to try, private window to ensure no login data sneaked by the clear. Create a fresh profile with no plugins to test.

  • Videos l_b_i

    Catching Up (Pilot)

    static website generator
  • how about jekyll? Lots of customization available.

  • haven't asked anything in a while, so, How's it going yiffi/pawb and guests?


    What do you to your home when you leave for a week or more

    Things like turning the water off, or unplugging things... At minimum I shut the water valve and unplug pretty much anything I can. I'll usually set the thermostats to be a little more extreme than usual. Do you do anything?

    Videos l_b_i

    Making an atomic trampoline

    The important part of the description

    > Almost 2 years ago, I saw a video that Steve Mould made about something called an atomic trampoline and the moment that I saw it, I really wanted to one. The only sad part is that it is now impossible to buy one, so instead, I decided to just make one myself.


    Furaffinity DNS hijacking

    So it seems someone got control of the registrar. So guess for a failure of networksolutions? social engineering of the same? or phishing?

    update: August 22 FA is back up. See announcement on twitter, discord, or screenshots of the same floating around.


    If you haven't seen the news already, Dragoneer Has Passed Away

    He will certainly be remembered.


    What pointless little things annoy you?

    I just got invited to a meeting for a time zone that doesn't exist this time of year. In the US EST does not stand for Eastern time, it stands for Eastern Standard Time (\November-\March), EST is not an active time zone, it is EDT Eastern Daylight Time. Its a pointless thing, most people probably don't notice, but its wrong.

    Fake internet points to anyone who knows why DB-9 bothers me.

    Edit: corrected a missing n in an eastern

    Videos l_b_i

    RCR goes to Anthrocon 2024

    A very Mr. Regular video about Anthrocon. A guest appearance of lots of stairs.


    How would you describe your personal demons

    If your willing to share how would you describe your internal demons. I think most people probably have some. Some have more control than others.

    My two biggest are a petrifying fear of change, and one I don't know how to articulate well, a petrifying fear of interaction would probably be the best short description.

    Change/future: when I left my old job, I had a new one already. Everyone already knew I was leaving. Actually, officially, putting in my 2 weeks notice took me almost a full workday to work up the courage to submit, and I'd already told my boss weeks earlier. I don't like my job now, have a few other things I could consider and the financial means to do it, but I am terrified of following through on any of it. What if I don't like it... What if.. what if... what if... I don't like what I do now, but I am comfortable doing it. I work from home and have wanted to move for over 5 years. I know some of this could be risk aversion, but it seems excessive and irrational at times.

    Interactions: Even before submitting my first post here, filling out the form with why I wanted to join was hard for me to do; submitting my first post was terrifying. Even now I have a little worry every time. Its getting better with time, and I do what I can to fight it, but its always there. It took me 10 years before I clicked the watch button on an artist's page. I've never been "normal" and I guess I had some fear of being "found out" or shame? dunno. I was afraid someone I might know would be there. I don't know why, that's why they're demons. I recently joined a few discord servers, I feel like an imposter, that I don't belong, that nobody wants to hear what I have to say, or I'm being in the way. I don't know if its just some social anxiety, or something deeper.

    Videos l_b_i

    The Importance of Inconvenience

    Video description for those who use a non US lemmy instance: > I'm back and I'm talking about old stuff that I miss


    My best description would be a video essay about how interactions with technology change how media is looked at.

    Furry Technologists l_b_i
    Videos l_b_i

    The Artificial Intelligence That Deleted A Century

    > In the last week of December, 2028, humanity forgot about more than a century of pop culture. You've probably never thought about it, and never found it strange — but the reason is an artificial intelligence called Earworm. > > ⏩ is a series of YouTube videos from a future. > > WHY WE FORGOT THE 20TH CENTURY > > WRITTEN and NARRATED BY: Tom Scott > ANIMATED BY: Jordan Husmann

    I've always kinda like the from a future videos.


    Famous Furries?

    Who are some celebrities, youtubers, or other notable people who you think or know are probably furries even if they don't explicitly acknowledge it.

    I'll propose John Oliver, I would say Mr. Regular too, but he has publicly acknowledged it for a while now.

    Videos l_b_i

    Sardyuon Anthrocon 2012 US Debut Performance

    Because youtube metadata is having issues, here is the description:

    > AC's fursuit guest of honor was the incredibly talented Sardyuon from Japan, and he wowed Anthrocon attendees three times on the main stage in the Spirit of Pittsburgh Ballroom at the convention center. > > This was the first of his performances, his United States debut on Friday night. It was his first time to the states and it was an honor to be graced with his presence. Watch, enjoy, and be astounded at one of the greatest fursuit talents in the world today!

    Among the first fursuit videos I cam across. Its an oldie but still one of my favorites.

    Its a fursuit video in a furry video community, let the down-votes commence.


    Weird behavior with youtube links

    Has anybody noticed weird behavior with links to youtube? Specifically, instead of the video description, I just see some German text, which translation says is a boilerplate of what youtube is. From yiffit, no image and german text, from pawb, image and accurate description. . This looks like a recent change, everything older than about 2 days ago looks fine.

    This is observed from the default desktop website.

    Edit: Based on the comment from @[email protected] I would guess youtube made a recent change and the language is generated based on where the lemmy instance is hosted.

    Next day edit (July 21): Whatever was causing has reverted. Videos posted the affected days are still messed up, but new posts look like they're working like they used to.

    Edit: later in the day. Whatever it is is back.

    Videos l_b_i

    Cat Bum Song

    Animated silliness is the best


    Do Private messages to mastodon accounts work?

    I know some interactions are possible, but do private messages work?

    Videos l_b_i


    This other link is Barnaby Dixon talking about his puppets, including dabchick on Tested with Adam Savage.


    kaytu speaks (by ruaidri) kaytu created by ruaidri - e926

    View this 1920x1080 8.71 MB image

    kaytu created by ruaidri - e926

    honestly, really, SFW from ruaidri.

    A 20s animation ruadri did with voice samples from trendane in order to play with lip syncing in animation.


    Did you know there is a furry chat community on

    One of many chat communities around lemmy but this one is furry. alright its mainly random thoughts and question of mine currently, but you are welcome to change that. [email protected] Seeing some new faces would be welcome.
