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kryllic kryllic

[!scholar]([email protected])

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/c/cybersecurity - Cybersecurity News & Discussion kryllic

Cloudflare's recent blog regarding polyfill shows that Cloudflare never authorized Polyfill to use their name in their product Automatically replacing links with Cloudflare’s mirror for a safer Internet, a popular JavaScript library service, can no longer be trusted and should be removed from websites

Automatically replacing links with Cloudflare’s mirror for a safer Internet

cross-posted from: >> Contrary to what is stated on the website, Cloudflare has never recommended the service or authorized their use of Cloudflare’s name on their website. We have asked them to remove the false statement, and they have, so far, ignored our requests. This is yet another warning sign that they cannot be trusted.


Cloudflare's recent blog regarding polyfill shows that Cloudflare never authorized Polyfill to use their name in their product Automatically replacing links with Cloudflare’s mirror for a safer Internet, a popular JavaScript library service, can no longer be trusted and should be removed from websites

Automatically replacing links with Cloudflare’s mirror for a safer Internet

cross-posted from: >> Contrary to what is stated on the website, Cloudflare has never recommended the service or authorized their use of Cloudflare’s name on their website. We have asked them to remove the false statement, and they have, so far, ignored our requests. This is yet another warning sign that they cannot be trusted.


Cloudflare's recent blog regarding polyfill shows that Cloudflare never authorized Polyfill to use their name in their product Automatically replacing links with Cloudflare’s mirror for a safer Internet, a popular JavaScript library service, can no longer be trusted and should be removed from websites

Automatically replacing links with Cloudflare’s mirror for a safer Internet

> Contrary to what is stated on the website, Cloudflare has never recommended the service or authorized their use of Cloudflare’s name on their website. We have asked them to remove the false statement, and they have, so far, ignored our requests. This is yet another warning sign that they cannot be trusted.

Debian wins Swiss trademark action against former developer
  • Honestly it does have some hallmarks of poor mental health

  • YouTube will ask iOS users to 'Allow’ tracking for more personalized ads
  • I hate how YouTube seems to intentionally show salacious ads if you opt out of ad personalization. I get a ton of Temu spam despite not purchasing anything from that app or even having it on my phone, and the ads themselves usually feature scantily-clad women that takes up 70% of the screen. I've made a habit of just opening up the comments section and keeping them open the entire duration of the video. It really feels like YouTube/Google/Alphabet is saying "oh, you don't want people around you to think you're a perv? Let us collect more data about you so you can save face in public when you use our app at the gym or at work."

  • Dev snapshot: Godot 4.3 beta 2
  • Weird, the update checker in this beta is still showing there's an update available but the only difference is how the version is typed out

  • Debian wins Swiss trademark action against former developer
  • Looks like this may be a bit of a theme for this guy...

    Apart from Debian, he has also targeted Free Software Foundation Europe (FSFE) and it has got so bad, they have had to reach the extreme of pursuing legal action against him. He violated EU data protection laws by illegally copying subscriber information from FSFE's mailing lists and subscribed everyone to his own list. He also ran a script that tried to unsubscribe everyone from FSFE's lists. Then he claimed that what he did must have been legal because he has not been arrested yet, while at the same time continuing to use his list to spread lies and defamatory statements about volunteers and the FSFE itself. Which is something he has also been doing to Open Labs, accusing them of human trafficking, running a paedophilia ring, and god knows what else.

  • Oracle Java license teams set to begin targeting Oracle users who don't think they use Oracle
  • But Oracle will be leading towards an "offer" to overlook earlier unlicensed software if they agree to sign up to the new subscription model, Biggs said.

    So...Oracle is just adopting the mafia mentality to accomplish this? Yeesh.

  • Proton receives ISO 27001 certification
  • A lot of healthcare facilities are running EOL operating systems like Windows XP or Windows 7 because the programs they use for billing or other reasons are stuck on that version. You would be shocked at how prominent this is across most "modern" infrastructure. The resistance to change stems from a "if it isn't broken, don't fix it" mentality. Pagers are still the most reliable ways to reach a doctor, which is why they're still used, not because they're necessarily the most secure.

    As easy as it is to point blame at "duh boomers" the situation with healthcare in particular is much more nuanced. Though I do agree that any luddites in charge of major hospitals are not helping the situation at all.

  • State of HTML 2023
  • The tshirt looks really cool

  • Lemmy instances die twice
  • Real ones remember One of the first instances post-Reddit migration to go away suddenly

  • what do you think about my tier list of distros
  • Just say you don't like Ubuntu lol

  • Godot: The open source game engine kryllic

    Brackeys has returned from a three-year hiatus and will be creating Godot content!

    cross-posted from:

    > Brackeys has returned from a three-year hiatus and will be creating Godot content! > > A surprise to be sure, but a welcome one. Very excited to have another YouTube juggernaut in the open source ring!


    Brackeys has returned from a three-year hiatus and will be creating Godot content!

    cross-posted from:

    > Brackeys has returned from a three-year hiatus and will be creating Godot content! > > A surprise to be sure, but a welcome one. Very excited to have another YouTube juggernaut in the open source ring!


    Brackeys has returned from a three-year hiatus and will be creating Godot content!

    A surprise to be sure, but a welcome one. Very excited to have another YouTube juggernaut in the open source ring!

    30 - 502-o-rama
  • He switched to Debian

  • Humble Bundle - Learn To Make Games in Godot 4 By
  • That's what I'm hoping for, got burned in some Blender courses a few years ago when I didn't do some due diligence lol. Thanks!

  • Humble Bundle - Learn To Make Games in Godot 4 By
  • Anyone know how current this is? Is there some sort of community that can help troubleshoot if needed?

  • [Support] Firefox 115.8.0 ESR is failing Cloudfare's captcha
  • Same issue on latest version of LibreWolf

  • What happened to my computer
  • Eventually Linus himself will come and personally re-write your cfg file for you

  • What could your distro learn from another distro?
  • You probably shouldn't be accessing a linux distro's website from mobile

    I don't think it's good to hand-wave a website's poor user experience and instead blame the user's device. The fact of the matter is that Debian's website is not as responsive as it could (imo, should) be and results in a bad user experience. With mobile traffic being responsible for over 55% of the internet's traffic, it can be generally assumed a user's first experience learning about a distro will be on a mobile device. If that first impression is bad, that can spell bad news for that distro's adoption/onboarding.

  • When everyone became paranoid
  • In a nutshell, a backdoor was intentionally planted by a malicious actor in xz Utils, an open-source data compression utility widely used in Linux and other Unix-like operating systems. This discovery was made by Andres Freund, a developer and engineer working on Microsoft’s PostgreSQL offerings. He was troubleshooting performance problems on a Debian system. Specifically, SSH logins were consuming excessive CPU cycles and generating errors with Valgrind, a memory debugging tool. Through sheer luck and Freund’s careful eye, he eventually discovered that these issues were the result of updates made to xz Utils. Upon closer inspection, he found that updates to xz Utils were the result of a maliciously inserted backdoor. The backdoor, present in xz Utils versions 5.6.0 and 5.6.1, manipulated the sshd executable, allowing anyone with a predetermined encryption key to upload and execute arbitrary code on affected devices.

  • TIL the dev of Iron Lung, an acclaimed indie horror game, faced significant backlash over increasing the price from $6 to $8
  • "I like the business model of ‘I want money so I make something that I think is worth money, and you pay me that money and you get the thing, and we're all happy’,” Szymanski continued. “That's it. There's nothing complicated or hidden here.

    Lmao I love it, gonna get this game now

  • KStars 3.7.0 is Released
  • Never heard of this, but it looks like a FOSS version of stellarium? Way cool, and the site gives nostalgic Web 1.0 vibes

  • Sengled wifi lightbulbs not keeping color settings?

    Hey all, hoping I can gain some insight into an issue I'm having with my sengled lightbulbs. Basically I have two scenes set up in HAS, one "default" scene that has all the lights at 100% brightness with soft white and another that is for movies that turns off all the light except two and modifies the color value to be a more orange, and lower brightness.

    My issue is when trying to set the default scene, the color values of my pair of lights don't seem to keep the color temperature. The color picker will immediately clear any value I set after 2 seconds, and go back to the previous scene's brightness and color. I can usually go into the sengled app to reset the color to what I want but this is far from ideal.

    It's important to note that I'm using the unofficial sengled api addon from HACS and I am not using the zigbee versions of the lightbulbs (I don't have a zigbee-compatible usb stick yet).

    Is this an api limitation or something else I'm missing? Would the zigbee versions work better than the WiFi ones? My router is practically right next to the light bulbs so I doubt that's the issue.


    We get it, it hit 4%

    In all seriousness it's very exciting, I just don't need to see the same information worded 20 different ways from random clickbait sites lol


    magnetic fields

    cross-posted from:

    > magnetic fields


    Steam Visibility: How Games Get Surfaced to Players

    This is an incredibly informative video from Valve, especially dispelling myths near the end.

    PDF version:


    Godot is headlining at the Jetbrains Gamedev Day! JetBrains GameDev Day 2023

    JetBrains GameDev Day 2023 is a full day dedicated to game development, covering Unity, Unreal Engine, and Godot.

    JetBrains GameDev Day 2023

    13:00 - 13:45 UTC 15:00 - 15:45 CET/CEST 09:00 - 09:45 EST/EDT 06:00 - 06:45 PST/PDT 16:00 - 16:45 EET/EEST

    godot-playfab – A Godot Extension To Easily Integrate PlayFab, a Cloud-Based Backend as a Service


    Johannes Ebner

    Today, all games – whether single or multiplayer – need a backend.

    But game devs want to build games, not backends (well, with some very rare exceptions). Enter PlayFab, a free backend-as-a-service solution (up to 100k users). But how do you interact with it in your favorite game engine, Godot, with your favorite scripting language, GDScript?

    In this session, we’ll show you how to leverage godot-playfab, the Godot/GSDScript SDK Johannes maintains, so you can make the most of it in your Godot game!
