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itsAsin itsAsin
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United Airlines starts serving passengers personalized ads on seat-back screens
  • “There is the potential for 3.5 hours of attention per traveler, based on average flight time,” United said.


  • particles
  • who is that cute man, please?

  • TIL in the Carboniferous Period, no fungus existed to decompose trees. They just grew on top of each other up and up.
  • that's what i was thinkin... surely single-cell eukaryote (fungi) is earlier than complex eukaryote (shark)?

  • this sublemmy reminds me of mnmlssgs. i haven't listened to techno much since they closed shop a decade ago. great job! keep em coming!

  • Calculus made easy
  • calculus made easy?

  • best streaming device to pair with a pc monitor and speakers?
  • wiimamp

    wiimamp REVIEW

    found this while browsing yesterday... not exactly what you are looking for, but maybe get you on the right track.

  • Do you have any famous ancestors that you are aware of?
  • i (longtime ex-mo) am fifth generation from Parley P Pratt who personally helped brother Joseph develop his insipid theology.

    our ancestors stood together at ensign peak. such a proud history

  • How much do successful people let past events affect them?
  • hello. that was really lovely to read.

    i share a lot of similarities with your story. although honestly you seem to be faring much better than i have into my middle age.

    there definitely was a successful future for me to be had. but i fell off that path hard a decade ago and now i have very little hope nor desire to find success in any standard measure.

    it has been an interesting experience to discover exactly how and why i made the choices that have landed me in my current situation. i am well beyond regret or blame (per se), and am simply grateful for some tiny piece of reality to call my own.

    honesty is important.

    good luck.

  • The amount of plastic from a Kinder Bueno 4 pack
  • i have recently become very aware of and disgusted by the the amount of plastic waste i make.

    every single goddammed thing is covered in it. it's obscene and i am ashamed.

  • Your AI Girlfriend Is a Data-Harvesting Horror Show
  • i second this request. please

  • I'm speachless...
  • the FARTS

  • Happy moldy monday rule
  • cow looks downhearted

  • Feels alien sometimes
  • but democracy itself hangs in the balance! no really this time for real tho!... if you contentiously abstain from participation all the bad things will happen all at once!!!!

    (craven manipulation, the lot of it.) 👎

  • Italian province orders all dogs to be DNA tested in poo crackdown
  • when i encounter a dog turd on the sidewalk, i usually imagine force-feeding it to the nasty owner who left it there. it makes me super angry.

  • Drag Race fans 'exhausted' by 'mean' queen 'trying too hard' to be a villain
  • This article was crafted with the help of AI tools, which speed up the Daily Express editorial research.

    i wish they hadn't admitted this... now i feel terrible for reading it.

  • what has worked for you to stop getting angry thinking about people who hurt you?
  • i spend a lot of time alone and so my mind wandering out unattended can be a real problem. years ago (45 now), i finally traced back to the single moments in my life that caused my demise and since then my brain LOVES to torture me repeatedly with the pain and betrayal and shame and anger of those moments.

    1.5 years ago i found something that helps. i made "elevator music" for my mind.

    i have always had a bit of a problem getting songs stuck in my head. so i found one that i like but not love (not a favorite song) that i have known for forever, and put the chorus and bridge on permanent replay.

    the tune and lyrics are available as a reflex, last for about a minute before the loopback, it is calming and centering and allows me to manually wrest control away from thought processes that are harming me but seem to be happening automatically.

    it may be that this is too specific of a solution, but it aids my sanity. good luck to you.

    (the song is: "Spinning the Wheel" by George Michael)

  • New Massachusetts 'Tax the Rich' law raises $1.5 billion for free school lunch and more
  • when was the last time you paid your taxes?... or were they auto-deducted from your paycheck before you even had a chance to count it?

    "you're free to move to a place...." hahaha! haaahahaha! WHAT? you are not a serious person.

  • What was the best thing that happened to you this year?
  • it is really bugging me that you are getting heavily downvoted for this. it's not like you are actively proselytizing here. i am sorry people are so shitty.

    i think belief in (some type of) god is probably pretty healthy. unfortunately, my life experience has led me to a failure to believe in anything at all.

    anyways.... you do you. be well.

  • good ole ATS carbrains

    ! ! !

    .... is not worth arguing with these particular assholes on this particular website. but, geeez.


    the beginning of the end of the world

    images taken with specialized photography of the first few micro-seconds of a nuclear blast. ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

    i am too lazy and grumpy today to find more relevant info for you (sorry). but these are sitting on my drive and it feels like the right day to post them up.

    have a great weekend everyone!


    xfinity hotspot access fuckery

    this is where my brand-new unwrapped xfinity modem will live, unused, forever.

    i recently did some deep cleaning and found the (two years) old modem sitting in a closet. unused because i am perfectly satisfied logging into the xfinity hotspot broadcast from my neighbors and there is no co-ax outlet in my place.

    i considered just tossing the thing into the trash, but decided to be a responsible consumer.

    after returning the old device to the xfinity store and subsequently discovering that my hotspot access was turned off, i got to take repeat train ride into the city to pick up a new device. it turns out that even though my account is in good standing, a physical device is required to be attached to my account in order to maintain hotspot access.

    should i have just tossed the old one? should i just toss this one?
