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i_ben_fine i_ben_fine
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It's Tuesday, what made you happy last week
  • I've been doing judo since January 2023. I've only gone to one tournament, so I'm going to work on that over the next year. My classmates are usually responsible about staying out when they start getting sick, but we had a big get together a couple months ago that left everybody ill.

  • It's Tuesday, what made you happy last week
  • Judo. I just enjoy getting thrown a whole lot.

  • It's Tuesday, what made you happy last week
  • Despite a lot of schedule fuckery and stresses, I managed to attend my main hobby. A lot of my growth has been in regulating my response to stress.

  • It's Tuesday, what made you happy last week
  • At least you have your health. /s

    I hope you get an upswing soon. You deserve some wins, and you definitely deserve better relationships.

  • It's Tuesday, what made you happy last week
  • Are you healing well? I would've lost all the badass points when I started complaining.

  • Texas woman arrested for allegedly attempting to drown 3-year-old Palestinian Muslim child in possible hate crime
  • pineapplelover doesn't look like a bot. I think some people just get Facebook brain where they do engagement without thinking.

  • Pets Sunday - How are they doing?
  • I love that he has no idea. The veterinarian said he can have as much dog-safe table scraps as he wants.

  • Pets Sunday - How are they doing?
  • Our dog was diagnosed with congestive heart failure, so we're sad. His meds are definitely helping, and he's still excited whenever the plumbers visit.

  • What popular product do you think is modern day snakeoil?
  • This sounds like snake oil in response to snake oil

  • Bike shops should take car trade-ins
  • You're not wrong

  • tag thyself
  • The Uninsp'ired Wastes is perfect for me

  • Sorry, Matilda.
  • It should be longer.

  • It's Friday - What are your plans for the week-end?
  • I wish online judo communities were more active. Reddit's is practically dead -- Lemmy's is barely worth mentioning.

  • It's Friday - What are your plans for the week-end?
  • I'll be doing judo and sleeping.

  • YSK: is managed by tankies, and lead lemmy developer is a tankie
  • The main source for this is Amnesty International page 76. The relevant text:

    In an effort to improve cost-efficiency, Chinese provincial authorities are introducing mobile execution vans in which convicts are given a lethal injection, replacing the traditional execution method of firing squads. Eighteen mobile executions vans, converted 24-seater buses, were distributed to all intermediate courts and one high court in Yunnan province in 2003. In December of the same year, the Supreme People’s Court in Beijing urged all provinces to acquire execution vans “that can put to death convicted criminals immediately after sentencing”. The windowless execution chamber at the back contains a metal bed on which the prisoner is strapped down. Once the needle is attached by a technician, a police officer presses a button and an automatic syringe injects the lethal drug into the prisoner’s vein. The execution can be watched on a video monitor next to the driver’s seat and can be recorded if required.

    And I think barsquid's point is that China is keeping their imprisoned-per-capita low through executions. Even if that's incorrect, China does use execution more liberally than the U.S. And execution is evil.

  • Microblog Memes i_ben_fine

    piracy is on the rise

    The internet is beautiful. i_ben_fine Drawings by Shiro

    Scribbles, sketches, drawings, and paintings by Shiro.

    kid asked their parent to make a YouTube or Instagram for their art. The parent made a website instead.

    Microblog Memes i_ben_fine

    Make a Sacrifice to the Net Gods


    Login Failed when trying to sync at work

    I just want to report an issue I had and the solution. Obsidian was only telling me my username or password were wrong, but actually my office network's proxy was blocking the connection.

    I excluded "*" from my proxy settings and it works now.


    First Shiai!

    I got my butt kicked by some cool and friendly people. Getting thrown within 10 seconds cracked me up :D


    Broke my fifth toe

    I went for an uchi mata but accidentally kicked uke's shin. The proximal phalange is in three pieces, and my coach told me to buddy tape it and keep practicing. My classmates have been very considerate of my injury.

    I just wanted to share.


    tsurikomi goshi vs seoi nage

    Tsurikomi goshi and seoi nage feel very similar. Any suggestions for when to choose one over the other?


    I Helped Teach!

    I'm a green belt and I was allowed to teach a new white belt his first throws. It was so exciting and rewarding when he pulled off a good ogoshi.


    cross grip into drop seoi demo

    Just a short demo of right-on-right cross grip and then seoi nage


    Have you met a judoka who smokes?

    I just realized nobody in my dojo smells like cigarettes. It makes sense, and I'm curious what others have experienced.
