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hongdao 巨红岛

Profile by picrew user Miauuu.

Posts 23
Comments 46
I took an unpaid internship.
  • There is no doubt that the unpaid internship is exploitative, moreso than the already discouraging/tiring path to a first job programming. But I also think you were right to accept it as a step towards launching a career. It's something you will never have to do a second time... onward and upward

  • Do I really wanna start making jungle with protracker or is it just the retro tracker side that's interesting to me, i dunno

    You know what grinds my gears? Technology.
  • Great magazine, loved the articles about modern sailing ships and sewage handling by aquaculture.

  • The social ideology of the motorcar - Ecologise
  • What was the situation in 1973? I don't think we're actually in the worst stage of automobilism right now, honestly. I think we're still in really bad shape in North America, but the worst of it must have been some point between the time Gorz is writing and like 2010. All conjecture, not basing this on anything but impressions from some reading on the topic.

  • You know what grinds my gears? Technology.
  • I believe as individuals and society we are over reliant on unnecessarily advanced technology and should seek alternatives to distance ourselves from this.

    I feel about the same way, to the point I don't even really want print media to die. We're still looking at something right in front of us, but at least it isn't a screen. I've been framing it mentally as part of an intentional relationship I want to have with technology, and I think generally others should consider this too. Adopt technology selectively and critically, don't just let them foist new consumer durables on you, LOL.

  • China Drafts New Rules to Curb Internet Addiction Among Children and Teens
  • Think it'd be pretty easy to tell a kid you can't, or just not inform them that there is an opt-out process in the first place, but I could get it if some people object to the lying by omission

  • China Drafts New Rules to Curb Internet Addiction Among Children and Teens
  • Makes sense, a limit as strict as 8 minutes for the youngest kids seriously inhibits basic communication, so really this either has to iterated on or a great deal of parents will just opt out so it has no effect.

  • Does Lemmy allow bots? Is there an API?
  • Thank you!

    ORM + sqlite

    I am writing in C (the CLI, which I'll just have the bots use) and have never used any databases, would using the sqlite interface straightup with C and some cursory reading of docs be too much, do you think? Course I can switch it all to c++ and then there appears to be at least one nice ORM

  • Does Lemmy allow bots? Is there an API?
  • BTW, do you guys think I should use databases for this? The one formula uses a list of 4,000 easy words, and storing lists of common proper nouns will help with flagging them. Also, I could probably get vocab level data for tens of thousands of words... better in a DB than a ginormous hash table or trie?

  • Ask Comrades 巨红岛

    Does Lemmy allow bots? Is there an API?

    I'm sketching out an idea for a readability assessment program. It will report the education level required to comfortably read a body of text using formulas, Dale-Chall being the most significant, that count length of sentences, what level of vocab a word is considered to be, etc. I was inspired by the word counter website I always paste my essays into. When it's done, I would like to plug it into APIs for it to be used on Lemmy, Mastodon, and Discord.

    Cigna Accused of Using AI, Not Doctors, to Deny Claims: Lawsuit
  • Wow, I'd think somebody in a shit gig like that would be induced to develop some solidarity

  • Ask Comrades 巨红岛

    Do we have an agit prop repository? Not historical but for present day agitation?

    If not, I think we need one. I want to start postering again but I haven't had the motivation to make the posters myself, in part because I want them to be really good. Also of course historical agit prop is OK if it is still applicable which much of it, but not all, is.



    Ladies and Gentleman, We Got Her
  • lmfao american conception of "terrorists", just video game mobs that kill anybody and everybody. what issue would the IRA have with a bunch of internet Marxists who are probably entirely pro-Irish republicanism

  • Negative Aspects of contemporary Chinese culture?
  • To quote @Giyuu: I do not not live in China/am not Chinese/do not know [much of] the language/etc. But from the outside, it seems that due to reform & opening up, Chinese go through much of the same shenanigans we do, whether it will be eventually solved through planned economy or not. They have bosses, landlords, and cops; they work too much and compete for stressful jobs and rigorous education, and there is sure to be some amount of corruption even with the victories of the Tigers & Flies campaign... a friend from Tieling, Liaoning province personally complained of his folks having to pay bribes but did not get into why.

  • Since capicucks keep saying “no capitalism means no iPhone” so much, it makes me wonder how true is their argument in a post-capitalist world
  • I think a modern socialist planned economy fit for our situation would come out with a very pemanent, modular, and repairable cell phone. It would resemble an Apple product in no way, making use of open source hardware and software and with an ideological commitment against planned obsolescence.

  • Interesting article about memorization of texts especially in China but also touches on Europe


    > One student born in the 1980s wrote: From Junior One to Senior One, I spent four years learning texts by heart. According to our ancestors, ‘Memorizing 300 Tang poems makes one a poet himself’. … It is also true to foreign language learning. I regret not reciting enough texts then. [1: 218; Chinese original]

    > After the teacher finishes his explanation and checks with the students to see if they have correct comprehension, the students are required to read the text just learned 100 times: slowly at first, then a bit faster. The text should be read with rhythm, correct pauses and accurate use of the four tones. If any student cannot perform the reading- aloud properly, another 100 times of reading are required of him. [9; Chinese original]

    > Yu MinHong 4 , a celebrated educator and English teacher who was born in the 1960s, wrote: In primary and secondary school, all that we had were several thin textbooks. Without any other books to read, we had to recite the texts again and again − so much so that I could recall them till now as if they were carved in my heart. [13; Chinese original]

    > In monastic choirs the demon Tutivillus was believed to collect up sackfuls of dropped syllables from the Psalms to be weighed up at the Last Judgement against those who voiced the texts inaccurately 6

    > In her detailed analysis of uses of memory and the conceptions of memory in the Middle Ages, Carruthers [24] showed how memory played a significant role in medieval people’s intellectual and cultural lives. The great values they attached to memory can be sensed from Carruthers’s depiction: Ancient and medieval people reserved their awe for memory. Their greatest geniuses they describe as people of superior memories, they boast unashamedly of their prowess in that faculty, and they regard it as a mark of superior moral character as well as intellect. [24: I; emphasis original] … Memoria, …, was a part of litteratura: indeed it was what literature, in a fundamental sense, was for. Memory is one of the five divisions of ancient and medieval rhetoric; it was regarded, moreover, by more than one writer on the subject as the ‘noblest’ of all these, the basis for the rest. [24: 9; emphasis original]

    I've personally been trying to memorize the first 40 lines of the 3 character classic, the 三字经。Both as an experiment in memory: how much of this book can I commit to memory so well that I could recite it in full and explain every line and character? and also to get more familiar with classical chinese since it has such a distinct vocabulary, with words like 此,孝,昔,善,义 that occur elsewhere too but I haven't seen much of.

    Anyone else plays Vintage Story?
  • I'm considering starting a lemmygrad whitelist server with a couple mods. Maybe you guys would be interested!

  • Games 巨红岛

    Interest in a Vintage Story server

    Would anyone join a vintage story server? I would probably do it by whitelist, and have a few mods installed.

    For the unfamiliar Vintage Story is (to me) a sort of spiritual successor and awesome extension of the idea behind the Minecraft mod Terrafirmacraft

    The mods I've been using that I remember are Better Ruins, DR Decor, Ceramos, medieval expansion, maybe a couple others... if I can get it working, I really want to add a sailboat mod.

    For worldgen I want to make things interesting and do a hot climate or a cold climate... probably a hot climate. I like the idea of growing pineapples :D

    Some gameplay concerns: I have heard that food rotting is a problem on multiplayer because of the passage of time with no players online? Could we set up the server to pause time when nobody's on? We could probably have one collective farm so that whoever's on can take care of it and just put the harvest in a basket for others to take as needed. Really, we could probably pool a lot of stuff and get something like a commune going. I would probably play around an hour a day until September at which point I would try to set aside a couple hours a week :)

    Anyways, interested in other's ideas.

    China embraces walkability, public transport and urban green space
  • Glad to hear the automobilism is being rejected. Really it was one of my biggest worries about the direction China is going, that there seemed to be lots of cars, but I had yet to make an investigation and I like what I'm hearing :)

  • Most Americans support a $20 minimum wage. It has been $7.25 since 2009.
  • It's a nitpick, but we mean the class right? Gotha programme etc., workers as individuals need to contribute some value to the commons and society more broadly, sort of thing. But that's still the workers getting everything: First as an individual and second as a member of socialist society.

  • Soooo close to finishing my practice problem set

    For the last one you have to write a friggin iterator ;_; But I'll get to it!!

    Anyone else plays Vintage Story?
  • I played it for a couple weeks until I got tired of it for now. Me and the gf really like it!! It is an awesome continuation of the TerraFirmaCraft vision.

  • Banger opening to the US chapter from "The Urban Transport Crisis in Europe and North America" by John Pucher, Christian Lefevre

    Alt text

    No other country in the world is as dominated by the automobile as the USA. From the very beginnings of automobile travel in the early twentieth century, rates of automobile ownership and use in the USA have exceeded levels in other countries, and current rates of ownership and use are by far the highest in the world. Even countries with higher per capita incomes have fewer cars per capita than the USA. The automobile has not only dominated passenger transport in the USA; it has also become the most important determinant of the American lifestyle, urban form, and even the organization of the American economy. Virtually every aspect of life in the USA - work, social activities, recre- ation, education and culture - is crucially dependent on the automobile. For most Americans, every other mode of urban transport is practically irrelevant, and life without the automobile is unimaginable. Unlike other advanced industrialized countries, where car ownership only became widespread over the past two or three decades, almost all Americans living today grew up in an automobile dominated society, and most of them have never experienced anything else. The dominance of the car in the USA is especially striking in cities because its impact on urban land use patterns is highly visible and unmis- takable. It is also what most clearly distinguishes American cities from European cities. The term 'urban sprawl' first emerged in the USA to describe the extremely low density, unplanned, rather haphazard residen- tial and commercial development that increasingly surrounds every American city. Widespread suburbanization began earlier in the USA and has been more extensive and lower density than virtually anywhere else in the world. Low density urban sprawl would be impossible without the automobile. Just as the automobile encouraged suburbanization, so subur- banization has encouraged ever more automobile use, since low density development cannot be served effectively by public transport. The extremely high levels of car use in American cities have caused severe problems of congestion, air pollution, noise, loss of open space, traffic accidents and inadequate mobility for the poor, the elderly and the handicapped. Similar problems have arisen in other countries, but they generally arose earlier in the USA and have been more severe**___**#


    "the amount of consumption in Euro-Amerikan society is staggering"

    Settlers is weird in some places - and I still haven't read most of it, just skipped around - like scoffing at college education as essential, but i think there is a lot of interesting stuff in there too


    A graph and quote from "Capitalism, Socialism, and Urban Transportation" by John Pucher in 1990

    > When visiting cities in other countries, one is often struck by differences in their transportation systems. These differences are among the most visible indicators of variation in underlying social, political, and economic systems.

    > Take, for example, the Soviet Union and the countries of Europe and North America. Going from east to west, there is an unmistakable increase in the relative importance of the automobile and a corresponding decrease in the importance of public transport modes, such as bus, streetcar, subway, and commuter rail.

    > In the United States and Canada, the vast majority of urban travel is by auto. At the other end of the spectrum, in the Soviet Union public transport almost completely dominates, with extremely low levels of auto ownership and use. Europe lies along the middle of this spectrum, with Eastern European countries much closer to the level of public transport dominance in the Soviet Union, and with Western European countries somewhat closer to the level of auto dominance in the United States.

    > These differences in urban transportation have not arisen at random. To a significant extent, they result from decades of deliberate public policy. In the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe, socialist governments have directly set the costs of auto ownership and operation extremely high through their system of regulated prices: in addition, they have sharply restricted auto production, thus keeping supply limited. At the same time they have offered extensive public transport services at extremely low fares.

    > By contrast, policies in the United States have strongly encouraged auto ownership and use. For many decades, large subsidies to highway construction, automobile use, and low-density suburban housing have made the automobile very appealing if not irresistible. Since the same policies have contributed to the decline of public transport, that alternative was eliminated for most Americans anyway.


    What characters and words have you learned recently? 你最近学什么字/词?

    I've been reading the first book of 西游记 Journey to the West, 猴王的诞生, Rise of the Monkey King. Here a few words I learned, especially simple or widely used:

    • 哭,ku1, cry
    • 喊,han3, shout
    • 流, liu2, flow (water)
    • 简单, jian3 dan1, simple (definitely seen before)
    • 祖师, zu3 shi1, founder/master



    Trotsky on the liberation of human potential in communist society


    Thou art a star daunsinge yn a hopeful skye


    HSK word list parsed from the PDF into plain text GitHub - elkmovie/hsk30: HSK 3.0 Vocabulary Lists (words and characters)

    HSK 3.0 Vocabulary Lists (words and characters). Contribute to elkmovie/hsk30 development by creating an account on GitHub.

    GitHub - elkmovie/hsk30: HSK 3.0 Vocabulary Lists (words and characters)

    Probably not great for studying with as is, but could be very useful for creating study material.





    If a socialist movement seized power in the country next to yours, would it be better to move there or stay where you're at and try to build your own, benefitting from the momentum?

    I don't know if I'd be able to restrain myself from moving... but I may try 😀


    "What Do You Do With Your Life After You've Already Been The World's Youngest Dictator?" What Do You Do With Your Life After You've Already Been The World's Youngest Dictator?

    Valentine Strasser was once the world’s youngest dictator, ruling Sierra Leone for four turbulent years. But his fall from power left him broken, exiled, and eventually back home as a mysterious and feared recluse. BuzzFeed News makes an uninvited house call.

    What Do You Do With Your Life After You've Already Been The World's Youngest Dictator?

    European bourgeois states not mass murderer migrants challenge


    Do degrowthers really believe a peaceful transition is possible

    Source for thinking the degrowth crowd thinks this: Introduction to "The Future is Degrowth". Does the degrowth crowd really think they can get rid of capitalism without any violence? This seems to have the opposite of a historical precedent, and is a deviation in Marxism, which they seem to heavily draw from. Anytime revolutionaries took the peaceful road they got outcompeted at best and massacred at worst.

    Creative Writing 巨红岛

    Ideas for rationalizing a lack of fossil fuels/ a timeline where capitalism has to grow without coal and gas?

    In an alternate history work of fiction, what would be a good way to rationalize/justify a world in which there is no usage of fossil fuels?

    I think in this alternate history / worldbuilding idea, the physical matter still exists - there is coal, oil, etc, in the earth, but I am wondering if we can come up with a satisfying reason why humans could not make use of anything more efficient than peat in production. Is there a scientific-sounding explanation that could be given to make a world in which coal and oil are useless in industry?

    I have been reading "The Future is Degrowth" and "The Origin of Capitalism" and that is what inspired this. The first book says something along the lines of "the capitalism we know, of endless accumulation, is fundamentally a fossil capitalism". The second book makes a very convincing case that what existed in England centuries before fossil fuels was already distinctly (agrarian) capitalist. Interest in everyone's thoughts and ideas about how this could be constructed, and what sort of events could play it out in the cradle of capitalism but also worldwide.
