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hobbsc hobbsc

network cowboy and mercenary janitor; one half hillbilly and one half [cyber]punk. clown computing enthusiast. i do filthy, nerdy things.

aka cmhobbs, hobbsc, notcmhobbs, nilmethod, rev. dok. granggg, kd5ryo, and a heap of other names.

elder fedizen from the statusnet days. i am fickle and flighty with social media, so expect this account to implode at any time. i ramble about infosec, tech, games, and whatever the hell else comes to mind. i aggressively mute or block political posts.

Posts 0
Comments 2
Some thoughts:
  • @[email protected] godspeed and so forth!

  • Some thoughts:
  • @[email protected] ain't no reason it can't stay small. it's been small since the early days of, nearly 16 years ago. it'll keep trucking along.

  • @[email protected] @[email protected] @[email protected] @[email protected] @[email protected]
  • @lamp @bookstodon @histodons @academicchatter @actuallyautistic @palestine @infodump while I wish it'd come back, Usenet is 99.99% spam or binaries now. The bins are cool but discussion is all but dead.

  • Another game from my GameGear flash cart: Aerial Assault. A very solid horizontal SHMUP. Nothing special, but fun.
  • @[email protected] game gear is a library i have yet to explore. a friend had one when we were kids but that was my only exposure to it.